
Why were there modern things in this world?!

How was that possible?!

Those thoughts continued to run through Mai while she was sitting on Xia Dongyi's head.

She found that to be unbelievable. She had checked before, and from her results, there was nothing like that in the Human World.

Meanwhile, Xia Dongyi stepped inside the forest. That area was the Outer Part, and the three paths were divided using an Inscription Patter, making sure that no high-rank beast escaped to the other part.

A fresh aroma of green wilderness hit Xia Dongyi's nostrils but instead of stopping, she started to hurriedly walk deeper as there were still many disciples standing toward the entrance of the outer part.

'This place feels completely different than Alchemy mountain, there was the strong aroma of herbs in the Alchemy Moutain, and even though there is an aroma of herbs but the aroma of plants and wilderness overpower the aroma of the herbs..' Xia Dongyi thought as she climbed the hill.

The whole area was surrounded by large trees, so large that it was hard to see the top of them and along with the tree was the grass on the ground.

There were many other disciples around Xia Dongyi too right now, as they all came here to gain experience and maybe find some rare herb.

Xia Dongyi walked for around 10 minutes and there were no disciples in a large area around her. She then heard the sound of grass moving making her turn her head towards the left of here, from where the bushes of grass moved a little.

Xia Dongyi becomes completely alert. In this place, it was hard to tell whether there was a beast or not as some beasts were exceptional in hiding themselves.

A snow-white sword appeared in her hands and she readied herself. Soon, the grass bushes moved and a cute little rabbit appeared.

The rabbit was a pure white rabbit with large ears over its head, large back feet, and small red eyes. Those large ears continuously moved in a cute manner like the rabbit was continuously hearing something.

The rabbit turned toward Xia Dongyi and its eyes started at Xia Dongyi in the eyes and tilted its head in a cute manner.

If anyone saw that rabbit, only one thought would appear in their mind, cute. But not for Xia Dongyi, she glared at the rabbit as a person stared at its archenemy.

'Why did have to meet this fella?! And it is a Rank-3 beast!' Xia Dongyi panicked internally.

Her gaze suddenly wander to the sound of the bushes moving due to the wind, but she quickly turned her gaze to the rabbit only to stare at the lone ground.

'Damnit...' That was all Xia Dongyi could think of before something hit her in her ribs.

Her whole body dashed back and crashed into a tree!

"Urghh..." A painful groan escaped her mouth as she stood up groggily. Her whole ribcage started to hurt. Her left hand was placed on her left ribcage while her sword was in her right hand.

She glared at the place where she was standing before and saw the rabbit from before previously standing but this time, those small red eyes shone menacingly. The rabbit had its mouth wide with menacing sharp fangs instead of teeth showing. Saliva dripped from its mouth as those eyes stared at Xia Dongyi.

"It hurts..." Xia Dongyi muttered painfully but her gaze stayed focused on the rabbit.

[Killer Rabbit], one of the most dangerous species of beasts at low rank. They don't have much potential to become stronger than Rank-6 but strength was not their main forte. Their speed and cunning mind made them one of the dangerous species to fight.

If a new cultivator or someone who had never seen a beast like this before tried to fight it, then they would definitely fall for its tricks.

Xia Dongyi was lucky as she had fought the Killer Rabbit before when she had come for her mission in the Beast Mountain last time, but she herself fell for the trick of the Killer Rabbit, and if not for the quick reflex, then she wouldn't be standing here.

And, even though the strength of Killer Rabbit is not much but their feet are rock hard, their racial trait.

Xia Dongyi narrowed her eyes at the Killer Rabbit, she know that she was at fault before for underestimating it and letting herself get distracted but not this time.

She wants to have revenge now!

Xia Dongyi lifted her sword and passed her spiritual energy to her Sword. A lightish blue aura slowly covered her hand before it crept onto her sword from the hilt to the blade, making it shine in a lightish blue aura.

Killer Rabbit's ears perked up as though it sensed danger but before it could do anything, Xia Dongyi slashed her sword forward, and an arc of Lightish Spiritual Energy left her sword at a very high speed.

But again, Xia Dongyi underestimated the tendency and the experience that Beasts acquire. The beasts live in Do Die environment all the time, and on the other hand, Xia Dongyi had spent most of her life in peace except for some occasional conflicts with other disciples, she had never acquired any real experience.

As for the fighting skills from her past life? In a world where someone could flatten the mountains using a single sword slash, what would her skills do? and she hadn't had the time to practice or even revise her techniques before.

The Killer Rabbit's feet shone in redish light, the Beast Qi and quickly jumped away at a speed more than what eyes could follow!

A surprised expression formed on Xia Dongyi's face!

She had thought that if she was able to take on one when she was only at the Stage 1 Foundation Realm, then she should be able to kill one now as her strength had increased many folds than before but all for naught.

'Wait! My aim was perfect!? Then how?!' Xia Dongyi panicked but still kept her eyes on that place.

The arc of energy split the ground a little but not too much damage, just a meter or two deep and five to six meters long. The Killer Rabbit appeared a few meters away from there and it's eyes menacingly glared at Xia Dongyi.

Only now did Xia Dongyi's eyes focused on the feet of the Killer Rabbit covered in Beast Qi, did her brain finally work.

'Damn it! I forget the basics of fighting a beast!' Xia Dongyi cursed herself and readied her sword.

The Sword Slash she used before was not a normal sword slash, but the first move of the only fighting technique she know, [Nirvana Sword Art]. The First move used the wind to increase the speed of the arc while also keeping it stable.

Beast Qi, something that every beast cultivated in their core. If used, it increases their physical and racial features by a large margin but the Beast had to be Rank 4 to properly use the Beast Qi.

Xia Dongyi squinted her eyes as thoughts continuously appeared in her mind, 'Then, this Killer Rabbit is at the Peak of Rank 3...same as a Peak of Golden Core...Damn it! I need to be careful!"

Xia Dongyi started walking toward the Killer Rabbit, and the Killer Rabbit still stared at Xia Dongyi, or more especially, at her sword clad in the bluish aura. Killer Rabbit felt danger from that aura, which was natural as it was Xia Dongyi's purified Spiritual Energy, not normal Spiritual Energy as it wouldn't be able to bypass the physical defense too deeply and make any fatal wound on the Killer Rabbit's body with the same cultivation as Xia Dongyi.

Meanwhile, Mai floated in the air now, watching the fight happening with a small bag of chips in her hands.

[Master had no experience, I wonder, did she enjoyed living in debauchery before that much that she just studied, cultivated, or traveled with her Harem around the sect...really, Master wasted way too much time without her memories. And, the only thing good thing she did was help some disciples which resulted in a cult being made after her...wait then there was nothing good happening...and that cult is dangerous...] Mai continued to mumble as she chomped on the small chips.

She read through the memories of Xia Dongyi and know what she did before.

All of Xia Dongyi's actions from before resulted in her getting into something complicated.

Mai soon shrugged her shoulders.

[Master is going to deal with all that mess, I need to find the reason for that modern picture of Master...]

Mai then turned her eyes to the fight which seemed to be reaching the end.

Xia Dongyi squinted her eyes and focused to the limit. She wasn't going to take things lightly anymore.

She stood 10 meters away from the Killer Rabbit and the latter stared in her eyes now, both waiting for a perfect opportunity.