
"Mai, what does it mean by the title, [The one hated by Heaven]?"

I asked Mai seriously while feeling a little baffled at the title. I don't remember doing anything to be hated by Heaven... or did I?

I don't know.

But I felt like many more things are missing here and are getting covered in the mystery..

Mai suddenly jumped in surprise when I asked that.

[Mou! Master don't ask for things like this seriously!! I nearly had a heart-attack hearing your serious voice!] Mai exclaimed loudly while heaving her chest to calm herself.

Is it my fault?


I just asked about some information, important information!

Why is she reacting like I dropped a bomb out of nowhere?

"I just asked you about that!" I too exclaimed.

Mai become silent hearing me before she turned serious and looked directly into my eyes.

I waited for her answer.

I continued to wait for 5 minutes and stared directly into her eyes which seemed way too big for her before a sigh escaped her mouth.

"So, ready to talk?" I asked feeling speechless at her act.

[Yes, Master.] Mai answered with a defeated expression on her face.

"Then explain," I said.

Mai nodded and sat comfortably on my palm.


I mentally sighed.

'It feels like I am talking to a kid... wait, she did say that she is a kid before... but according to what standards? I don't know." I thought looking at Mai.

[Master, you just need to know that you are Supreme Devourer's Disciple. And he was condemned by both Heaven and Earth for his acts. You as his disciple also got the same hate but don't worry, Heaven will not interfere during your Tribulation.] Mai answered me seriously.


A concept that is so near at the same time, too far away from me.

"I see, so it is due to that Black Book right?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

Mai hastily nodded with some sweats on her head.


That book is weird!

And Mai knows about that book!

"And, what is that book?" I asked in a soft and affectionate tone.

Mai looked at me in surprise and just as she was about to reply, I narrowed my eyes making her think of her answer again.

Mai becomes quiet and looks to be racking her brain to think of a reason.

[Master, that book is called Blank. I could only tell you this much.] Mai answered me in the most serious tone she had ever used with me.

I looked at her with a surprised expression before I nodded.



I could force her to answer but hearing her tone, I felt like I shouldn't discuss this matter.

That was a lie...

I felt someone listening to our conversation when Mai spoke the name. The feeling terrified me to the extreme.

I am shaking right now. My legs are trembling in absolute fear right now.

My whole back is drenched in sweat right now.

I felt death.... no... I felt my end to be worse than Death if the being who observed me got its hand on me...

I'm the core.

Tears are gathering in my eyes, it was the most traumatic experience that I ever had.

The feeling that someone had me in their grasp.

There was not a singular trace of power or something but just the presence which scared me.

The same mysterious feeling that I got from the Old Man but this one felt disgusting and devasted to me.

I looked at Mai who put her finger on her mouth, indicating me to stay quiet.

[Master, don't ask about that book ever again till you think you are capable enough to truly know about it.] Mai said seriously, way too seriously.

I nodded my head and after some time, I started to relax a little. Every muscle and tendon in my body relaxed. I leaned on the bed, heaving a sigh while being careful not throwing Mai from my hand.

'What was that?'

I don't know. I feel terrified to even think about that.

I started to bite my nails, small nails on my hand with anxiousness taking over me.

This time, I don't feel a single bit of excitement like the time with Elder Lin, but felt utter destruction.

Suddenly, I felt someone caressing my head and then realized that Mai had left my hand and flew to my head, caressing me.


[Don't worry Master. Everything is gonna be alright. I am here with you and you are not alone this time.] Mai said comfortingly.

I nodded lightly.

Right...I am not alone.

I just need to become stronger.

I motivated myself but deep down, I know that the current me is still going to get the same result that I had thought before.

Mai sitting on my head shook her head but stayed quiet.

I decided to drop the matter of the book along with the Old Man, who gave me that book as I felt that I am already tired from this.

"Mai, I have other things to ask," I said calmly while trying to keep my shaking tone to myself.

Mai nodded and hovered from my head and landed on my hand.

[Yes Master?] Mai asked while tilting her head cutely.

How cute...

"Mai, what does [True Name] mean?" I asked seeing my true name hidden.

Mai shook her head at my question.

I instantly understood that it is the same as my old question.

"Then, my hidden title?" I asked again.

And got another shake of the head.

I see...

"Source?" I asked, curious as to what that is as I have two sources.

Mai nodded at this question.

[Master, Source is what the person is. You have the source of devouring along with Yang due to your Physique. The source is like your core which makes you what you are at the same time, it is the reason why you could use that power.] Mai answered.

I see...

So, it means that the reason I can use the Devouring and the Yang Qi is because of my Source.

Do others also have Source for their power to work?

It may sound silly to many but I don't even know what I am at this point.

I'm Genderless.

I'm surrounded by mysteries.

I'm hated by Heaven.

Unknown beings seem to be after me...

Then, I as the center of that, what am I?

I nodded toward Mai as not to put her in worry for not answering.

"Then, what is my hidden bloodline?" I asked seeing my bloodline other than Human being sealed.

Mai shook her head.

I nodded and saw the [Power], Supreme Refinement Method, the one I got from that book so I decided not to ask about that.

"Mai, care to explain to me my skills?" I asked with a smile on my face.

Mai trembled when she saw my smile and cleared her throat before answering me.

[This is the result of how you used your skills before! So, don't blame me!!] Mai exclaimed trying to prove herself innocent.

That was rude of her.

I never used my abilities like this...

The pictures of using my Yang Qi to give pleasure and make someone sensitive appeared in my mind, and along with it, the pictures of me using it on Yang Ruiya during the day appeared in my mind.

I become quiet and looked away feeling Mai glaring at me.

Well, it can't be helped that I used my powers like that...

They are mine, so I am free to use than however, I want.

Deciding on that, I turned toward Mai who still continued to glare at me.

I know about the skills even without any description, so I focused on another part.

"Mai, what is Dao?" I asked, seeing that I own Dao of Devouring.

Mai nodded.

[It is the absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of Yin and Yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order. You gain insights into your Dao and gain miraculous powers. At some point, you could gain the power to control the natural aspects themselves if you gain insights into Dao.] Mai answered which kinda shocked me as she decided to answer me fully.