Chapter 20: A fateful encounter?

Leo and I needed a home to stay at so the first thing we did was find an inn. From what I can see the map says that I have to take a right passed the guild hall in order to find this well known one. So, I walked up to that location and as I entered I again met the eyes of most people. They were all staring at me and the lion I was walking with. I gave them the death stare and made sure that they wouldn't do something stupid like the other guys.

I looked away and walked up to the registry, there I saw a fairly good looking maiden. She didn't seem to recognize me somehow which kind of made me glad and so I walked in closer.

"Hi Ms... Garfield I was just wondering if there were any more rooms left."

"Well of course there is, this is an inn right. Anyway we have exactly one room left so you're in luck mister..."

"Oh of course my apologies ma'am forgot to introduce myself, just call me Raven."

"Alright Raven that'll be 10 copper for every night with food and clothing provided." That's rather cheap, I thought it would be a crazy amount but 10 copper amounts to about 1 silver coin which is one tenth of a gold coin. In other words I can stay for as long as possible with me being an adventurer and all.

"You've got yourself a deal ma'am, oh if you don't mind me asking do you mind my little furry friend joining?"

"Oh sure I mean I guess seeing as you guys look to travel together. What a cute little fuzz ball you are..."

"Who're you calling a fuzz ball mortal I am the almighty Leo the lion so... umf-umf"

"Di- Did that lion just speak!? I've never seen such a creature would you mind tell me where you found it?" I slowly let go of Leo's mouth and told him not to call humans mortals for the time being.

"Oh my little friend here... I found him during one of my adventures in a dungeon."

"Oh that's cool you must be really lucky to get something like that hahaha."

"I guess hahaha, alright I guess we'll be off to settle ourselves in if you don't mind..."

As soon as I said that I heard a loud bang right behind me. Everything went silent after that, I turned around to check what was up and saw a man. He was wearing a white black leather jacket, some brown pants with a hat on top, and boots. To me he looked more like a cowboy so I bursted out into a laugh as I looked at his appearance. In a flash he took out his gun and shot a hair off of me , now I was pissed off.

"Whatcha looking at punk you got a fucking problem?"

"Oh hell yeah I do you just shot my precious hair, I'll make you pay for that." The girl behind me tapped my shoulder and shook her head and said that it was a bad idea to challenge him. I smiled and in a flash I jumped right behind him ready to bash his head. But it was all useless he grabbed me mid air and slammed me down, I was confused. He stared at me now with eyes like the devil with a huge grin on his face.

Oh this was getting interesting for sure and I could tell he thinks the same. Leo started talking telepathically and told me that we could try something. I agreed and he disappeared into his spirit form, he was now in his full lion form and roared at the enemy. I wiped off the blood on my mouth and grinned with the eyes of a demon and once again tried the same tactic. I dashed behind him and knew he was going to be waiting for me so I swooped in low and kicked him.

He didn't seem fazed at all rather he was still grinning, he took me by the shirt and this time threw me. Oagh* I was now coughing out blood... Leo told me it was ready and time for me to do it, I felt the power coursing through my body. I was now disseminating a dark red aura that surrounded the entire room. I started walking up to the man and at that moment something in me clicked, something that shouldn't have happened at the time.

I went so fast that this time he couldn't keep up at all, I took him by the head and dragged it across the floor before flinging him. Whoosh* just like the wind he was off, I dashed in right before he hit a boulder outside and kicked him up. Thwack* I jumped up and bashed his head with my hands together mid air. Boom* the ground split in a second and as I saw everyone staring at me I started regaining consciousness. I looked down now at the corpse under me and saw how much damage I had caused to it.

There was barely anything there, you wouldn't even be able to tell if it was a dead animal or a dead body anymore. I asked Leo what had happened and he said that I had lost control right after he lent me some of his power. Shit I was now in big trouble not only was there a huge crowd gathered around the explosion but apparently someone had called over the guild master. Things were going south in mere seconds, I looked around to see that I was basically surrounded. If I want to make it out of here I have to either fight my way out or just surrender.

I bit my lip and stopped myself from overthinking things, I laughed at the thought of retreat. I'm done running from everything, just like how I ran away from my previous life I wasn't going to that this time. I counted at least a hundred people gathered around, most were villagers but some were people to be feared. Including the guild master...