Chapter 18: Avatar of Cancer?

I gave him some information on how I looked, and what I would be wearing and slept right after that to prepare for tomorrow. The sound of my alarm was so irritating that I think I may or may not have thrown it at my wall. Anyway, my mom left me a note on the side of my bed saying, "Hey sweetie, please go to school and come back home safely. I will be working late today because I am working overtime to pay the bills. Have a nice day at school and make good friends!" Down at the bottom it said, "Love Mom."

I finally had someone that cared about me in my life I thought, before nobody would even think about my school life. But now my mom is paying more attention to me, that makes me happy. I put on my school clothes and before I knew it I was back at school. I chatted a bit with Em during school and we made up a time and location for our date. I won't go into the specifics of that just yet hehe. Before I knew it school was already over and I was off to the meeting location. We agreed to meet at a cafe; it wasn't too far from the school so I just walked to it.

The cafe looked to be a little older on the outside since there were some tares on the outside walls. I walked in to see how the inside was and man was I gawking. The inside was so beautiful, I thought it was a place for royalties to dine. I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover. I looked around for the so called avatar of Cancer but I could not find him, so I just took a seat at an empty table. When I was looking around I thought I saw some important figures, but that could just be my eyes playing tricks on me.

The waitress arrived and asked if I wanted anything; I said, "A little coffee would be good, thank you." The guy finally arrived, it too him a whole hour after I arrived to get here. I waved my hand to tell him where I was and we walked up to me in his suit. He sat down in front of me and we both got a little more comfortable. He started out by introducing himself, his name was Will and he had just began playing the game. As I thought he was a newbie and a big one at that, he didn't even know how to hunt.

I asked him about how he even came across Cancer and he said that it was all a coincidence when he finished the tutorial. We exchanged real life names and game ids to each other so that we could keep in touch. I told him that I had seen something about Constellations being able to choose their avatars. "Oh by the way what's your class if you don't mind me asking.m, I said.

"Oh it's nothing special just a class with gold writing that says Taming Master..."

"Holy shit you have a legendary class, how do you not know about this... Anyway, if you need help I can probably carry you so you can get some levels in."

"Wait... legendary class? I though there were only 3 legendary classes: Demon, Prophet, and a Holy Priest."

"Well... yeah there is only 3 now that I think about it; could that mean you have also broken the system?"

"What do you mean by that... Do you have any ideas about why this could be happening?"

"I mean possibly because... nevermind that can't be it." I shook my head trying to get rid of the thought that I could be the cause of this.

"Okay one thing for sure is that something is up with the game, and I should probably report it to the devs."

"No no no I think I might have a solution to it, if you would like to test out something with me that is..." This was probably the weirdest thing you could say to a stranger you met online, but I had to test out my theory.

"I'll hear you out on this but if you try something funny then I might as well report you." I nodded and asked him to calm down, and that what I was about to ask might be a little weird.

"Okay... hear me out on this okay? Can we go to my house after this, I know we barely even know each other but I would like to show you something."

"What the absolute fuck? You want me-- to go to you house? What are you some rapist?"

"I laughed at that thought and looked him seriously and said just trust me on this." After a while of trying to convince him I finally got him to budge.

"Fine-fine I'll go so long as you don't do something weird." I nodded and told him that I would pay for the bill and we left the cafe. On our way back to my house I though of what could possibly go wrong if I showed him that thing. It might as well be like me showing him my secret that I had hidden ever since 1st grade. Anyway, I answered all of the newbie's questions, and we had a good vibe going. Oh by the way this guy's name was Tristain and he shared some common likes and dislikes like me. We got along pretty well. We finally arrived to my house and I led Tristain into my room to show him that thing.

I told him that all he had to do was watch as I did something and he agreed. I took out my console and turned it on, I put my headset on and looked for the game. I found it and booted it up, and before I knew it I was back inside the game just like before. I logged off right after to find that Tristain disappeared, and that was the last time I saw him for a while...