we all loaded into the same car, it being a tad cramped with one more person, she was in the back with SG and she would not stop asking questions, I tried to answer a few on the way out but I had give up, the sheer amount of questions overwhelmed me.
Tara had laughed at me a few times at this point, apparently other people found me funny.
SG was answering most if not all of the questions she had except for a few regarding me and Tara and how we met since pretty much the second we met she was conceived, didn't think it was an appropriate conversation to have.
we couldn't have been driving for more than a few minutes when a shadow wall slowed our car and sent us crashing into it, crumbling the front and sending us flying forward.
I looked back to check on Lillian, I saw she was bleeding and unconcious, so was everyone else in the car, I felt a powerful wave of rage, bordering on wrath overflow from me, I slowly stepped out of the car and faced the person responsible.
"you motherucker!"(Andrea)
"I've come to collect, you're mine."(incubus)
"we'll see about that."(incubus)
I watched a shadow tendril make its way into the car and take out Lillian.
"this one's yours correct, you sure work quick, I made you what you were only a day ago."(incubus)
he tied her up with shadows and set her down by a tree off to the side, good.
"Come with me or she dies."(incubus)
"you fucked yourself buddy, you did me a favor by keeping her out of the way."(Andrea)
I let my anger explode through my magic, the flames clung to my body and hungrily vortexed in his direction, the magic circle under me warped around my skin like armor, flamed spurting from it.
I launched at him with everything I could, the road beneath me shattering into craters as I soared through the air in seconds, reaching him and delivering a nice hard punch to the face, giving him 3rd degree burns on his face and breaking his nose, that wasn't going to be pretty if he lived somehow.
the second he impacted the road a good 20 feet back I was on him, delivering blow after blow to his face, body, and limbs.
every attack I gave the heat increased tenfold, he was covered in burns, the burns hid the bruises and breaks.
his body was cracking, he was screaming, and his skin sounded like when you were cooking bacon, he'd probably die soon.
I nearly vomited during my assault as I watched his eyes start melting, I threw up in my mouth and had to hold back more as I let my rage over power him.
after his eyes completely melted and fused to his skin in a weird pattern I couldn't help it anymore, I sprung off of him, deactivating my magic, and ran to the side of the road, vomiting, the only thing that came out was cum, I'm pretty sure I know whose, it tasted heavenly for some reason, something I never expected, which stopped the vomiting, fuck, I shouldn't be liking this.
the second I stopped and wiped my mouth with my arm, nearly failing to resist the urge to lock the cum off of the sleeve of my hoodie, I walked back over to the charred body of the still somehow alive incubus, not wanting to take chances on him recovering I smashed my foot through his head, splattering it like a thick watermelon and sending bits of skull and brain everywhere, using my clothes to clean up a bit, I let them desummon and resummoned new ones.
I walked over to Lillian and used my fingers to gently wipe away the small amounts of dried blood left, I picked her up carefully and walked back over to the car, placing her in the passenger side and shaking Tara awake.
"oh thank the elder gods you're ok."(Tara) said to Lillian when she was awake, seconds after I woke up Tara.
*well I'm chopped liver I guess, mother of your child and you don't care how I'm doing after a car crash.*
"well fuck me I guess."(Andrea)
"are you hungry?"(Tara)
"no mommy."(Lillian)
"Andrea, are you hungry?"(Tara)
"no, ah damn I'm still used to being human, I said that a few times whenever, ah never mind."(Andrea)
"thanks for saving me mommy, you were awesome."(Lillian) said to me while smiling brightly, damn this kid was adorable, I'd probably topple a government if she asked me to while smiling.
shaking the thought away I just smiled back at her, I didn't know what to say since if I did I'd sound cocky and arrogant.
"what happened?"(Tara)
"mommy beat up the guy who attacked us."(Lillian)
"did she now?"(Tara)
"it was so cool, she was on fire and everything."(Lillian)
"my magic is fire."(Andrea)
"perfect, I'm a tree spirit, I live in nature and protect it and I go and mate with a fucking flamethrower."(Tara) said under her breath, I heard it, Lillian didn't, she was off asking more questions to SG who was sulking at his failure of protecting me.
"you heard that didn't you?"(Tara)
"in human terms were married."(Tara)
"I thought you "owned" me?"(Andrea)
"it's a complicated thing, I own you and you own me, we're bound."(Tara)
"of course it's complicated."(Andrea)
"we're two women with a biological child, you're a rare demon and I'm a girl with a male appendage, this has always been complicated."(Tara)
"aww our first married couple argument."(Andrea)
"I'm gonna start scrapbooking."(Andrea)
"you and sarcasm."(Tara)
"I was starting to think you didn't know what that was."(Andrea)
"I was aware it's a mainly human thing."(Tara)
"well that car is screwed and it's gonna get dark in a few hours so we should probably find a car."(Andrea)
I couldn't help myself anymore, my curiosity and my body's urges have won the fight.
"hey can I suck your dick?"(Andrea)