I had followed the girl out of my house, she looked like I remember my mom looking like, her face read shame and regret, my other mom was inside still she hasn't come out so I took the chance and went after her at a distance.
I waited a bit around the corner in some bushes, having the tree she was under update me on if she was still awake or not, the second it said asleep I crept over to the bench, placed my hand on her head and used something I just got recently and haven't been able to test out.
(memory read)
I saw images play in my head, first of a young boy, couldn't be more than 15 or 16, he was bullied, neglected, and abused, then he was tortured, a woman approached him and he woke up as a succubus, I saw her get kidnapped, used, and I saw her suicide attempt, the first one.
I could feel everything, the pain, the emotions, all of it.
then I saw her lose it and kill 2 people, the person who did the most damage when he was tortured was there, they're still alive, she breaks down goes comatose, only for her to be taken and almost used again, this is terrible.
I turned away for the parts before me, the parts i didn't want to see, my birth made me curious but after seeing it I felt guilty and I wanted to puke, I could've lived my whole life without seeing that.
then I saw the train station she felt guilty and was about to turn back but something got to her first, she couldn't move anymore, and kept jumping into the tracks repeatedly, the thoughts of I need to live and yes release me, let me die were on repeat, guilt and anger, peace and shame, then darkness for what felt like forever, before a prison cell, life then was fight or die, snitch and die, the only reason she got out was she was the reigning champion 50 years In a row, her mind was almost gone, she was starved and desperate.
I was forced to release my hands from her head, as I fell to the ground sputtering and coughing, fighting a massive headache while trying to hold back tears I looked back and saw where we once were was now obliterated.
"who are you and why'd you follow me?"(Andrea)
I thought she was talking to me but someone walked out of the shadows.
"Andrea it's been a minute how have you been?"(drakus)
"fuck off drakus I kicked your ass once I'll do it again."(Andrea)
"you shouldn't have turned me down all those years ago, maybe now you'll learn."(drakus)
"learn my ass I beat you with an hour to spare your parents were horrified."(Andrea)
"things have changed."(drakus)
"how so numbnuts?"(Andrea)
"you're not a wildly savage monster anymore, I can predict your moves now."(drakus)
"I don't need to be savage."(Andrea)
"you've killed hundreds sure but not really, your power comes from wild abandon not planning you will lose and submit today."(drakus)
"keep dreaming cocksucker."(Andrea)
"ok one time while high and no one let's you live it down."(drakus)
"I have so many dick jokes after that."(Andrea)
"of course the succubus has dick jokes."(drakus)
"what the hell is going on?"(Lillian)
"Gah fuck, when did a Human get here?"(drakus)
"she's been here the whole time, I'm not quite sure who she is, looks familiar but I'm not sure."(Andrea)
"doesn't matter, prepare to die."(drakus)
"I tell you that old movie line one fucking time and now you won't stop."(Andrea)
"what is going on?"(Lillian)
"catching up with an old friend chill."(Andrea)
"the human again?"(drakus)
"yeah, you hear anything on tree spirits these days?"(Andrea)
"which one?"(drakus)
"she's been training with Tara lately but hasn't been seen on the demon scene in quite some time."(drakus)
"damn, well there goes my one lead I thought I had, how's motherbrain?"(Andrea)
"you mean the ugly woman who dresses in gold, she's terrible."(drakus)
"still rotting in the hole I shoved her ass in?"(Andrea)
"oh yeah big time."(drakus)
"you uh still starving yourself?"(drakus)
"not really."(Andrea)
"well this has been fun, wanna get out of here?"(drakus)
"yeah why not, gotta keep looking."(Andrea)
"hey wait!"(Lillian)
they never heard her, the two were already high up in the near night sky.
turning in defeat I started walking home, making back in under 5 minutes I tried to sneak back upstairs but mom was already waiting for me.
"where were you?"(Tara)
"totally not reading the mind of someone."(Lillian)
"get your ass back here you horrible liar."(Tara)
"ugghhh fine."(Lillian)
"where were you?"(Tara)
"nearby park on a walk."(Lillian)
"nice try but you already gave yourself away."(Tara)
"I wanted to see if mom really remembered me."(Lillian)
"why would you even go after her? I sent her away for a reason."(Tara)
"you made her leave?!"(Lillian)
"of course, she's been gone for 25 years, missed everything in your life except the first day, why would you want anything to do with her?"(Tara)
"she left yes but she wanted to come back she regretted leaving."(Lillian)
"I don't care."(Tara)
"she didn't kill herself, something made her jump on the tracks all those times."(Lillian)
"you succeeded in mind reading didn't you?"(Tara)
"tell me everything."(Tara)
"well damn for her it was hundreds of years but for us it was 25?"(Tara)
"pretty much."(Lillian)
"you do know that makes it worse right? she was gone for hundreds of years, not 25, she had plenty of time to come back."(Tara)
"that's your I'm thinking of some BS give me a minute face."(Tara)
"don't you care?"(Lillian)
"no, I care about you, me and her were never really a thing, we met In a clearing we fucked you were here then she left end of story."(Tara)
"ewwwwww maybe at least lie to me a bit more."(Lillian)
"wait hold on a sec."(Tara)
I watched mom move past me and turn up the tv, "breaking news 2 demons seem to be engaging in combat against what appears to be a.....I don't know exactly exactly that is."(news anchor)
"fuck, it's an elderich horror, they're screwed."(Tara)
"let's go help."(Lillian)
"no, nope, nuh uh, not a chance, no."(Tara)
"at least pretend to care."(Lillian)