I walked over to Tara and Lillian, I was planning goodbyes in my head, I thought I needed to leave to figure out myself but when I got close I couldn't do it, I remembered how I felt when my mom didn't acknowledge me, when she ignored me, how would she feel if I just left and never came back?
cursing myself I sat down on the side of the road with them and just sat there.
it didn't take long for Lillian to notice something off.
"wheres the nice man mommy?"(Lillian)
"he had to go home, don't worry he'll be back as fast as he can, he said it might take some time though."(Andrea)
"oh ok, I had more questions but I guess I'll wait."(Lillian)
"sounds good."(Andrea)
she went off to the treeline a few feet away and started doing something I wasn't sure but Tara wasn't worried, she looked like she knew what she was doing.
"she's talking to the trees right now, dont worry I told em to keep our activities a secret."(Tara)
"that was the weirdest sentence I've heard today."(Andrea)
"so why'd you really de summon SG?"(Tara)
"I was gonna leave."(Andrea)
"do you think our daughter does not need you, that I don't need you?"
"we've only known each other for almost 2 days."(Andrea)
"look, I thought I needed to find out who I am, I haven't been in control of myself half the time."(Andrea)
"I can't blame you for that."(Tara)
"I can."(Andrea)
"let's talk of this at a later time, right now we need to get you magically trained and me strong enough to help you."(Tara)
"I'm aware that some bonds create strong feelings, and I know we haven't been together long enough for you to know me enough to love me, this isn't some movie, love at first sight doesn't exist."(Andrea)
"you've been putting thought behind this."(Tara)
"yes, I have."(Andrea)
"just stay with us."(Tara)
"I..I can't, I don't think I even want to."(Andrea)
"what about Lillian?"(Tara)
"I want to but it's not fair to anyone for me to pretend to feel something for someone that I don't, I think she's adorable but I'm not feeling anything."(Andrea) I lied to her, this was the only way I could keep them out of what I planned to do.
"leave then, don't expect a warm welcome if you choose to come back."(Tara)
"I dont expect to."(Andrea)
I stood up and walked away, my memories that I got back after desummoning SG playing in my head on repeat, I can't live like this, constantly having to either forget or be tortured by them.
activating my (succubus form) I flew off into the night, leaving behind 2 people I shouldn't have left behind.
it had been 2 weeks since Andrea left, Lillian was and still is sad about it, she keeps telling me all she feels from her is "alot of sadness", which means that she lied and left us for another reason.
we were sitting at a diner when put of the corner of my eyes I saw a news broadcast, paying full attention the second I saw the screen I distracted Lillian.
"breaking news girl jumps onto train platform, heals then keels jumping until she no longer heals, the number of attempts before the successful suicide was 25."(news anchor)
"why can't i feel mommy anymore?"(Lillian)
Lillian got really anxious, looking around, asking me increasingly sadder, all I could do was hug her as she cried.
"why didn't it work?"(Andrea)
"oh but it did."(mystery voice)
"what the?"(Andrea)
turning in the void like room I saw a woman dressed in gold robes and fiery spikes come towards me.
"this is where all demons who commit suicide are brought before they're released back to where they were."(mystery woman)
"don't worry we've removed the effects of those pesky memories of yours, you can still remember them but they won't impact you like they once did."(mystery woman)
"how long have I been here?"(Andrea)
"time is different here, you've been here for roughly 5 minutes, 20 more to go till you're home free, outside every minute is a year."(mystery woman)
two women were seen fighting a large beast in the woods, both were dressed in root armor, they were using similar abilities and they looked almost the same.
"on your right."(Tara)
"got it mom."(Lillian)
one of the two blocked a knife thrown at them from a distance.
"you gotta work on that."(Tara)
"you're an elder and I'm not give me a break."(Lillian)
"tone, young lady."(Tara) said as she swept Lillian feet from under her, allowing her to dodge a sword that would've gone through her neck.
"I....i...can feel mom again."(Lillian)
"we've been over this, she died sweetheart."(Tara)
"I'm not lying, use your connection with her."(Lillian)
"you're not lying....and she's close?"(Tara)
a large pink fireball smashed it way through the forest landing almost directly in front of them.
the fireball died down and in the middle was an 18 yr old girl with tattered and burned gladiator clothes, and several closing wounds.
the girl shot immediately awake and looked around panicked.
"I'm free, I'm actually free...it's over...hahahahahahahaha"(Andrea)
"oh sweet sky I've missed you, oh my god hahahahahaha."(Andrea)
"I need to find them."(Andrea)
"need to find who?"(Andrea)
"need to find....someone....no...two people....hahahahaha"(Andrea)
"this isn't good."(Tara)
"stay back she isn't stable right now."(Tara)
"but that's mom if we just..."(Lillian)
"she's not stable follow my order, I don't ask much just trust me."(Tara)
"she's a liar....said it would only be 25 minutes....it was centuries.....kill her.....kill the liar...centuries...hahahahahaha"(Andrea)
"hey Andrea, its been a few years are you ok?"(Tara)
"liar....centuries..in the.....dark....alone...then not alone....hahahahaha.....liar"(Andrea)
Tara got close and touched Andreas shoulder, Andrea reacted, but not in the way she thought she would.
"AHHHHHHHHH"(Tara) the bones in her hand crunched as they were nearly turned to dust.
(advanced inspection)(Lillian)
current confition: crazed, starved, delusional
name: Andrea
age: 18
lvl: 30
race: breeding succubus
HP: 500/500
STR: 340
AGI: 340
INT: 340
MAG: 500/500
-(succubus form)
-(lust fire magic)
-(succubus clothing creation)
-(soul guardian)
-(soul bound: Tara-tree spirit)
-(forever young)
-(enhanced senses)
-(enhanced beauty)
-(forever tight)
-(absolute insemination)
-(quick preggo)
-(perfect reproducer)
-(perfect regeneration)