Chapter 19: What do I do now?

Okay so that just happened right? He just left... I took a deep breath trying to figure out what was going on, and couldn't imagine how tough it would be now. I really fucked up this time and I probably should act quick. I completely had forgotten about turning off the T.V., and overheard my name being mentioned. I bolted to the living room to see that guy on camera talking about the phenomenon he had just witnessed. I couldn't believe it he was a con man and a guy that just screwed up my whole god damn plan.

"Would you mind telling us where you met this guy and if you know this man's current whereabouts."

"Ummm sure... I met him today at a cafe and he lives at... beep beep beep."

I grit my teeth and swore that I would make this kid pay for revealing my secret. From this day forward I swore to get rid of this life and move on to the next. I know it sound retarded considering all the things I just did... But fuck it imma yolo and dip from this messed up society. I ran back to my console and immediately entered the game once again... From this point on I was now known as Raven the lone wolf who travels alone.

As soon as I teleported back to the game world I opened up my system: hella stressed out from the events that had just unfolded. Before I left, I left a note to my mom saying that this would be the last time she would see me, and to move on. I scrolled through the system finding the teleport stone that I had obtained. I inspected it and the system gave me the option of giving up the stone for a chance of winning a legendary item. At this point I didn't give a damn about what would happen and immediately exchanged it.

I inserted the gold coin into the machine and waited for it to reveal the end product. Tears started falling down as I remembered I had just made a move on her and now I would lose her... Emilia my loved one I will forever miss you. I wiped away the tears and made a promise to never cry again and to live a good life. The machine finally finished and steam started riding from the machine... I gave it a light kick and boom an item arose from the machine. It was none other than the godly item, Hermes's Boots.

I immediately put them on to see my agility go from 21 to 100. I couldn't believe that these boots held that much power and so I went for a test run. I stretched my arms and legs a bit before getting ready for blast off. I was now running and while running everything appeared to be going in slow motion, as I turned around I saw the smoke that I left behind. A loud boom could be heard from behind me once I reached the guild hall I immediately stopped. People started looking around trying to see where the ruckus came from, but could exactly pin point the location of the loud boom. I smiled and walked in this time with a smile and made sure that people would respect me this time.

I took off my mask and walked in there knowing that I had a bounty on my head before and watched as people looked at me with menacing eyes. Of course I was ready to brawl at anytime but left myself wide open to see if anyone would attack. I was just steps away from the billboard when someone tried tripping me. I slowly turned to him to fuck off, he got up now and walked up from behind me. At that moment I turned around in a flash and slammed his face to the floor. I brushed off the dust that came out of the impact and gave everyone else a warning so that they would mess around with me. I finally arrived at the billboard and took the quest closest to me, and disappeared.

I left a little symbol for the people on the billboard, it was an R. I looked at the quest and found out that it was an A- Rank dungeon that had a bunch of skulls on it. The skulls represent how many times the quest was failed. I opened up the system and searched for a way to contact Leo, and found a "Call" on there. I pressed it and as soon as I did Leo appeared right in front of me in his cub form. He started cursing at me about calling him for no reason, so I waited for him to cooldown.

"Alright now that you're calm Leo I have something to tell you."

He grunted and said, "Alright mortal what would you like to discuss with me?"

I looked at him with anger and said, "the next time you call me a mortal and not master you will pay for it." He started giggling so I picked him up and ran to the closest body of water and threw him in there. He started crying out for help, but I just walked away until he finally agreed to call me master.

I picked him up and said, "From now on I will be in this world for the rest of my life. So, I want to find out as much as I can about this world, and I thought you would be a good source of information."

"Ehhh actually... I'm as clueless as you are master, I have only been alive for about a week now so..."

I sighed and went straight to the point and said, "Do you want to help me take over this world? You can be the strongest constellation and I will be the strongest player, what do you say?"

The lion was hesitant at first but then said, "Anything for you master." I laughed and off we were on our new adventure of conquering this world.