Chapter-7[Senior Brother Murong]

(Xia Dongyi's POV)

I know that I can't become Core Disciple directly as my cultivation can't rise that quickly but I could become Sect Master's disciple without the requirement of the cultivation base.

"What happened, Senior Sister?" Yang Ruiya asked in a little worried tone seeing that I was lost in thoughts.

I quickly come out of my thoughts hearing Yang Ruiya's voice and smiled under the mask.

"Nothing, just thinking about the sect ranks..." I answered.

"Ohhh don't worry Senior Sister, you will be able to become Core disciple easily!!" Yang Ruiya said in a motivational tone.

I guess Yang Ruiya could understand that every disciple in the sect wants to become a core disciple and have the privilege of having more resources to become stronger. Cultivating requires way too many resources to become strong.

Cultivating is the search for immortality. Every living being want to live for a long time but only some of them could become capable of living longer, as becoming immortal, it has already been 100000 years since someone ascended to become immortal and since then, no one had the opportunity to ascend again as they died before reaching that stage or the Heavenly Tribulation killed them during their Ascension.

I nodded, ' dear Ruiya..cultivating to become stronger and live a long life is filled with dangers at every step...and this is something that you have to experience yourself...' and thought. I know how hard it is for a person to live in a cultivation world, even I would have many troubles accepting the things happening in this world if I just transmigrated but good thing I reincarnated. However, the insane thing I did in my last life, I never killed anyone just for being disrespectful to me, something that happens on daily basis in this world.

Seeing the expression on my face which showed care, Yang Ruiya smiled a little, 'It seems like Senior Sister is taking me as a kid....really...she cares for others too much...'

After walking for a while we both reached the gate to go out of the inner sect's living compartment but stop at the arrival of an unexpected party that appeared in front of the gate.

"Junior Sisters, Could you please help me...?" The man around in his twenties asked while appearing in front of us.

Both my and Yang Ruiya's faces morph into annoyance seeing the man appeared there but mine is under the mask.

"What help do you need from us, Senior Brother Murong?" I inquired politely but one could easily sense annoyance from my tone.

But the man, Senior Brother Murong acted as though he hadn't heard my tone and shows a bright smile.

"Junior Sister Xia, I have been feeling pain in my heart every time I see you with that vile mask on your face...and my heart seems to be sinking in your eyes, but it still seems to want more, it wants to bask in your face, so could I have the honor of looking at your immortal beauty one last time...?" Senior Brother Murong exclaimed calmly while making exaggerated gestures with his hands.

Both my and Yang Ruiya's eyes show disgust hearing what the Senior Brother Murong spoke, 'So cringe!! Can't he choose the lines which make a little bit of sense?! Utterly Disgusting!' I thought at the cringe words I just heard.

Yang Ruiya's eyes shone in black dangerously and Yin Qi started to come out of her body but the amount was too less as her body just got mixed with my Yang Qi. I sensed the Yin Qi coming out of Yang Ruiya's body quickly put my hand on Yang Ruiya's shoulder releasing a little bit of my Yang Qi to calm the Yin Qi releasing from Yang Ruiya's body.

Yang Ruiya immediately turned her face away as it started blushing hard from the Yang Qi entering her body, mixing with her Yin Qi.

Senior Brother Murong looked at us with the same smile, he can't sense the Yin and Yang Qi because their amount was too low and he also had never cultivated in those energies making him unable to understand.

After calming Yang Ruiya, who hung her down now, I turned towards Senior Brother Murong who still showed a smile at our interaction making me feel even more annoyed at this Senior Brother.

'Do we really have to meet him this early...? Can't he just go after other girls!' I wondered at the fact that this Senior Brother is after me for 3 years.

"Senior Brother Murong, I don't want to ruin your day looking at my unsightly face, so could you please excuse us?" I answered with a tone full of annoyance. I don't want another outbreak in Yang Ruiya happening any time soon.

"Hahaha Junior Sister, if your face is unsightly then the heavens should crash on the world to kill the one who said that thing, I even sometimes feel that how could Heaven even let the world exist as it is dirtying your beauty." Senior Brother Murong spoke in a proud tone.

