Chapter 15: Did I just tame a constellation?

Man did that make me laugh, that expression on his face when I called him Sama was priceless. Okay now back to the present, I made it back to my house yet again and with no side effects at that. It could've been bad if there were side effects when I transported back to my world. Either way I am thankful for being able to switch between worlds, but I almost died many times in that game, so I guess it came with a price. Anyway, I am back again from that world and have some things I need to do. For starters I should probably sign up for that tournament that's coming up.

I walked to my computer and searched up the website for the game. It took some time to load but I found the news page fairly quickly. It was in the top left and when I clicked on it the first thing that popped up was the tournament. I guess I was meant to sign up for it. Jokes aside, I looked for any new updates on how I can sign up for the tournament. It said on the page that as of now they do not have admission tickets prepared for the event. But it also said that the admission tickets will be on sale tomorrow. I had to get my hands on the ticket because the cash prize for winning the thing was $100,000.

I could do so much with that much money not only for me, but also for my mother who had to work multiple jobs in order for us to get by. Man, I hate that bastard of a father for ditching us after what we did for him. Enough talk about him I need to make sure that I do not exceed the conditions for the tournament. It says that you must be in the level 50 range to be able to enter, and this might seem unfair to the high level players... BUT, most of them are already associated with a pro team and get paid more than enough. Pro teams are found everywhere including on television and when new rookies make a debut, that's when it blows up.

The top players currently are split up around the world and remain in hiding as nobody has really seen them much. There was a rumor going around about Seoul having a King in South Korea, but as I said their just speculations. I too have been chosen by the system to become a King. After some time doing research on my computer, I went down stairs to watch some television to get some updates on current meta. Meta is a term used for things that are really good and up to date, or currently overpowered. Sometimes the meta of a game could be so game breaking that the pay to play players spend all their money on those specific items or classes.

I really hate those types of players that just spend all their money on a specific game just to show it off. Unless if they worked for that money and aren't using their daddy's money then I guess it's fine. I turned on the T.V. and went from channel to channel trying to find news about the game. It took me a minutes to find it, and while it was loading up, I went to go get a snack. Who doesn't like a little snack while watching some T.V., am I right? I grabbed a few things: some cookies, protein bars, and some fruits. I know that cookies aren't good for you, but I needed a little sugar right now I grabbed it anyway. The others were for the benefit of my body as I liked to keep myself in shape even if it didn't really change my physical appearance.

I ran back, hopped over the couch doing a cool parkour move and landed on the couch. As I reached in for the remote, a breaking news popped up on the screen. My hands stopped moving for a second as I gazed up at the screen. The game developers were now in the scene, and they were talking about something that had recently occurred. I grabbed the remote quickly and turned it up as I couldn't hear it very well. As I did, I heard mention of a constellation...

"Recently we were doing tests on a few constellations until one of them suddenly disappeared, if anyone has seen it please directly message us as soon as possible. The constellation that went missing was Leo the lion..." After they said that the news reporters stormed on them and kept asking questions.

Wait hold on... If the game developers don't even know what's going on with their system does that mean the bug in question is me/my class? When Leo appeared before me, I thought that was a way of a constellation selecting their avatar. Was my whole class a bug or something, I didn't believe it at first when the system said I would become the true king but now... Now it's changed completely, if I were to contact them about my class, they would probably delete my account and make me start over. Shit I gotta think quick, what should I do... I remembered the promise I had made with my mom not too long ago and I smiled. I knew now that if it meant having to fight against the game developers themselves, I would do it.

I turned off my T.V. and instead of going back to the game, I instead went outside to take a little stroll around the block. But also, to find someone, someone that could probably help me with this dumb mess. The only other person that actually cared for me back when we were kids, I think now is the best time to do it. Before I set off to find this person, I left my mom a note saying I might be a little late to dinner today...