incubus fight part 1

the bus ride was unremarkable to say the least, it was anxiety inducing in the beginning with the violent shaking and questionable noises, but they soon subsided after a few minutes, which originally made me feel even more anxious since I didn't know if it would come back but over time I slowly stopped caring.

*I have wings, worst case I fly wherever I want*

staring out the window apparently I had misses millie calling my name for 5 minutes straight until she just yanked my hair back, I liked it, dammit!

"you're more kinky than you let on."(millie)

"no im not."(Andrea)

"I was trying to ask you a question."(millie)

"what do you want?"(Andrea)

"I was trying to ask you your favorite ways to masturbate."(millie)

"why the fuck do you want to know that?"(Andrea)

"maybe you'll have something that'll work for me I've been having a dry spell lately."(millie)

"I don't even want to know."(Andrea)

"so do you have favorites?"(millie)

I turned away and ignored her, I was almost hoping for cranky teen personality to show up since that one could probably shut the fuck up for more than 5 seconds.

the woman was Indulging millie's conversation, good for her, glad it's not me, since her topics went from one thing to the next like an adhd squirrel on a sugar high.

it didn't take long after that to reach the school, the second we did I could immediately tell we weren't the only succubus there, looks like more were at this school than the woman thought, millie could've seen this too had she not been talking about anal at the moment with passion to someone who probably wanted nothing to do with that topic.

I walked off the bus first not even wanting to see if miss sex brain was following, the more she was around me the more I wanted cranky teen, or any other personality.

like an expert I found my way to the main office, I've never been here but in some schools it's the first thing you find guess this was one of them.

going in I told them I was new and gave them my name, they printed out some papers read somethings and then told me to head outside to a field with a lot of students gathered on it, this was trial day.

the second I heard trial day I immediately thought back to the first one I had gone through, it was what started my bullying experience, I had to tell myself that this time would be different, but I was having a hard time believing it.

using the directions it only took me about a minute of walking on lush fields with different sports areas and even what looked like an arena of sorts I came upon a large group of gathered people and made my way silently into it, not disturbing anyone.

with my sweats covering most of my "assets" and my face partially covered by my hood no one really gave me a second glance, I was just a new face in a crowd, nothing special, my plan was working, go unnoticed and I'll be fine.

it was about a minute of waiting before a man walked onto what looked like an impromptu platform with 4 large circles on it, I passed an arena on the way here but he's on a hastily built wood half stage with circles on it, this didn't make any sense to me.

"alright newbies, we're here to give you what I call the placement test, do well and you'll be fine, do bad and we'll feed you to the demons."(man)

*what the fuck is he doing?*

"ha I'm kidding demons aren't allowed in the human realm as of late."(man)

"do they actually stick to that?"(succubus)



"a demon hasn't been spotted in a while."(man)

"there was one spotted in the neighboring country that killed 2 people and disappeared.."(random boy)

*why does that sound so familiar?*

"some say she had wings and pink eyes."(random girl)

*was it me?*

"those are just rumors, we'll be fine."(man)

"this has become a shitshow."(Andrea) I muttered to myself granting a few side glances from other students.

"anyway back on topic, and all jokes aside."(man)

"those were jokes?"(random girl)

"aren't jokes supposed to be funny?"(random boy)

"isn't the point of jokes to make people laugh?"(random girl)

"alright anyway the matches are as follows."(man)

I partially ignored him as he read off names, I heard my name along with someone else's but I barely paid mind to it, I knew they'd call me so paying attention wasn't my highest priority at the moment.

my highest priority was trying to figure out why I was sensing more than a few demons, I was told that they had been pulled out of the human realm, was that a lie? it must have been I can't trust anything she says right now.

I was happily lost in my thoughts until a guy walked up to me, someone I could tell was most likely a sex demon as well.

"I need to talk with you."(incubus)


"because the strongest of both succubus and incubus have to meet on day one."(incubus)

"I'm only level 2, you have the wrong person."(Andrea)

"your stats say otherwise, level isn't as important as you may think, you have strength sure but my guess is you've never used it."(incubus)

"congrats, do you want a prize?"(Andrea)

"I need to talk to you."(incubus)


"it wasn't a question."(incubus)

"neither was what I said, back off."(Andrea)

I glowed my eyes at him sending all my frustration through my glare, he backstepped a bit before he regained his composure and started looking angry.

"how dare you bitch, do you know who I am?"(incubus)

"don't know don't care."(Andrea)

"I will end you."(incubus)

"for what? making you back off like you should've when someone tells you no."(Andrea)

"no one tells me no."(incubus)

"I just did."(Andrea)

he sent a punch my way, in my view it was slow as hell, without much effort I caught his fist midair before he got too close, and twisted his arm to the side a bit, holding him in place.

"this little demonstration was sad, you're trying to bully someone stronger than you purely because you don't like the word no, pathetic."(Andrea)

he tore his hand from my grip, which I let happen, can't let this get too boring now.

he got into what I assumed was a battle stance I wasn't sure he looked stupid, launching in quick succession kicks towards my head and body they were met with air as I easily sidestepped or moved out of the way of all of them, quite easily too.

the crowd had begun to make a large circle around the event as this was only day one and the school bully was getting his ass handed to him.

I kept dodging his really sad attempts at kicks until finally I got bored and caught his leg, I brought my elbow down on his knee, hard, his leg bent the wrong way and he released the girliest of screams I've ever heard and I've heard my voice, and dropped to the ground.

"I told you no, you should've listened."(Andrea)

"no one tells me no."(incubus) said as he put his leg back in place, giving my ears a taste of another girly scream.

I summoned two fireballs around me and used a magic circle to encompass the area we were in, a wall of pink fire separating the crowd from us and increasing my magic power.


I sent the fireballs towards him, he used a shadow barrier to block them, the flames slowed then dissipated once they hit, I had started to understand my magic but not enough for higher level spells, I could beat him physically but he had me in magic.

another pink magic circle of mine hovered in the air where fire creatures began dropping out of, this neat little spells summoned minions.

the circle closed and 10 creatures of variety were in the circle, snakes, wolves, skeletons, golems, and even a large lizard of some kind were in front of me all looking violent and bloodthirsty, perfect.

"your move."(Andrea)

*ah shit I shouldn't have said anything*