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He would think that after a year of not coming to this place his mind would at least have made him miss one turn or skip a couple of blocks but then maybe one never forgot their hell. Takeshi, the old crone, had never contacted him but Jax always knew he was alive because the drugs where always delivered on time and Julio always returned the money to its owners.

Now, after a year he wished the fucker had changed some of his religious beliefs and if he had that also meant that Jax would have to assassinate someone for him.

That had always been how he appeased him. He either had to bend over and endure or kill someone. Personally Jax preferred killing because Takeshi never sent him after people he knew. Just random fuckers that Jax wouldn't care about. He believed that those who where weak didn't deserve to live for they would destroy the world with their weakness. So all those who he killed where to weak to deserve even their own lives.

Jax had taken a couple of sweeps around the apartment the Yakuza used. While some things where the same he was a little surprised by the new security and... Holy Mother F***er.

What the hell was that?

Jax always had one rule for himself and his brothers. Never smoke what ya selling. But right now he wondered if maybe he had taken an accidental sniff before leaving. What he was looking at was not human.

A creature standing at least 8 feat in height. It was huge. With reptilian eyes and green skin with scales. And if that was a tail he would... no please don't smile, it wasn't smiling, it was making a hybrid between hissing and growling. In his direction.

He didn't move hoping maybe it was just acting on instinct. Its mouth was full of uneven sharp teeth and it had huge claws.

For the first time in a while he felt something akin to fear but waved it all away. The, whatever it is, moved a step towards the bush he was hiding behind and before Jax could run, it grabbed him. He tried kicking it but within a few seconds they where surrounded by the others with assault rifles.

Jax wanted to shout at them to shoot the huge monster that had him by the throat but well, it had him by the throat. He was surprised by the fact that none of them seemed to fear it. As if seeing something like this was just Tuesday. But before they could riddle him full of bullets the doors suddenly opened.

"Well well well, look who finally came back. Thought you wouldn't get my message."

Jax knew that wasn't Takeshi. He tried talking but couldn't. The strange man who the others where bowing their hands to indicated for the creature to drop him. And it wasn't smooth about it.

"You wanted to say something?"

"I said what message?"

He held his hand out and someone put a pouch in it. A pouch he was well aware of. "You attacked Steezy!"

"Wow, is that his name. No wonder children of this generation are dyeing out."

The men around them laughed as if he had said something funny.

"What do you want?"

"For us to have this talk inside."

He walked in while the huge monster shoved Jax to follow in behind him. It couldn't fit through the door so it was left behind while the armed men forced Jax ahead.

In a few seconds they reached the inner room where Takeshi did most of the bullshit he didn't want the Yakuza bosses to know. The door was left and only Jax, the weird Japanese stranger, two armed men and four almost naked women where left in the room.

Jax was now getting tired of all the cloak and dagger bullshit.

"Where is your boss?"

The stranger looked at him as if he was n idiot then laughed after realising something. "You didn't know did you?"

He made a point of caressing the open back of the women on his lap.

"Didn't know wha..." he saw it. The ring on his finger that had belonged to Takeshi. He never took it of and if it wasn't on his finger that would meant that...

"He's dead isn't he?"

He nodded. "There you go. You are a real smart one kid. I am Chan, his predecessor."

Jax wanted to celebrate but also feared the Takeshi had left the eat to a larger monster. With Takeshi he knew where he stood but with Chan he knew nothing. He had a monster outside his house for God's sakes.

"You don't seem relieved by your tormentor's fall."

Jax gave him a confused look. He just smiled.

"You think I don't know of your shortcomings. Trust me, uncle did all but post them on the web."

Jax ignored that snipe. "I am relieved, but should I be?"

Chan laughed hard. "Takeshi wasted you. He never said you where this smart. But yes, you should be."

"So why you attacking my crew. You do know this little stunt of yours just cost you a couple thousand dollars right?"

"What's a few thousand when I can get you a few million."

Now he was interested. "I'm listening."

"Smart boy. Now to get do..."

"Don't call me boy."

When Jax said that he saw a flicker of fear on Chan's face. Chan looked at the two men in the room with them and probably wondered that he should have brought more guards. This made Jax realise that Takeshi told more than just his tales of abusing him.

"Okay, Jax. Now, as I was saying...."

"Before you start I gotta ask, what the fuck was that thing out there. I've been on the streets my whole godforsaken life and I ain't never seen shit like that. So unless you're the devil, which you probably are, I'm guessing you made a deal with him."

Chan looked impressed. Jax had spent years lying, cheating, hustling and selling drugs to people who are just to stupid to take a look behind the curtain and see whats up. So right now he could see that he had been close but not right there yet.

"Not the devil. So I'm guessing someone worse."

For some reason, Jax felt like this was familiar.

Chan was. tad bit shocked. "You seem to be taking this well. When I first meet him I did more than just curse."

And that was what was bothering Jax as well. And how did he know there where people worse than the devil out there.

"And the fact that you know the devil ain't on top is a mind sucker."

Did he mean to say head blower?

"That ain't for you to know. Now just get in with what before I remember you attacked my brother today."

Chan laughed a little. "I need a favour."

"What makes you think I'll accept."

"I am not Takeshi. Threatening you with your family isn't my first option."

"But it is one."

"I like you. How about a life?"

Jax wanted to clean his ears and make sure he had heard that right.

"A what?"

"You heard me. A future for you and your boys. Imagine being so rich you can buy yourselves new names, identities and can even go to other countries. Imagine two hundred million dollars."

Jax wanted to refuse and call Chan on his crap but he knew Chan was telling the truth. While that meant that he would give him the money, it also meant that there was something else he had to gain out of this.

"What's in it for you?"

"A promotion. " I can give you time to think about it but we both know you won't let this pass. We both know you want this, not for yourself but your boys."

One of the women came to stand behind Jax's seat and put her hands on his shoulders. He immediately wanted to shrug them off but also wanted to see where this was going.

Chan had on a sly smile as the girl on his lap moved her hand into his pants and probably gripped his dick. He groaned in ecstasy and the two beside him kissed the sides of his neck. Jax could see that they where trying to show him all he could have if he accepted. They didn't have to.

"What you want me to do?"

"Kill a family of killers."