Three days and one kiss [Part 2]

The drive to the club in town was not nearly as awkward as one would think. Just like last time, Wayne sat up front and Alana sat in back while I drove.

I couldn't stop glancing back at her every now and then. Whenever our eyes met, they would linger for a second before she would look away.

Ten minutes later we are surrounded by loud thumping music in a low lighting setting. Wayne and I were sitting at a table close to the bar. There were many dancing bodies around us now, male and female alike.

Wayne sighed beside me and draped a hand across my shoulder, "You know, if you're just gonna sit here and scowl at her from across the room then you might as well just go over there already".

I slowly turned to face him, "Wayne?".


"Shut up".

He sighed again and rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna go get a drink".

I nodded halfheartedly as I turned my gaze to Alana once again. She was flirting with some other guy at the bar.

That's three guys now.

My hand tightened around the drink I've been nursing all night. I'm still on my first glass of beer.

I don't know what's gotten into me. It's taking every fiber of my being to not go over there and punch that guy and take my girl awa...


My girl? Where the hell did that come from?

Man I need a drink!

I look up towards the bar and my eyes meets with hers. I completely freeze as she looks directly at me and laughs flirtatiously at something the guy in front of her says.

I don't even realize I'm clenching my teeth and narrowing my eyes at them until Wayne appears in front of my vision snapping me out of my thoughts.

He is carrying a tray with some shots on it as he takes a seat across from me.

"Look dude I know you said you aren't gonna be drinking tonight but-", he gets cut off as I take one of the shots from the tray and turn it to my head.

He nods in agreement with my actions, "Now that's what I'm talking about", he whoops.

I looked back at Alana but my eyes found her on the dancefloor with the same guy from before. I hated how they were dancing with each other. Jealousy surged through my entire body.

Why am I feeing this way. Jealousy? I can't even date Alana according to my mom. Not to mention I'm already in a 'relationship'.

"You've got it bad", My friend tutted as he too downed a shot.

"We're just friends", my voice was monotone.

"Tell that to your face, jealousy is a bitch", he tilted his head towards the couple grinding against each other on the dance floor.

When I looked back at them all the anger drained from my body and was replaced with defeat. I had no right to be even mad in the first place.

"Wayne, just get me drunk".


Two hours later all my inhibitions had disappeared. Including Wayne who had disappeared with a dark-haired girl and I had lost all track of Alana. In fact, I hadn't thought about her in a while now.

"Baby, what do you say we get out of here?", the blonde I was dancing with whispered into my ears.

I nodded and almost lost my balance. I was so drunk.

Her hands moved seductively along my chest and I smiled.

She whispered something else in my ear while grinding her hips into mine.

I didn't understand what she said but I nodded anyway. What the hell? I was drunk. Everything seemed like a good idea.

Her fingers laced through mine as she began to weave us through the crowd. I fumbled a bit and my vision was not so great either, considering that I was seeing two of everything.

Suddenly my hand is being ripped away from... wait what's this blonde's name again?

"What the hell do you think you're doing?". Wait, I know that voice.

My eyes are sort of droopy as I take in the scene before me. There is a dark-haired girl arguing with the blonde girl in front of me.

I don't really care what they're saying or why they keep making hand gestures at me but I do know that the blue and green lights flashing in the club ceilings is totally awesome.

The next thing I know the two girls are staring at me the black-haired beauty looks familiar. She raises a brow at me expectantly as if expecting me to talk.

My brain however can't process what is even happening and so I do the first thing that comes to my mind.

"I just wanna dance", I shrugged.

The dark-haired girl moves closer to me. Wait, I know that face. Alana?

She stands protectively in front of me with her arms crossed. Her back was turned to me but she was still saying something to the blonde girl.

"Stay away from him. He's mine", Alana shouts over the loud music.

For some reason that makes me smirk. I don't even know what's happening until I take a step towards her and wrap my arms around her tiny waist from behind.

Her body tenses at first but then relaxes against mine. I dip my head into the crook of neck and inhale deeply.

"You smell so good", I whisper against her ear.

She turns her body to face me but my hands stays firmly around her waist.

She has a slight scowl on her face as she asks, "Who's that girl?".

My eyebrows furrowed, "I don't care".

She seems to be fairly impressed by my answer as a wicked grin breaks unto her face and she drags me back unto the dance floor. That's when I notice that Alana is almost as drunk as I am.

We dance together. I don't know for how long but I know it's the happiest I've been all night.

Her hands are wrapped around my neck and our foreheads are resting against each other as we move to the beat. When I open my eyes I find her bright blue ones looking back at me.

After a few moments she speaks, "Tell me you don't feel it, tell me you don't feel something between us".

That one sentence catches me off guard and sobers me up a bit and I close my eye for a second before opening them.

"I can't do that", the words leave my mouth before I can even control what I'm saying, but before I can think it over a pair of lips crashes into mine and my eyes flutter close on impulse.

One of my hand tangles into her hair as the other one finds itself around her waist pulling her body flush against mine.

I bite her lower lip and she gasps allowing me to slip my tongue into her mouth. Our groans of ecstasy are drowned out by the club music.

A part of me knows we shouldn't be doing this but even that doesn't stop me.

That is, until I feel a hand on my shoulder and I break away from Alana. My heart is beating really fast and I'm basically breathless.

Wayne is holding a phone in his hand suggesting for me to take it.

He only says two words that completely sobers me up, "It's Jackson. Dexter attacked him".