Chapter 8: Rebirth (3)

The chief was no ordinary looking man, although I called him and old geezer he was not that old. He was actually fit and had an aura that showed he knew how to put up a fight. He looked at me now with confusion and anger and said, "What did ya say boy?" He was now raising one eyebrow and his personality took a full one eighty.

I tilted my head a bit and laughed as he looked at me with his nasty face that had been stuck in mind. I didn't realize at this point whether what I was doing was okay or not, but he started it. He moved in closer now touching my head, "Are you deaf or something you dip shit?" As soon as he said that with a flash I lifted the axe and chopped his hand off.

I didn't feel one bit of emotion when I did that and looked at him as if he was a bug in my way. Do you know what I do to bugs that get in my way? I crush them... He started screaming and looked horrified at the sight of me, he told the villagers to message the Capital. At that point I didn't give a damn about how many people were against me and slaughtered every single person who crossed me. While I was dealing with them I had told Katie to go back to where we were sleeping and that I would rendezvous with her later.

My hands were now stained with the blood of humans although NPCs they were still humans in my eyes. NO actually now that I think about it these so called humans are worse than the beast-folk they hate so much. I grit my teeth watching these disgusting beings that I didn't qualify as being one of my kind and disposed of them. Now it was just me and the chief left, nobody had enough time to escape the village to warn the Capital.

I looked straight at the chief quaking in fear as he was now powerless. "So is this what you wanted you fucker." I kicked his face down and moved in closer to his face and said, "You know what I think that you fuckers are the animals who are hideous and destroying this world. I just met this girl and from the bottom of my heart I know that she is a good person, you though..." I put my hand on my face and started laughing even more, I couldn't believe this was me anymore.

"You're a monster you know that right?" the chief said in a low voice. "I may die here and now but there are others far worse than me who own slaves like he-"

Before he could finish I sliced off his head and it was finally over. I left right after never to turn around and support those so called humans ever again. For once in my life I thought I went too far and that I may have been in the wrong there... But I couldn't stand that look they were giving to her, Katie as I said I'll do anything for you.

As I traversed back to our rendezvous point I thought about the family I had left, tears started coming down. I truly did miss them but this was my life now and I had to accept it even if it meant tarnishing my old life. I now had the power to change this cruel world for the better and make sure things like this never happen again.

Anyway, I finally found the tree we slept near and saw Katie walking around as if nervous. I slowly crept up from behind and tapped her shoulder, as soon as I did she hugged me and started crying. I patted her back and said, "Don't worry I am fine, sorry for bringing you there." She looked at me and said, "You-I- what I'm trying to say is you should go back and forget about me..." She turned her back and as she did I got a message from the system.

The user has killed many NPCs and as a result has a bounty on his head that can be claimed by other players.

Wait... So I wasn't the only one who got trapped inside the game? To me this is a good thing as I can find actual people who are trapped in the game just like me. But it's also bad right now because I now have a bounty on my head for killing NPCs. Luckily though under it, it says that the bounty expires in a week for the first offense.

I walked closer to Katie and said, "Looks like I'll be staying with you for the time being... They put a bounty on my head for killing those guys." She seemed worried and excited at the same time when she heard me say that. She took me by the hand with a smile on the face and off we were on a new adventure. She said that she wanted to show me a special place before I left, for the first time in my life I was enjoying something. Something I actually wanted to do, this would hopefully end up better than what happened earlier.

As we drew nearer and nearer the more my heart started pounding it was as if I knew where she was taking me. But at the same time I had no idea as I had only just arrived in this world. She closed my eyes and led me the rest of the way. When we arrived she removed her hands and showed me the most beautiful scenery I had ever seen. We were above a cliff and out in the distance I watched as the birds flapped and I enjoyed the scenery. Until something hit me the next thing I knew I was falling down, everything was now in slow motion. I turned around to see Katie laughing with a huge smile on her face. I knew now that nobody in this world would accept me, and that once again I would be cast aside...