Three days and one kiss [part 1]

I was up early the next morning on the phone with Adrian. He said everything was fine there and that Adrianna was doing well, but I knew otherwise. I still had Dexter's message in my phone.

Dexter: In three days I'll send you an address. Be there or else I'll pay little Adrianna a visit.

To accompany that I had another ten unread messages from Zadia.

As soon as I was off the phone I heard footsteps behind me.

"Is something wrong?", mom asked standing at the door to my room.

Offering up a small smile I shook my head and sat up.

"Breakfast is ready", was all she said before she left.

Sighing I threw myself back in bed staring at the bland ceiling with my feet crossed at the ankle and my arms tucked under my head.

I am so screwed and I have no idea what to do.

Dexter wants me to meet him in three days. That's all I know. But that also means that all my fears have come true. He knows that we had the chip and that we lost it. But it also means that he won't be looking for us anymore because in three days I will go directly to him.

I can't let anything happen to Adrianna. She's one of my best friend's kid. And Dexter knows this.

This is all getting too out of hand.

I quickly stood up and left my room. It was almost seven in the morning as I made my way out to the backdoor. I didn't have the stomach for breakfast.

I walked for another three minutes into the vast two acres of land we call our backyard. I only stopped when I saw it.

It had been almost a year since I've been to my father's grave. Sometimes I wonder if he would have been proud of the person I turned out to be. He missed so many important things in my life. Like seeing me graduate high school and starting college. I wish he was still here.

I knelt down beside the grave. I notice first that it's been well kept. Even though there are bushes everywhere, there is none growing here it's as if it's been groomed regularly. I wonder if mom still comes out here. She's been different since Dad died, when she got remarried, that's when things completely changed. She wasn't always this cold and uncaring. I still believe that the mother I knew will come back someday. Because the truth is that I never got over my father's death and neither did mom.

"Your mom said that you'd be out here", a soft voice said from a few meters behind me.

I didn't move. I kept my gaze on his tombstone as Alana's impending footsteps were the only sound to be heard.

"He would've liked you, you know", I begin thinking of what it would've been like if the two of them had met.

I could tell she was smiling even though I didn't turn to check. That's how well I knew my... what were we? best friends?

Her hand caressed my shoulders gently. It was meant to be comforting but the small gesture sends shivers down my spine.

Clearing my throat, I stood up abruptly but when I turned we were closer than I'd realized. My breath caught as her big blue eyes seemed to peer into my very soul and I took a tentative step back.

"Are you okay?" I don't register her words as the smell of jasmine lingers in the air. Her smell.

I couldn't stop myself as my eyes passed over her impressive body. A few unholy thoughts went through my mind right then. Definitely not things one is supposed to think about their best friend. I had been ignoring these feelings for the past weeks so why are they resurfacing now.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she carefully studied my disposition.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, but I ignored it. No doubt it's another text from Zadia.

Shaking those absurd thoughts from my head I barely dragged a pathetic smile on my face as I muttered that I was okay and we headed back to the house together in an awkward silence.

Neither of us brought up what happened last night.


"Okay what is it?", Wayne asked after I had groaned for the fifth time in the past two minutes.

We were in the guestroom he was staying in. He was at the desk finishing up a paper for University. I had already missed one class yesterday. Luckily today is Friday so I'll only miss one more class before we go back. Not like that was on my list of priorities right now. Because if Dexter kills me first then school would be the least of my problems.

I sighed, "It's nothing", he cocked an eyebrow at me which meant I was not fooling anyone.

"Okay", I said a bit too eagerly as I sat up with my back against the headboard. "But you can't tell anyone. Not my mother and especially not Alana".

Wayne exaggeratedly rolled his eyes as he closed the laptop and turned his chair to face me.

"Just split it out Blake", he crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

I heaved a sigh and I looked over at him. The confliction must've been clear in my eyes.

"Dude, I think I might like Alana", I finally let the words leave my mouth.

I look up at Wayne who was staring at me looking unimpressed.

"Aren't you two dating though? I thought she was your girlfriend", he returns to the laptop obviously losing interest in whatever I had to say.

My eye widened as I took in his words. Is that what everyone thinks?

"What, no we're not dating. She's my best friend".

"Same thing dude", he threw the word carelessly over his shoulder at me.

Good thing he wasn't looking at me. My expression must've looked like I ate something sour. I just sat there with my mouth wide open, completely appalled.

"You two always have that whole sexual tension going for you anyway", he continued when I didn't reply, "personally, I thought you were both doing that whole friends with benefits shenanigan but Adrian said you were both secretly dating and would come public when you were ready".

By the time he was done I was no longer as appalled. I couldn't help but to scoff though.

"Wow Wayne, some best friend you are", I mocked. "You and Adrian really do have an active imagination".

At this he stopped to face me again but this time with an amused expression.

"It was actually your fans on campus who we heard both rumors from by the way", he smirked, "apparently you're a hot topic being the son of Mrs. Heather Johnson".

My eyes narrowed into a cold glare directed solely at him, "First of all I don't have fans as you put it. And no one even knows my relation to Heather on campus. I pay my own tuition not her and she only stops by my dorm when she wants something".

He laughed. I glared even harder. If looks could kill.

"Hey, don't get so worked up", he began to sober up but was still lightly chuckling, "why don't we just go out tonight just the two of us. You could use some fun. All you ever do is stay in your room and watch that stupid series. I don't even know what your fans see in you".

"Castle is not stupid", I refuted.

And just to make things clear I don't have fans. Okay, so maybe there are like seven girls who things I'm some celebrity because my mother is the president of a multi-millionaire company. I swear that's it.


"Where are you guys going", Alana asked later that night as Wayne and I headed for the front door.

"We're just going to check out this club in town. My friend here is a bit tense", Wayne clamped a hand over my shoulder.

Alana beamed at the information. "That actually sounds fun. Can I come?".

My eyes widened in panic and I looked at Wayne trying to communicate to him with my mind.

Say no you idiot.

When he smirked I knew he obviously understood. "Sure, we'd love for you to tag along", he looked at me, "right Blake?".

I glared at him but he managed to subtly jab my ribs with his elbow. Which hurt because I was still recovering from my injuries.

"Right, we'd just love that", my words sounded breathless by how hard he jabbed me.

"Cool, just give me five minutes to change", she said before she disappeared up the stairs.

I quickly turned to Wayne and scowled, "What the hell man!', I complained.

"Relax", Wayne smirked I'm just helping you out since you like her so much.

I didn't even know how to reply to that I just turned away from him with a scoff as my eyes trailed up the stairs where Lana had gone.

Yeah right. She didn't even come here with clothes. What is she possibly...

My thoughts are interrupted when I see her walking down the stairs towards us. She got ready quicker than I had thought but that's not what had me impressed.

"You look really nice Alana", I think I heard Wayne say, "doesn't she Blake?".

I was too busy staring at her and that maroon dress. It hugged all her curves and had a low neckline that...

until I felt another jab in my side bringing me out of my thoughts.

"She looks good right?", Wayne directs his question at me, smirking.

I scowled at him before turning back to Alana. She did in fact look sexy as hell. But instead of complementing her the words escaped my mouth.

"Isn't that dress a little too short", I stated and they both looked at me.

"What?", I shrugged as I turned to open the door and walked to the car.

Just before I got inside I got another text from Zadia. I'd been ignoring her ever since I left yesterday.

Za: Call me. It's important.

I ignored it and got into the car. Wayne then got in and flashed me a malicious smirk and I knew then that he had something planned for tonight.

And whatever it is. It couldn't be anything good.