I sat up on the bed and looked around, I was in a room, a room that looked very basic but cozy, it had what looked like wood walls and wood floors, it didn't have a door just a large opening with a thin barrier, the room was warm and it was probably due to the fireplace nearby, where the hell am I? and what the hell happened? every time I tried to remember what happened after I was knocked out at the office it comes up blank and I get a small headache.
sitting on the beds edge I nervously started tapping my foot, I wasn't sure about this room at the moment.
pure boredom struck and I chose to check my stat screen, I think there was a change but I don't know why.
name: Andrea
age: 18
lvl: 2
race: breeding succubus
HP: 110/110
STR: 60
AGI: 60
INT: 60
MAG: 110/110
-(succubus form)
-(lust fire magic)
-(soul guardian)
-(forever young)
-(enhanced senses)
-(enhanced beauty)
-(forever tight)
-(absolute insemination)
-(quick preggo)
-(perfect reproducer)
-(perfect regeneration)
*my stat page did change, breeding succubus? why the fuck is it that?*
*also soul guardian?*
the barrier parted ways as a man about my age I guess entered the room, he was about my height, thin, slightly muscled and was very attractive, he had perfectly defined cheekbones and jawline.
I dont think I was staring that long.
"master I hope the accommodations are up to your liking."(soul guardian)
"why are you calling me master?"(Andrea)
"the system had forced a summon of me early it would've been explained at the right time."(soul guardian)
"why force a summon?"(Andrea)
"for your safety."(soul guardian)
my stomach rumbled loudly as he got closer.
"master you can't leave, for your safety, please allow me to help you."(soul guardian)
"I'm not allowed to leave? since when are you the boss here?"(Andrea)
"I'm in charge of your safety you need to stay here, I know its not a perfect situation but it is the best, please? just let me help you."(soul guardian)
"you're not a prisoner, well that's not 100% true, please trust I'm doing this for you, I won't do anything you don't consent to."(soul guardian)
I wasn't sure why but that lifted alot of my anxiety and apprehension about the current dilemma, I was hungry and he was offering and I did feel safe here, I don't think I remember the last time I felt safe.
*no, I'm not doing this, I'm not just letting myself be trapped here.*
"I'm getting out of here."(Andrea)
"I can't let you, I'm sorry."(soul guardian)
"what happened to not doing anything I don't consent to?"(Andrea)
"when it comes to your safety I have to compromise, your past has proven its too dangerous for you out in the world."(soul guardian)
"who gave you the right to mess with my life?"(Andrea)
"please forgive me."(soul guardian)
I couldn't even respond as he was on top of me nearly in an instant, we crashed to the floor, the second we did I shoved hard, using the floor as balance using everything I had, he went flying into the ceiling and disappeared for a second,
using the chance I bolted for the exit, it didn't take long ad I had used whatever strength I had to force my legs faster, I am not a fucking toy or prisoner or damsel in distress for these people's whims.
the second I touched the barrier it reacted pretty violently, exploding into tiny little shards that passed through me, I wish it was harmless, my blood splattered onto the floor and I had to grab the exit walls just to keep standing, my wounds were closing pretty quickly but I still felt really woozy and unstable from the blood loss.
pulling myself unsteadily from the room I found myself in the middle of some woods, picking a direction, any direction, I began running as fast as I could, narrowly dodging trees left and right.
I don't know how long I'd been running, an odd subconscious urge to escape being trapped pushed me further and further, fueling whatever I had to keep going, it had felt like hours but I don't think hours had gone by, time was hard to tell right now.
I stumbled aggressively into a clearing after I tripped on a root or something and rolled onto the ground pretty hard, something in my shoulder cracked making me wince before it snapped back into place making me scream loud, I'd wanted to forget the pain that usually came with putting your shoulder back in place.
the second I was laying on the grass and staring at the stars an ungodly amount of exhaustion had virtually chained me in place, every tint movement like breathing made my whole body sore.
