eldrich horror (this is gonna be short)

our attacks weren't working this is bad.

drakus couldn't predict its moves which means it's feral and has no higher brain function, but it's been learning from us this whole time, I'm fucking confused.

I summoned a wall of flame as I bore it down on the thing, it gave a momentary screech before it burst through the wall and glared at me.

we were still in midair, me in my enhanced (succubus form) and drakus in his dragon form.

my new succubus form looked very different from my old one, gotta say I was impressed, or would be if I wasn't wearing lingerie in combat.

my hair was pink fire, the lingerie was just a simple lace design bra and panty set with fire coming off of it, my hands and feet had dark black fur from my toes to my knees and my fingers to my elbow, my claws were on fire as well, my wings and tail were the same, it was one upside.

people down below got an amazing view since half were hard and the other half were filming excitedly, the outfit didn't help much as every movement I made jiggled my boobs and my ass, I'm pretty sure I saw one creepy dude touching himself to this in the middle of the crowd.

*fucking gross, just no*

I "accidentally" dodged in a way that one of the metal beams it was throwing killed the dude.

"we can't beat this thing."(drakus)

"agreed the fucker popped out of nowhere we did our good deed and held it off."(Andrea)

"you hungry?"(drakus)

"you do remember I can't eat normal food right?"(Andrea)

"always forget, well I'm gonna bolt so uh you take care of yourself."(drakus)

"will do you scaly lameo."(Andrea)

"that was the weakest one you've had yet."(drakus)

"need to let the other team score once or twice otherwise it'd be no fun."(Andrea)

"ha ha very funny."(drakus)

he raced off in one direction and I another.

maybe it was time to give up my search, I did make it seem like I abandoned them, this could be a good thing.

that was before the stupid fucking monster dipshit lunged and sent my ads flying through an office building, leaving me in my sweats without my wings in a fucking toppling skyscraper, this was going great!

I dug my hands into the floor as the building tipped, my handhold were working and I wasn't going to jinx that.

closing my eyes and clearing my mind I just waited, sounds of brutal combat and explosions echoed in the partially hollow metal and glass structure.

it felt like hours, partially since I couldn't think about anything dare I fuck myself over and.... nope not even finishing that thought.

it didn't take long for the silence to start driving me mad, the second I opened my eyes I saw death looking back, the horror was staring at me, it grabbed me nearly instantly with pinpoint precision and threw me to the city streets below, actually bouncing off the street, it cracked and I cursed outloud, that shit hurt.

I summoned an inhumane amount of flame attacks, magic circles with all sorts of summons and ranged attacks filled the sky between the scrapers, the pink runic circles taking up the majority of my immediate area.

unleashing them all at once I felt drained, more drained than I ever have.

[MAG: 10/500]

*oh fuck*

the thing was unhurt the same could be said about the surrounding city.

it shrieked a horrible noise out of anger and started charging, fuck, this isn't gonna go well.

it reached me and sent a slap from my side too fast to react before I found myself hurtling at crazy speed off to my left, or is it my right?

it was hard to tell.

I vaguely remember skipping off of water? a few times, I wasn't sure my vision was going in and out, if I didn't know any better I'd say my skull was caved in from how hard that thing hit me, everything was blurry, spinning, and fading in and out.

I lost count of how many times I skipped, if I was a rock maybe I'd win something in a competition, who knows and who cares this shit was getting old fast.

the last bounce off of and into the water was what finally sent me into the already consuming influence of my unconciousness.