
my summoned creatures were killed instantly by shadow like tendrils that came from magic circles tattooed on his body, of course.

I barely evaded them as my hoodie was destroyed, leaving me in a now crop top shirt, I fucking hate those tendrils.

I crouched low to avoid them and bolted at incredible speed into close combat range, I grabbed his outstretched arms and crushed them, making him release another girly scream, the longer we fought the sadder it got.

I swung my leg back and nearly full force kicked him in the nuts sending him into the air a good 3 feet, the sound he emitted was near dog whistle frequency, I barely heard it.

he came ragdolling to the floor, vomiting the second his body was still, for good measure I kicked his teeth in, it didn't serve any other purpose than venting my frustration at him.

the second I turned I saw the guys almost instantly get boners and they all immediately tried to look in any direction but mine, looking down I saw that the remains of my shirt only really covered my back and shoulders, loose strands held It together in the front but other than that my tits were on full display, I covered my chest and hit the floor fast, I may have confidence but being partially naked in front of more than one person was something I didn't have in me to do.

the crowd awkwardly dispersed, I knew what the guys were now going to do, but I wasn't sure about the girls, it's never been my strong suit understanding the female mind and now I was one I thought I'd magically understand em but nope I still got nothin.

"for now everyone head to basic classes well place you in combat classes sometime this week."(man)

"you two come with me."(man)

he looked pissed, great day one and I'm already in trouble talk about history and repeats.

the incubus pulled himself off the ground barely, he weakly followed the man along with me, I stayed behind everyone so I could make sure they werent staring at me, we were led back into the schools front main area and to the main office, where we were seated apart but still kinda close and the man disappeared for a sec before re-emerging with a basic black t-shirt.

quickly taking and putting on the shirt I reclined in the crappy chair that schools always seem to get and tried to relax for a moment, it's like I could sense how annoying this was going to be.

this other dude was screwed, back in my school the second a girl said anything about saying no and the words self defense the guy no matter the situation was done for, who knew academic sexism would prevent me getting in trouble now?

it took a minute but we were finally called in, and to my absolute prediction the dudes parents were there, parents showing up for kids that weren't me in fighting incidents happened daily, they weren't demons, so it turns out humans becoming demons was more commonplace than anyone thinks.

"were here to discuss the fight between you two."(principal)

"fight? she nearly killed our son, we saw the footage."(incubus mom)

"he tried to force me to do something I didn't want to do I was prepared to defend myself, he attacked first."(Andrea)

"you should have some remorse!"(incubus mom)

"look lady I've been in this situation too many times to count, I was bullied and nothing was ever done so I'm sorry I can't force myself to care about what happened to someone who was trying to bully me into something."(Andrea)

"ok that's enough bickering."(principal)

"she is right, albeit a tad extreme it is self defense, and the extreme nature of the self defense is probably due to what she said about repeated unstopped bullying."(principal)

"you're taking the side of this whore?"(incubus mom)

"ok lady just wow."(Andrea)

"someone should put you in your place."(incubus mom)

before anyone could react I was at the moms throat I had her on the wall, she was gagging and struggling.

"lets get one thing straight here, my place is wherever I say it is and you have no right to tell me how to live, you are gonna shut the fuck up and have your creepy little shit of a child leave me alone."(Andrea)

I dropped the half strangled parent to the floor, the dad looked anxious, he wanted nothing to do with this situation anymore, classic.

the mom tried to stand but I shot her a death glare, she stayed on the floor and away from me.

"I want her charged."(incubus mom)


"I want her charged for assaulting an adult."(incubus mom)

"sure I don't care go ahead, jail might be more fun that this dog and pony bullshit show."(Andrea)

the principal had no control of the situation anymore it was me and the mom fighting for dominance.

"put her in the men's ward make sure they keep the cells unlocked at night."(incubus mom)

"yes dear."(incubus dad)

for the first time he stood, the dude was huge, like absolutely massive, nearly 7 feet tall and muscled like a green God, I couldn't help but notice I got a little wet, I fucking hate this.

one blow to the back of my head that I barely saw coming and I lost my footing, I tumbled to the floor and it was too much effort to stay awake sleep had taken me.


"you have no right to do this to someone defending themselves."(principal)

"she attacked me I can do what I want."(incubus mom)

"I've got a better idea mom."(incubus)

"I'm listening."(incubus mom)

"lets take her home."(incubus)

"ok."(incubus mom)

"now wait a damn minute.."(principal)

he never got to finish that sentence as he also fell unconcious, the dad was very effective in his methods.

he grabbed the girl and followed his wife out to the car, he didn't want to know what his sick son wanted with her, it was even worse that his wife was ok with this but he was powerless to do anything she had him by the balls.