race change

my ears were ringing as my body felt like it was melting from the inside out, I was gagged so my groans were muffled, I was blindfolded too, awesome.

[race change ritual success]

*I'm sorry what?*

[race has changed from succubus to breeding succubus]

*woah woah woah hold the fucking phone, why don't I get a say in this*

[ritual was done in a state of vulnerability, mental defenses to ritual were nonexistent]

[updating stat screen]

[showing changes:


-(absolute insemination: any creampie will result in impregnation)

-(quick preggo: time pregnant is usually only a day or two)

-(perfect reproducer: removal of chances for birth defects or weaknesses)

-(perfect regeneration: body will always revert to default state)


-(abort: stops baby from being produced)

passives removed:


*no no no no*

*cmon cancel changes*

[impossible, ritual is permanent, every species is allowed one race edit for their entire lifetime]


[calculating chance of memory recovery and mental breakdown]

[chance is 95%]

[last line of defense, absolute chastity invoked]

I felt something cover my lower body and click in several places, it wasn't uncomfortable and I didn't really feel it but someone else definitely noticed.


"what's wrong?"(incubus mom)

"invoking the absolute chastity, it won't come off until she deals with trauma."(incubus)

"so use your mind powers and make her deal with it."(incubus mom)

"wish I could it'd be much easier, but I can't any attempt at forcing a recovery will only further break whatever broken, meaning more will be covered."(incubus)

"well go grab a chainsaw well yet this thing off, she'll regenerate well just cut her in half."(incubus mom)

at that I started struggling, like really struggling, the bed was creaking and groaning and the chains were bending, I could almost hear the weak one about to snap.

the blindfold was aggressively ripped off my face, temporarily blinding me and making me miss the strike soaring at my face.

on our accident and luck I avoided it, which only made whoever tried to hit me angrier.

"deal with your made up bullshit so we can sell demon kids to the black market."(incubus mom)

*that's their plan, really? and they took me to do it?*

[this particular race change makes succubus valuable to many]


[succubus can bring back populations from the brink of extinction]

*cool except I don't want that.*

[can no longer prevent memory flood]

*what does that mean?*

images flashed through my mind, memories of pain and being used raced through my head on repeat, I felt all the pain over again, all the hurt over again, I was flailing pretty hard, the chains couldn't take it and snapped, the second I hit the floor my screams got louder, my panic even more desperate, I covered what I could with my hands and began scooting desperately in any direction I could manage, my eyes were clouded with tears and a repeated playback of these memories.

I felt the thing on my lower body spreading quickly, at a very fast pace over my entire body, the second the memories stopped and I could partially see the second I saw him I freaked out more, I actually began pleading, the mom's face was twisting into that of confusion.


"it's called memory flood, when someone is turned into a demon who needs to a certain thing to live any trauma regarding that thing if sever enough is locked away so the demon can survive, so they can feed, when the lock breaks due to stress the demon loses it, the trauma comes back and hits them like a mack truck, some don't survive."(incubus)

"so let the whore die, we have enough to do the ritual 20 times, find someone new."(incubus mom)

"yes mother."(incubus)


they left me in the room covered in a metal suit head to toe, every inch of me was covered, I still didn't feel safe, I felt worse, I felt trapped.

a coffin of sorts began to form around me, this was the opposite of good I tried escaping or fleeing but my strength was failing me, I tried to pull my way out of this or burn out of it but nothing was working I was screaming for help as loud as I could but my voice was getting quieter, I was losing my rational thinking, my first and only thought was escape, I needed to get out of here, the last thing I could do was cry silently as my world went black and I could no longer move.


[full force memory deletion commencing]

[targeted memories successfully deleted]

[any new traumas will be assessed before deletion]

[hibernating succubus until full memory deletion process has completed]

[summoning guardian early, giving succubus access to ability]

I opened my eyes for the first time and found myself in a room with my master on the floor naked, the poor girl.

I gently picked her up, placed her on the bed and wrapped the sheets around her.

[protect her]

(I'll do my best)(guardian)

opening my wings and picking up my master I dove out of the window and flapped away into the night, scanning the ground for suitable places to lay low.

seeing a nice hidden cave in the distance I directed us towards it, I reached the entrance and gently set down my master behind a bush, hiding her, and heading into the cave, it was perfect, and I could hide it better, I'm not sure hoe my master will react to being confined here at all times but I'm sure she will adapt, it's for her safety.

I left the cave and went to her as I gently guided her sleeping self into the cave and leaned her onto a dry part of the wall, checking one more time before leaving to grab some things I sighed, my master wasn't supposed to summon me yet something must have happened, I need to do an amazing job, I will not fail.