Chapter 16: A lovely Reunion

I was wearing a grey hoodie and some white jeans, and my body kept telling me to turn back. But I couldn't run from it anymore, I couldn't take it anymore. If I remember correctly he house was a few blocks away, but it had been so long since I visited... As I drew nearer and nearer my heart started pounding faster and harder, every beat making me have second thoughts.

Although I was framed by her I still love her deeply because of the moments we shared in the past. She may not accept me right now, but I am willing to take it step by step. I still have a whole life ahead of me, if it takes my whole life to change her then I will do so. I was now steps away from reaching her door. I took a deep breath closed my eyes and got rid of all the bad thoughts and rang the doorbell. I smiled at the thought of the doorbell not changing from back then.

Somebody started walking up to the door and I could hear a lot of footsteps. The door slowly opened before me and the person behind it was... Emilia I couldn't believe it she was there right before me. I reached out and hugged her gently and started crying a little bit. It had been so long since I had the time and chance to see her as our paths never intertwined. She got a little flustered and looked to be confused, but then she slowly started reaching out to hug me.

I looked at her my eye sight a little blurry, but I could still see the image of her from before. She was wearing a white t shirt and black pants. She had definitely grown and changed in many ways, but so have I. Before she said anything I said, "I know this may seem out of the blue, but can we talk like right now?" She nodded and gestured me inside. Ah the nostalgia that hit me when I entered the house, so I said, "This place still looks the same, and I love it like usual." She laughed a bit and eventually I met eyes with her parents.

Her mother like usual looked at me and her back and forth and laughed a bit. But something was telling me her father didn't want me in the house, it was as if I was an alien to him. I waved at them a little confused and Emilia just tugged my arm a bit and led me. While she did that her mother said, "Don't does two look like couples?" I blushed when she said that but then I heard the grunt of her dad, I understand why he might be feeling like that right now. I mean Emilia was recently cheated on by that bastard.

Anyway she took me to her room which was upstairs and told me to get comfortable. But... I couldn't because although I had been here before it was different now. You know what happens when you hit that age, you start understanding things differently. She looked at me and said , "Come on now Aries you know I won't bite." I love it when girls in manga say that, but I love it more when an actual girl says that. I cleared my throat and looked at her seriously now, now it was time to act like adults. I looked at her and said, "This is a very serious question do you play Rise of Kings, or have heard of it?"

She looked at me like I was asking a stupid question and said, "Of course I do it's the talk around here these days, but I don't know about playing it." As long as she has heard of the latest news then I think she will understand what I am about to tell her. "Okay one more question before the big reveal, have you heard about the latest news on the game?" She looked at me a little confused and said, "No I have not seen any news lately on the game, does this big reveal have something to do with the game or something?" I nodded and told her that what I am about to tell her should be kept secret no matter what.

"So the game recently released an update where they added constellations and these constellations are insanely hard to get. They said that none of them were actually released publicly and that they were still working on them. But I kind of sort of attained one from an egg..." She looked at me with her eyes wide open, I thought I would see a confused look but this was different. She got up and walked up to me and said, "Do you mean to tell me that egg actually gave you something like that!"

She started walking around in circles trying to think of something to say. I thought she would be the one to be confused but clearly it was the opposite, now I am confused. I asked her, "Do you know something about an egg that can give you something like that." She glanced back at me and shook her head no. "Wait then how- how do you know about something like this?" She looked a little flustered now trying to find an answer to that as quick as possible. She looked at me and said, "Well- that's because a friend of mine told me about it."

This was getting weirder and weirder, I looked at her with a straight face and asked, "Do you play the game, be honest with me." She tried to avoid the question so I repeated it again and this time she replied back with a yes. She said, "I thought you would think that I was weird for playing a game like that so I kinda hid it." I laughed and told her that I had been grinding on the game for a long time. But something tells me that she is still hiding something from me...