why does anyone want to ever get pregnant?

my pants were gone, I was on the floor, and there were now significantly more people in the room than before, at some point someone had tolled a hand towel and placed it in my mouth like a gag to lessen the volume of my screaming, this was a hotel.

I felt like my lower body was slowly tearing in half, even more so than when I met Tara, I couldn't help but internally curse the cliche lines in my head, you did this to me and others, cuss words joining the mix, but sadly she never heard it as I was gagged and cursing in my head.

several people at this point were yelling at me something in a language I didn't understand, thankfully Tara translated, push.

so I did, for fucking hours, this shit was taking too God damn long, I've never been in the process of child birth before but this shit felt too long, and the second it was over I knew exactly why, what looked like a 10 year old girl had just come out of me, what the fuck?!?!?

my body was drenched in sweat as I weakly motioned to Tara, she came over and removed the towel gag.

"I fucking hate you."(Andrea)

"no you don't.."(Tara)

"now is not the time for this a fucking 10 year old just came out of me, how am I not dead?"(Andrea)

"it was terrifying your lower body stretched to impossible proportion and she was pushed out."(Tara)

"I'm gonna sleep now."(Andrea)

"I'm surprised you're still concious."(Tara)

I never heard that part I passed out before she said it.


"how is she still alive?"(tree spirit elder)


"doesn't explain why she's alive or even pregnant in the first place."(tree spirit elder)

"breeding succubus."(Andreas soul guardian)

"you speak our language?"(tree spirit elder)

"I speak all language."(Andreas soul guardian)

"those are quite rare, and haven't been seen in almost 1,000 years."(tree spirit elder)

"it wasn't her choice to be one."(Andreas soul guardian)


"forced ritual while she was knocked out."(Andreas soul guardian)

"implications of why she is what she is aside, this is large news, I need you to stay with her."(tree spirit elder)

"but we aren't allowed to abandon our posts."(Tara)

"you have a child and an exceedingly rare demon for their other parent I'm allowing this."(tree spirit elder)

"find out the child's race and report back to me."(tree spirit elder)

"will do."(Tara)

walking back into the now cleaned of blood and other liquids, room, the girl who looked like a mix of me and Andrea was sleeping on top of her as Andrea was passed out, the fact that she was still awake at the end let alone still alive was something near impossible.

I silently walked over to the girl and used my (basic observe).

[name: N/A

age: 6 mins

race: tree spirit]

(she's my race? no hint of Andreas demon side at all)(Tara)

walking back out I told the elder, he looked like he expected this, like it truly confirmed something.

"all breeding succubi children are the race of the father."(tree spirit elder) explained to me.

Andreas guardian had been in the room for a while now, watching over her, I walked over to him and sat nearby watching them sleep.

"why are you so adamant about protecting her in the way you are?"(Tara)

"I've seen the memories she can't access anymore."(Andreas SG)

"what about them?"(Tara)

"they're terrible, torture, rape, kidnapped, and even abuse, she remembers the bullying from when she was human but not the physical abuse brought on by her human parents, she blocked those out long before she was a demon."(Andreas SG)

"my god."(Tara)

"that's why I put her in that cave initially, I wanted to stop her from hurting like that again, time and time again her past has proven that it's more than likely."(Andreas SG)

"I'd not have kept her locked in a cave."(Tara)

"what else was I supposed to do?"(Andreas SG)

"you said she was kidnapped and raped, on a concious level she doesn't remember but trauma leaves hard to erase scars, she couldn't have reacted well when you tried to keep her there."(Tara)

"no she threw me through a cave ceiling and escaped."(Andreas SG)

"sounds about right."(Tara)

"it's crazy what can happen in a day."(Tara)

"yes."(Andreas SG)

"they look peaceful don't they?"(Tara)

"yes."(Andreas SG)

"we need to keep them on the move for now."(Tara)

"I agree."(Andreas SG)

"until I'm strong enough to evolve into an elder, we need to keep moving, we should probably also train her in magic, I sensed magic in her but barely enough to even qualify as novice."(Tara)

"she'd probably have a sarcastic comment for that."(Andreas SG)


"we should get some sleep, gotta get on the road towards a training area my people use, in the morning."(Tara)

"ok."(Andreas SG)


waking up in that small room, I was naked and under a shitty blanket, no wonder I was cold.

I sued my ability to get some clothes, my usual hoodie and sweatpants, for some reason I always go dark blue sweatpants and a plain dark gray hoodie, no idea why, no time to care why.

opening the room door I found Tara and my guardian outside playing with our daughter, fuck that feels weird to think.

walking over the second the little girl saw me her eyes lit up and she ran over to me, hugging my leg and smiling, God this little thing Is adorable.

"hi mommy."

"hi there."(Andrea)

"not much experience with kids?"(Tara)

"not in the slightest no."(Andrea)

"she probably needs a name."(Tara)

"leave me out of it, I named a hamster chips once because the wood chips in his cage was the only thing that came to mind."(Andrea)

"don't want to name a kid after an object in this hallway cause I got nothin."(Andrea)

"fair enough."(Tara)

"what about Lillian?"(Tara)

"sounds fine with me, I'm shit with names so don't trust my judgment."(Andrea)

"cursing in front of kids isn't very adult like."(SG)

"I was a highschool kid of 16 like a week and a half ago."(Andrea)

my SG just nodded at the comment and went back to silent observer.

sitting down in the chair next to Tara while Lillian was curiously staring at everything in the hallway, I leaned in and quietly, very quietly whispered to her.

"I've got a daughter with a dick don't i?"(Andrea)

"crude but accurate."(Tara)

"Jesus hell what is my life right now?"(Andrea)

"what does human religion have anything to do with this?"(Tara)

"literally a sex demon here."(Andrea)

"fair point."(Tara)

"well we should leave soon, got places places to be."(Tara)



"oh ok."(Andrea)