
[Master! look at your shoulder!]

A frown appeared on my face as I turned my head only to see the same little girl that I saw whenever Mai's emotions changed in my mind, but the girl right now is kinda transparent, like a hologram image.

I curiously touched the face of the little girl with my finger and surprisingly I could touch her without my finger passing through her.

Is she real?

I thought she was a hologram considering that her body looked transparent.

As I was thinking, suddenly my finger passed through her body, or more like, she started to fly in the air and landed on my head.

[Mou! Master, it is rude to touch someone like that!!]

Mai pouted while sitting cross-legged on my head. I couldn't feel any weight on my head but I was able to sense her sitting there.

"Mai, what are you?" I asked curiously.

[I am System! Harem Goddess System!] Mai answered me excitedly.

I still found that name ominous...

I liked the War Goddess more, but I guess can't ask for more than what I could chew, especially when I do have a harem.

"No, I am asking as what you are, not the system," I asked.

[I am the spirit of the System?] Mai answered unsurely.

Wait... does she herself don't know what she is?

I guess, she did say that she is not that old to know many things.

"Then, why were you quiet the whole day?"

[Master, I was checking the things related to the system, and the system is linked to your soul completely now.] Mai answered while nodding her head.

I see...

Then, that means I would be able to know the features of the system right?

"Mai, then what are your features?" I asked in a hopeful tone.

I want to become stronger and experience the same strength that the Elder Lin showed and even stronger, but at the same time, I know my limits, I can't become stronger quickly considering my Physique but I am ready to accept any kind of help I could get to become stronger.

[Master, my features are quite simple.] Mai answered and before I could ask what she meant, a blue screen appeared in front of me.

[ Harem Goddess System.

1. Status.

2. Inventory.

3. Quest.

4. ------



This is just similar to the other systems that I had seen in the novels in my past life, except the last one...

But... there is nothing here that matches the name of the system here...

The system is Harem Goddess System, not just a system.

"Mai...I don't that there is anything here that is distinct from the word. Harem Goddess?" I asked speechlessly.

[Master, wait for a little, and open the status first.] Mai answered.

I was about to but stopped and focused on the last feature which is not shown making me curious.

'This should be something important right?' I thought and decided to ask.

"Mai, why is the last feature covered?" I asked.

Mai paused for a minute before she answered,

[Don't worry Master, it may be a locked feature that will be unlocked after your strength increased.]

It is clearly suspicious...

I am feeling that I am asking for something that I will know in the future, but why is my life becoming more and more mysterious?

I am wondering if what I am seeing and experiencing is all but a dream but at the same time, I know that it is all a reality.

"I see..." I replied and without waiting for Mai to continue, I spoke.


The next moment, a big screen appeared in front of me, making me shocked but I still looked at it.



Name- Xia Dongyi

True Name- [-------]



Supreme Devourer's Disciple, Inner Disciple, [The one hated by Heaven], [The **********]







18 Years Old






1. Devouring Physique

2. Yang Physique


Cultivation Method-

Ying-Yang Dragon Pheonix Dual Cultivation Method


Foundation Establishment, 7th Stage.


Cultivation Techniques-

1. Nirvana Sword Art.[Mortal Art]


Soul Cultivation-


Soul Rank-



Mind Cultivation Method-




1. Human.

2. --------



Supreme Refinement Method.



1. Dao of Devouring


Body Cultivation Method-


Body Rank-




1. Touch of Yang[Self Created]

2. Voice of Lust.[Self Created]

3. Touch of Devouring[Self Created]

4. Touch of Lust[Self Created]

5. The Aura of Devouring.[Source Skill]


Harem Members-

1. Ling Er- [Pure Alchemist Physique][Affection- 100%]

2. Yang Ruiya- [Pure Yin Physique][Affection- Borderline Yandere]

3. Zi Yan- [Fire God's Physique][Affection- 100%]



I become speechless while going through my Status.

I know that I should be more shocked at the fact that this status is also filled with many mysteries, but what shocked me most is my gender.....

What does it mean that I'm genderless?!

I'm a girl!!

"Mai!! what does it mean by Genderless?!" I inquired quickly.

Mai floated from my head and hovered in from of the status.

I looked at her questioningly.

[Master, It means that you have no gender, whether Male or Female, you could transform!!] Mai answered me excitedly with a 'Praise me' look on her face.

I just looked at her with a speechless expression.

And continued to stare at her till sweat started to appear on her forehead.

Mai then turned her head but I still continued to stare at her with a glare that seems to bore holes through her till she finally looked in my direction.

[Master!! Don't look at me like that!!] Mai said while waving her hands.

"Then explain," I said and continued to stare at her.

[Master, I already told you what it means though!] Mai answered.

I nodded.

"Yes, you did, but what I am asking is, why am I genderless? I have been a girl for quite some time and I know for sure that I am completely a girl as I never felt anything like a boy... wait, I was never interested in boys, but we are not going to count that, so tell me. Why did I never know that I could change my gender at will before?" I spoke out my thoughts and sighed at the end.

Mai becomes silent.

I continued to stare at her.

[Master, I don't know?] Mai said from what looked like some minutes she took to find the answer...

I nearly tripped myself hearing that.

What does she mean she doesn't know?!

Is she the system spirit or I am?!

"What do you mean by that?!" I asked.

[It means that I still need some time to understand everything...] Mai answered with tears gathering in her eyes.

Damn it!!

I was way too loud and confused that I forget that Mai is quite sensitive to my emotions!!

I need to calm down and calmly ask things.

"I am sorry, Mai for speaking loudly before," I said in a soothing tone as I tried to pat her head with my finger, which she accepted.


I mentally sighed. I need to be careful and not take my emotions out like this.

After patting Mai for several seconds, I took my hand back and looked at Mai.

"Now, Mai please explain to me everything that I am seeing in my status..." I said and placed Mai on my hands.

Mai nodded.

[Master, from Genderless, I don't know much but it may be related to your soul. Your soul right now is that of a man, not a woman.] Mai answered after she sat in a relaxed position in my hand.


My soul is that of a guy?

But... I am living like a girl and I have the same feeling as a girl, so why?

"Mai, you are saying that my soul is a male soul while my body is female making the difference here?" I asked.

Mai nodded before she shook her head

[I am not sure...] Mai answered uncertainly.

Now, that's a problem...

I thought I could get the answers that I want to know from Mai, but here I am getting wrapped up in more mysteries here...

"I see..."

I thought for a minute and looked through my status again and decided to ask more about other things...

And my title...

[The one hated by Heaven]...

Am I hated by heaven?

I thought as I turned my head towards Mai who is relaxing her back onto my thumb after she made herself even smaller.