Chapter-8[A Little Punishment?]

(Murong Xinfei's POV)

I suddenly stopped the moment my eyes spotted two beautiful fairies walking together with a cold atmosphere around them.

Seeing them, I stood directly outside of the gate and waited for them to arrive here.

After a minute they reached there and I appeared in front of them.

I mentally frowned seeing the mask on Junior Sister Xia's face but knowing that her beauty alone could affect the world, I understood her reason but my heart desired to see her face again.

So, I asked for that but she just called herself unsightly...

How is that possible?! She is my light, the reason why I want to unravel the corruptness and darkness of the world and bask it in her light.

Right, she is modest to earth, she doesn't care about what others think of her.

But I still tried to explain to her only for Junior Sister Ruiya to take hands and walk away with her.

'So...even the Junior Sister Yang is falling for my charms...but I can't be with you...I am sorry, but my heart only belongs to Junior SIster matter what...' I wondered at my own charm.

Huh...I looked at their back walking away from here and then look at the sky, as the morning sunlight hit my face.

'Why do those two always take Junior Sister away from me...Are they that jealous that I showed my feelings for Junior Sister..? But even then...I am sorry for being so sinful...I wonder how many hearts I am going to break...'

I wondered...after a minute, I started to walk towards my living quarter to rest and think of some way to let Junior Sister Xia accept my love.


(Yang Ruiya's POV)

A pest again disturbed my time with Senior Sister Xia.

I want to kill him with how much he is pestering Senior Sister Xia but Senior Sister Xia always stopped me saying that he is not of bad nature...

But he disturbed my time with Senior Sister again as he did sometimes in the past...and those lines, how could someone say that and can't he see others becoming uncomfortable with his act?

So, I took Senior Sister Xia away from that person, I don't want to stay near him.

While being alone with Senior Sister Xia, even though many disciples are her, she tried to tease me but I used that chance to attack against her weak point and she can't do anything as there are other disciples here.

But the flushed look on her face was good to watch... maybe I should do it regularly~


(Xia Dongyi's POV)

I looked at Yang Ruiya who smiled mischievously for a moment before her expression returned to normal.

'I can't even do anything with this many disciples present here....else she was going to learn a lesson from me...' I thought looking at the Yang Ruiya who moved in front of me while holding my hand.

If only there were fewer disciples here, I would have let her have a very good experience... a good one but I can't as even now, many disciples are observing us while many are doing the same things that the fans used to do in my last life, screaming or showing their excitement.

'Ahh..right I could do that hehehe and this will also help her later on...' I laughed evilly inside after thinking about something, a very good way to let Yang Ruiya learn her lesson.

I transferred a little bit of Yang Qi from my body towards Yang Ruiya's body making her jolt in surprise.

Yang Ruiya turned back in surprise and looked at me with her face completely red.

"Senior Sister...that's cheating...." Yang Ruiya mumbled.

Yang Qi will make any woman weak due to the nature of the energy...but it is also true for Yin will make the man feels aroused...but the good thing is that I am a girl so she is not that much affected and my body is Yang Physique making it more immune to it.

Only Yang Ruiya's Yin Qi or someone a lot stronger than me could affect me with their Yin Qi but right now Yang Ruiya doesn't have much as she had her used in cultivation during the night and the rest is during the morning when I kissed her, making her lose the little amount that she had before. Only a little is left in her body, which she knows can't stop the river of Yang Qi from my body.

I easily heard what Yang Ruiya said but ignored it and continued to walk but this time, I walked in the front while dragging Yang Ruiya and sending little bits of Yang Qi into her body.

'This will be a good lesson for her...blowing in my ears is a big no outside the room...' I thought. My ears are my soft/sensitive point...making it harder for me to like that. And Yang Ruiya know that but still did it, so she deserved some more punishment.

After five minutes of walking, I stopped sending Yang Qi in Yang Ruiya's body as she is blushing way too much and heavy breathing sounds are coming from her. If not for Yang Ruiya using a Sound Concealment Tailsman before, others would have heard her.

"Had your lesson?" I asked softly but I hadn't brought my face near Yang Ruiya's especially after seeing the lust becoming apparent in her eyes, but that's not without clarity.

Yang Ruiya nodded and I seeing that started walking again while dragging Yang Ruiya behind me.

'Well...with this much Yang Qi, she should be able to cultivate for some time...haa...but why is my body creating so much Yang I am some random dragon in heat... and why is Ruiya's physique creating less Yin Qi then required...?' I wondered at my own body.

I know that my body made way too much Yang Qi, but I could control it but it is not true for Yang Ruiya, her body made way too less but her control over it is unimaginable. She could easily do anything and even use her Yin Qi in a fight while I could also do that, I need more concentration to do that making it hard to fight like that.


(Yang Ruiya's POV)

My plan to tease Senior Sister Xia backfired!

But it felt better than it backfired~

My whole body trembled the moment the hot substance, the Yang Qi entered my body making me feel hot.

I quickly used a Sound Concealment Tailsman to keep my voice to myself and Senior Sister Xia.

Her Yang Qi slowly and in small amounts entered my body and I wasn't able to do anything other than letting it roam in my body, making me feel hot all over.

I could have used my Yin Qi to intervene the energies but I don't have much as I used most of mine and my body created way too little than the Yang Qi in the Senior Sister Xia's body making it more and more difficult for me to tolerate it.

But I am liking it~

Feeling of Senior Sister Xia roaming in my body~

But I still need to ask for the reason...

"Senior Sister...that's cheating...." I mumbled.

But Senior Sister Xia ignored me... and I have no problem as I continued to enjoy myself.

'ha..ha... it's hard not to moan sometimes...ahh' I thought trying to keep the voice leaving my mouth.

After some minutes, Senior Sister Xia stopped sending her Yang Qi making me disappointed a little but I kept quiet as I tried to keep the heat in me.

After walking for some time, I calmed from all the building heat but I also sensed a huge amount of Yang Qi in my body sent by Xia Dongyi, 'Why do Senior Sister's Physique make this much Yang Qi but mine is so pitiful compares to her...but this Yang Qi will help me for cultivate, I guess that's what Senior Sister was trying to do...' I felt elated in my mind thinking about possibilities like that.

So, that's why Senior Sister Xia sent it... but I know that she also wanted revenge for the previous act..

I started to pant a little and my breathing sounds became heavy but good thing that only Senior Sister Xia could see it... but I want to see her face...if not for that vile mask...

"Had your lesson?" Senior Sister Xia asked me but she kept her face looked like the lust showed in my eyes, and it is true.

I right this instant want to attack Senior Sister Xia~

But I also kept myself under control, I am a proper lady.

I nodded meekly and hung my head down to keep others from seeing my red flushed face as this is only Senior Sister Xia's previlage.