my open eyes were met with dark atmosphere as I struggled to move, my stomach felt heavier than it ever had, finally shifting to my side I saw myself, my stomach had gone from flat to 9 months pregnant in what I could only guess was a few hours of sleep, I was in an all wood box you could call it, it has an open doorway with stairs going up, I didn't see the girl anywhere.
I remember vaguely seeing messages before I fully lost myself to sleep so I opened them.
[bonding process complete, succubus and tree spirit are now bound]
[impregnation successful]
[level up]
[all stats +10]
this wasn't what I wanted to happen, well that wasn't all true, at least for my body, I could feel that she was close, I could also feel that my (soul guardian) was close, the second the tree spirit girl got closer than she was I felt my body hunger for her like i was am addict on withdrawal, this isn't good.
I heard her walking down the stairs, muttering to herself.
"this wasn't supposed to happen, I was only supposed to guard this forest but now.."(tree spirit)
she stopped once she saw me, utter shock displayed visibly on her face.
"holy tree mother, what has happened to you?!"(tree spirit)
"I'm pregnant apparently."(Andrea)
"that's not supposed to be possible!"(tree spirit)
"what do you mean?"(Andrea)
"interspecies babies aren't possible."(tree spirit)
"is this a bad time to ask for your name?"(Andrea)
"beyond the worst time, you're changing the subject, why?"(tree spirit)
"cause I'd like not to think about what happened last night."(Andrea)
"why'd you accept then?"(tree spirit)
"my body did it for me."(Andrea)
"so you too were not in full control, I had guessed but I wasn't sure."(tree spirit)
"on that note then my name is Tara."(Tara)
"this is the most awkward I've felt in my entire life."(Andrea)
"so uh, we're parents soon, fuck I got nothing help me out here."(Andrea)
"I too have nothing."(Tara)
"shit this has been the weirdest fucking week or two of my life and I can't even remember parts of it."(Andrea)
"what do you mean?"(tree spirit)
"I wasn't always a succubus."(Andrea)
"thats.....that....shouldn't be possible to go from one race to a other unless...."(Tara)
"you were in near death as a human, weren't you?"(Tara)
"no fucking clue."(Andrea)
"you can't remember why you're like that?"(Tara)
before I could answer my soul guardian crashed through the ceiling of this box like room.
"step away from my master."(soul guardian)
"who are you?!"(Tara)
"this is the worst fucking time for this."(Andrea)
"master? you look different."(soul guardian)
"we must leave now."(soul guardian)
"you're not taking her anywhere, she's mine."(Tara)
"I don't belong to anyone."(Andrea)
"technically you do, you accepted me, my invitation, you're mine like he is yours, while not possessions we are owned."(Tara)
"God dammit!"(Andrea)
"I was coming back to give you this book, I figured it would help you."(Tara)
she handed me a book and the second I opened it the thing crumbled and disappeared.
[ability succubus clothing creation acquired]
"well that was weird."(Andrea)
"seems like it worked."(Tara)
"I don't trust you spirit."(soul guardian)
"too bad, we must leave now."(Tara)
"wait slow the fuck down what's happening here?"(Andrea)
"you are being hunted, the second we finished our time together, an energy pulse was released from you, an energy pulse not of your own energy but of shadow energy."(Tara)
"that bastard."(Andrea)
"you knew of this?"(Tara)
"no but I know the one behind it, I kicked his ass once."(Andrea)
"we must leave at once."(Tara)
"I do agree."(soul guardian)
"fine, just give me a sec."(andrea)
*(succubus clothing creation)*
[input clothing:
-(baggie hopdie, sweatpants, shoes)]
a dark pink energy covered my baked body for a second before it revealed me dressed in a baggie hoodie and sweatpants, and basic looking black shoes, thank anyone I don't care who, im just glad this worked as I hoped it would.
getting off the bed I nearly fell over, guess I'm not used to this, using my strength to compensate for my balance I followed after the waiting pair up the stairs and into the night?
how long was I asleep, hours, minutes?
doesn't matter, at least not right now, we only had a day or two until this thing came out so whatever it was they were planning it better be good.
we ran through the night, I had to stop several times, so my soul guardian just picked me up and ran after Tara, we had made good time besides the fact that I was now the weak link probably despite being the strongest here.
we successfully made it to the edge of the woods, bordering a highway, a car was started under a tarp almost directly infront of us, letting me sit shotgun my soul guardian took backseat while Tara hopped in driver and rocketed forward, pushing the engine.
I had completely forgotten the modern world existed for a sec, meeting a girl dressed in damn tree roots in the woods and not being around a cellphone can do that I guess.
my mind was drifting as the scenery changed from woods to urban development pretty quick, I had almost forgotten about the other 2 in the car had Tara not asked me a question.
"so how often do you need to feed?"(Tara)
"if I'm lucky once a week, if I'm unlucky once every day."(Andrea)
"define unlucky."(Tara)
"if I'm injured too badly too quickly."(Andrea)
"ah, I see."(Tara)
the conversation dropped there as buddy in the back there had gone quiet a little bit ago.
the highway had taken us, I have no idea where but we were not in the middle of probably a tourist trap, hotels and restaurants lined both sides, even a few casinos.
we pulled into the parking lot of one of the hotels seemingly a random one but my gut was saying something else, this probably wasn't random.
going inside the hotel once we reached reception Tara spoke in a language I couldn't understand and we were guided into an employees only area, Tara momentarily assuring me that everything was fine, this shit just got untrustworthy fast.
we were led to a small room with a few chairs, it couldn't have been more than a few minutes that we were waiting before Tara pointed out a dripping sound, looking down I immediately knew why.