"What the hell is he acting proud for?" Yang Ruiya mumbled.

It seems like she already had enough of the sh*t that the Senior Brother Murong was speaking and took my hand.

"Senior Brother, we have work from Master, so we have to leave early on. If you will excuse us." Yang Ruiya said and took my hand and I decided to stay silent and let her do whatever she is doing and leave the place.

Senior Brother Murong stayed there quietly looking in the direction we left.

Senior Brother Murong thought with a thoughtful expression on his face while going in the Inner sect Living compartment showing his lone back to the world as the morning sunlight reflected on his body making him look like a lone cultivator fighting the world.


Meanwhile, both I and Yang Ruiya walk towards the Alchemy Hall while ignoring the looks that we got from other disciples as both of us are still holding our hands.

"How good they look together...really both Senior Sister Xia and Senior Sister Yang are such good friends!" One of the junior disciples exclaimed.

"I know! I even saw them together most of the time when they are not cultivating!" Another disciple chirped in.

"I wonder why can't heaven give me a friend like them..." A junior disciple said sadly while looking at the sky.

Ignoring the conversation going on between the other disciples that we are used to, I looked at Yang Ruiya's face showing annoyance.

"Why can't he just do his business?! Always messing with you!" Yang Ruiya said in a low irritated tone.

A peal of small laughter left my mouth hearing that.

"How would I know? Or perhaps are you jealous?" I asked in a teasing voice.

Yang Ruiya turned her face towards me and a bright smile appeared on her face while bringing her face near my ears. I let her do whatever she wanted.

"Jealous of what...? When he can't even touch you...but I can..and have you all by myself..." Yang Ruiya whispered softly while blowing my ears.

My body trembled a little, 'This little....'

But before I could do anything, Yang Ruiya stepped back as we are still out in the open so she can't put her face near mine for too long else other disciples might suspect something.

It's not like I want to keep my relationship secret with her or others but my strength and along with the fact that I have Yang Physique is only known to some people in the sect. The Yang Physique, Yin Physique, and others are rare for a person to have which directly made them the target of other cultivators, especially the Dark Cultivators who would gladly refine their whole physiques to get more strength.

And my strength is not enough to let the world know about my relationship even if I know not many people disagree but those do will become problematic for the current me.

'I need to become strong...' This thought hovered in my head making me think of the future.


(Senior Brother Murong's POV)

I am Murong Xinfei, son of the Murong Family, one of the noble families in the Empire of Dustina.

I was the heir to the seat of Patriarch or Family Head but when I got Admitted to the sect after passing the Sect Test 7 years ago and the position of the Heir was passed onto my little brother.

This sect had changed my life, I want to free the world from corruptness but staying in my family would have never allowed me to do that. My family is a Merchant Family, filled with corruption to the brim but I can't solve that even if I become the Head as the Ancestors were the ones looking after the family in reality.

But, I could acquire the necessary strength in the sect and cleanse my family with that.

And another thing that the Sect changed for me is, Junior Sister Xia.

I fell for her the first moment my eyes landed on her figure 4 years ago but I only talked with her a year later as I continued to observe her from far. She is pure, untainted from this cruel world and I want her to remain the same. But at the same time, she is helpful to others and she never looked down on those weaker than her.

She is like a fairy coming to the mortal world to bask it in the enlightenment of her beauty and pureness. She is the only person that I ever felt my heartthrob for but the Heaven seems to have other plans for me.

She seemed way too shy to even talk in front of me and always shows disgust or other emotions but I have no problem as I could understand that she should be feeling pressure for talking with me considering that I am loved by many Sisters in the sect.

But, you don't have to worry, Junior Sister Xia, my heart is only for you along y with my soul.

I need to think of something to make her accept me but sometimes, I am always disturbed whenever I tried talking with her from the other two sisters in the sect who seems to be, I think jealous?

Today is a lucky day for me. I finally comprehended a sword technique that I was having a problem with to the Medium Completion and now I am returning to my residence from the Training Hall, the place I have been staying for 7 days continuously practicing and comprehending.