"what's a demon doing here?"(tree spirit)
I couldn't get anything out anything out due to my surprise in front of me was a girl, dressed I'm roots, that wasn't the surprising part, neither was the fact that she sometimes went from partially see through to completely physical, or the fact that she had black eyes, no the thing that shocked me the most was the most massive dick I've ever seen ever.
I couldn't control the heat that was spreading throughout my body, the urges that were violently swirling and begging to be released.
my face flustered a near cherry shade and I couldn't hide my increasingly wetter and wetter lower body, I had squeezed my kegs together to hide it but any movements from my thighs had made the already sensitive area even more sensitive, I had drowned a few moans in my throat by now, and I haven't even talked to this girl yet.
"I'm sorry I seem to have that effect on succubi."(tree spirit)
the girl had been slowly approaching me woth curiosity but the second she got within 5 feet of me I lunged at her, pinning her arms to the ground.
I couldn't stop myself as I locked my lips and hers the softness of both of our bodies were numbing whatever resistances I had at this point.
our tongues danced wildly together as I let go of one of her arms, tearing off all of my clothes in one or two tries, the second my skin touched hers my mind nearly crumbled, the feeling of our warmth and softness was like a drug, I've never felt anything even close to this, I forcefully separated our lips much to her surprise as I still straddled the girls body, I couldn't help but notice the very hard thing pressed against my ass, she was definitely enjoying this, I had to pull my gaze somewhere, anywhere and it just so happened to be under us, there was a massive puddle forming, out of naive curiosity I reached to its source, my fingers sliding almost effortless into her pussy, she moaned loudly as her back arched and she dug her fingers into the grass.
"what did you do to me?"(tree spirit)
"what did you do to me?"(Andrea)
neither question was answered as her eyes changed and glowed for a moment as she flipped me over and onto my back and took the dominant position.
[bond process beginning]
[do you accept?]
she hadn't moved, she was virtually a statue, her dick was pressing against my lips and the anticipation was starting to rack through my body and brain like an out of control train, I couldn't stop my fingers as they pressed yes on the screen, my body didn't care about consequences like I did all it wanted was pleasure.
her eyes glowed righted before they dimmed tremendously and she in one go thrusted all of her into me.
it was my turn to dig into the grass, I felt like she was gonna tear me in half, I felt overfilled and like I wasn't gonna last any longer, I felt her reach something in me, something deep.
I was sweating as I was trying to control myself, if my body had its way she'd be thrusting roughly into me for days.
her eyes had stopped glowing and she was watching my face, the pleasure and the discomfort fighting for control.
"we can't stop this now I'm sorry."(tree spirit)
"don't you dare stop."(Andrea) my eyes glowed aggressively as my voice sounded full of power, my body was winning this fight for control.
I grabbed her boobs as I began kneading them, she returned the favor as she started slowly thrusting, each time hitting something deep in me, something that was begging for her.
her thrusts got faster and more rough as she started to lose control, we had abandoned playing with each other, our bodies were only focused on one thing, everytime she moved in and out of me my body released powerful and hungry moans, she was doing the same, looks like we were both in similar situations.
I felt my orgasm building fast, the climbing sensations wracking my resistance as she kept thrusting, I couldn't stop myself, the slow build was not what my body was looking for, my hand moved directly to my pussy and began skillfully playing with my clit and massaging my outer self, I'd never masturbated as a girl before but that didn't stop my hand from knowing exactly what to do.
I came almost immediately after my hand joined the mix, I felt myself clenching on her dick, making me even tighter around the large Intruder, her balls clenched as she pushed through into the deep part of me begging for her, I felt an immense wave of warm filling everything it could, I felt my body greedily and hungrily drinking every last drop of it possible, nothing was allowed to leak out, she released a breath and collapsed, her dick still In me, still hard as oak, my body was radiating feel good as I too passed out.