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(A/N)*** I just discovered that some words are missing when your are reading so here is the solution. Press the centre of your screen right now and press display, there you will see reading options, you should then press tapping. This reading option allows all words to appear.****

"For crying out loud Sam give that back."

"What will I get in return?"

"You little con man. Nothing of course!"

He snorted before running away with her phone. All he had to do was peek at her texts and her life was over. The little runt would show them to her mom who would kill her and her mom would show them to her father who would hunt her boyfriend down and go all bloodsport killer on his ass.

"Fine, what do you want for it?" Sam looked up thinking. Clerissa tried to sneak up on him but he noticed it and increased his grip on her phone. She cringed and prayed to God his hair would fall of by some miracle.

For a six year old child, he was forty times too strong for his age. Which was why he was called that. Sam, short for Samson. He was a gift from Shekinah as a show of God's forgiveness for what their mother had done in the past.

Now Rissa was left with a brother strong enough to turn her phone to dust.

"I want you to make me ice cream for breakfast and to also give me three sweets every day."

"Why three?"

"Because two is not enough and four is too much."

"I'll make you a counter offer. Give me my phone back and I won't tell mom you're the one who broke her favorite vase."

He glared at her before throwing her phone at her, hard. She barely caught it before it could dent her skull.


He just walked away. Rissa smiled and went back to texting Henry. She was a bit sad that she couldn't see him today since he was sick but she tried to make sure he didn't feel lonely.

If not for her father she probably would have gone and married him but her father didn't like him. Her mother had tried to convince him but he had somehow turned her to his side. Now they where both against Rissa having anything to do with him But she was after all a kid and what defines a child is not their age but their ability to double cross their own parents.

Not many people knew of her relationship with Henry. There was her best friends, Kayla and Sonya. Kayla would have probably told her husband Adrian.

The last person who knew was her uncle, Tristan. He didn't approve of it but had promised to never speak of it. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that he had photographic and eternal knowledge and memory, she would think he had probably forgotten it.

' How are you today? Any better? '

She sent the text and waited for him to reply.

It didn't take long. ' Still the same, might be getting worse. '

' You need anything?. '

' No, I just want you to be safe. '

' Maybe I can bring you something. '

' No, I don't want you getting sick. "

' What if I was immune? '

'I'm not risking you life on a what if. '

' Okay but if I was? '

' Then maybe you could come but you're not. I have to go, I love you. '

' Love you too. '

' And please don't try coming here, it would destroy me knowing that you got sick because of me. Okay? '

' Fine. '

' Good girl, I'll give you a gift very soon. '

Rissa smile at that. She walked towards the garage to get her car and hang out with Sonya when her phone rang. Thinking it was Henry she immediately answered and spoke first.

"Well well well, guess you do miss me that much. Want me to come over now?"

"I would but I still remember I didn't give you my house address and I know I'm handsome but I thought you would have some class."

"Uncle Derek. I'm sorry, I thought you where someone else."

"I hope so too cos I wouldn't want the trouble of having to kill your father when he comes to kick my ass."

Rissa laughed at that. Because she wasn't up close she knew he was joking but had he said that to her face she wouldn't have been able to tell. He was the type of guy to laugh loud as hell as he tells someone how he would dismember them slowly. Fucker could literally talk a kangaroo into handing over its pouch, with the babies inside.

"We both know you wouldn't kill him, you love mom too much to dare."

"Guess you're right about that, I would just cut of his limbs and send them back in a nice little box."

Rissa laughed again. "Okay, enough. What can I do for you.?"

There was a short silence that warned Rissa that he was gonna say something horrid.

"Go to him."

She knew who he meant but couldn't help asking. "Who?"

"You know who. Just go."


"Trust me?"


"Then go. And leave all your weapons behind."

With that he just hung up. She took off every blade on her and was about to enter the car when a text came in.

' And take the Porsche. '

Before she could ask why he sent another one.

' Cos it ain't loaded with bombs and guns. '

She didn't question him and just got in. Her family always left the car keys in the ignition of every car or bike whenever it was in their very large garage.

She started and waited for the gate to open before she drive off full speed. They lived in the bayou so it wouldn't take her long to reach the main road.

A few minutes later she cursed herself for not taking soup or something to help Henry feel better but calmed when she thought she would make it at his house.

Most people wouldn't be going to meet their boyfriends in the middle of the night but Rissa was a night person, literally. It was because of her mother. Her mother had been a Ghost before her father had met her. Not as in dead floating around type of ghost but she had been a warrior of the Wild Hunt. And in the hunt she had been in the Ghost rank. The Ghosts where the protectors of earth and defended it against demons and other creatures seeking its destruction.

They where given powers and immortality plus the ability to not need sleep. While they could sleep it would only be out of habit. Her mother had had Rissa while she had still been a Ghost so some of her quirks had been passed along to her. Samson was just energetic and would probably sleep in a couple of hours.

Didn't take long but she reached Henry's house. It wasn't as huge as their mansion in the woods but it was still beautiful because she had helped him renovate.

She got out of her car and walked to his porch. He took the key she always walked around with and opened his door. She thought he would probably be asleep but she had some commotion upstairs.

When she was close enough to his room her legs went weak when she finally heard that sound. But something in her didn't want to believe it so she opened his door just to gibe him the benefit of the doubt.

Her hand instinctively reached for her blade but remembered she had left them home. They didn't even notice her. She remembered all those times Henry told her he loved her or when he always smothered her with love. In truth, she wasn't a virgin. She had given that to him.

Her heart wasn't broken because if it was it would mean it could still be mended but it was just numb, she couldn't feel anything. He had just broken him. Without wasting a second she left but before leaving she took off the pendant he had given her and left it on the counter. After that she walked out and planned to get drunk as hell. Luckily, Sonya was always in Killaz, a club for the supernatural owned by her uncle Jackson. And because he was out of town with his wife she could get drunk and no one would stop her. She drive her car like a bat outta hell with the club in mind but a small part of her wished she would crash and die.