violent reunion

"this isn't good."(Tara)

"her stats are higher than yours."(Lillian)

"and this crazed, starved, and delusional isn't going to help."(Tara)

"we can't hurt her."(Lillian)

"she's not going to give us the same courtesy, she didn't even recognize her own daughter."(Tara)

"maybe it's because I've changed."(Lillian)

Andrea swung her claws like an animal, decimating a few trees and making the other 2 dodge in different directions.

"look less talk more trying to survive."(Tara)

"I won't let you kill her."(Lillian)

"I won't let her kill you."(Tara)

Andrea once again took initiative as she sliced through Tara's armor and made her fall to her knees, her claws had shredded through like butter.

dripping blood and panting Tara couldn't hold back as she summoned a powerful energy ball and released it.


the energy ball went right through Andrea, ripping a massive hole in her stomach and clothing.

it healed almost instantly.

" them....cant find them.....miss.....them....regret...liar...hahahahaha"(Andrea)

"this isn't working."(Tara)

"let me try."(Lillian)


ignoring her Lillian walked slowly to Andrea.

"I can help you find who you're looking for."(Lillian)

"no truth.....can help?...hahahaha"(Andrea)

"yes I can help."(Lillian)

Tara watched in anticipation as Lillian removed a small photo from her pocket, a family photo they got to be more normal and blend in when they moved here, it showed Lillian as a young girl, looking exactly the same as when Andrea saw her last.

Andrea snatched the photo and studied it.

"yes...where?...please.....find them"(Andrea)

that was all she said before collapsing on the ground.


"we will talk about your recklessness at home."(Tara)

"mom I'm 25 I'm not a kid anymore."(Lillian)

"tree spirits don't leave childhood until they're 100, so as far as I'm concerned."(Tara)

"look I'm sorry but she's alive I couldn't let you hurt her."(Lillian)

"you think I wanted to?"(Tara)


"then like I said well talk about this at home, once we get her secured."(Tara)

"she's not some wild animal."(Lillian)

"right now as far as I'm concerned she is."(Tara)

"why are you so cold about her?"(Lillian)

"I'll tell you why, I lied to you ok? she didn't die before she left, she went and killed herself, she didn't do it because of you she did it after she got her memories back I felt like if I told you you'd Blame yourself ok?"(Tara)

"she killed herself?"(Lillian) said tears building in her eyes.

"you have to understand what she went through, but yes, took 25 tries but she did."(tara)

"you let her?!"(Lillian)

"what was I supposed to do, I figured out too late after she left that she lied."(Tara)

"she lied?"(Lillian)

"said she didn't feel anything towards us that it wasn't fair to you, thought that if you grew up hating her for abandoning you, you'd never feel the sadness of knowing your mom killed herself, on some level I think she knew you'd Blame yourself."(Tara)

"why wait all this time to tell me?!"(Lillian)

"i was hoping you'd forget, you weren't even a month old."(Tara)

Lillian didn't say anything after that, she stared through the window, occasionally glancing back at Andrea, mixed feelings were swirling throughout the car the whole way back.

every time Andrea came close to waking up Tara would reach back and hit her over the head as hard as she could, Lillian didn't protest, she was busy stuck in her own thoughts and complex emotions concerning her mother, the one who left.

It only took about 20 minutes to get to the suburb they lived in from their training area, the drive was uneventful after the first few minutes in the car.

"when we get back I need you to stay in the car, I need to fix the starved part of her current condition."(Tara)


"I'll come get you once we're done."(Tara)

"take a shower first, *gag*"(Lillian)

"stop being so dramatic."(Tara)

"stop being gross."(Lillian)

Tara carried Andrea inside, securely chaining her with specially made restraints, she anchored them to a metal beam that ran all the way through the houses foundation, she can't lift a whole house.


I don't know how long I've been out, last thing I remember Is the arena, how long was I fighting there?

looking around I saw Tara re dressing and not even looking at me.

"how long has it been?"(Andrea)

"you're fine now, good, now leave."(Tara)


"I told you not to expect a warm welcome, get out."(Tara)

"where even am i?"(Andrea)

"doesn't matter, out!"(Tara)

"I'm fucking chained I can't go anywhere."(Andrea)

she unlocked the cuffs and motioned to the back door on a really nice house.



"can I at least?...."(Andrea)


"leave my daughter alone."(Tara)


shuffling to the back door my witty comments were gone, the arena had a way of doing that, my mouthing off there got my ass kicked more than once.

opening the door and leaving I summoned a hoodie and sweatpants, something I really missed and hopped the fence.

I pulled the hood over my head and walked around the side of the house, in the driveway was a woman who looked kinda like me but I didn't recognize them, putting my head down I just walked down the sidewalk aimlessly, hoping I could find somewhere to sleep tonight, the arena taught me many things, being homeless and alone was one of them.

finding a nice bench under some trees at what I think is a public park somewhat nearby the house I just left, I laid down on it and stared up through the branches, I wasn't tired, I also wasn't hungry anymore, I can't remember how long I was starved for, it felt like a long time.

[conditions met, soul bond broken]

[too long between summons guardian hibernates]

*great more things are leaving my life.*

flipping to my side on the bench I stared out as the same woman from earlier in the driveway was walking in the park, somewhat near me but not near enough for me to talk to her.

figuring she wasn't here for me or anyone really I declared it none of my business and pretended nothing was happening, flipping over and closing my eyes, you get real good at that when your life depends on it.