
Killer Rabbit leaped at Xia Dongyi first with a speed that her eyes only saw a blur!

But this time, she was ready!

Xia Dongyi quickly turned to her left and slashed her sword without even thinking of what was there.

'[Nirvana Sword Art-2nd Form]'

The Lightish blue aura on the sword turned red, with blazing heat coming from it. The air pressure around the sword decreased.

From the trajectory, the sword moved, a red arc formed. The sword soon descended, but Xia Dongyi felt an obstacle in the path which was cut by the sword.

Blood splashed in the air for a moment before a *thud* sounded, the sound of something falling.

Xia Dongyi looked at the ground and saw the Killer Rabbit's body unevenly cut into two with some blood around it but not too much as the cut mark on the Killer Rabbit's body quickly burned stopping the blood from flowing.

A relaxed sigh escaped Xia Dongyi's mouth.

"It took 15% of my spiritual energy to kill this damn rabbit!" Xia Dongyi cursed under her breath.

She lost 5% performing the [First Slash] of her [Nirvana Sword Art] and 10% performing the [Second Slash].

"But it was good that I remembered the basic movements of the Killer Rabbit after reading about it." Xia Dongyi muttered and just as she was about to place the body of Killer Rabbit in her Intersapatial Ring, a *Ding* sounded,

[Host Killed a Rank 3 Beast!]

[100 System Points Added!]

[Storing the Body of Beast!]


Xia Dongyi looked at the notifications that blinked in front of her eyes and then at the Killer Rabbit's body which vanished.

'Right! The Inventory Function!'

A look of realization appeared on Xia Dongyi's face.

Mai hovered down from the air and looking at Xia Dongyi's expression, she shook her head.

[Master, you have no experience in fighting at all!!] Mai scolded loudly.

Xia Dongyi held her head down. She wanted to retort but she know that what Mai spoke was true.

'I have no experience or anything...' Xia Dongyi discouragingly thought.

Mai seeing that sighed. She know that it was not Xia Dongyi's fault but at the same time, she needed Xia Dongyi to realize her circumstance better.

And, the previous Xia Dongyi without the memories of her past life was more focused on acquiring knowledge as she wanted to know more about her past that she had no memories of and the world.

[Master, just be careful in the future. You need to know that many people are dependent on you, and you haven't achieved your dream yet.] Mai reminded kindly.

Xia Dongyi opened her eyes, 'Right! how could I be discouraged like that!?! I have a dream, I have someone who loves me! And, I have to venture into the whole world!! How could I stop here?!'

Mai internally sighed knowing what Xia Dongyi was thinking right now.

[How are you able to gain encouragement this much easier, Master? You know that you could have lost your life. Take things more seriously.] Mai speechlessly instructed.

She was happy that her Master was able to gain encouragement but what the point of encouragement if you were not going to work on that.

Mai wanted more for her master, or even speak other things but her master need to grow on her own. That was the truth of the world.

Xia Dongyi solemnly looked at Mai and nodded, "Thank you for reminding me about it Mai, I guess the excitement of curing the boredom hit me way too much that I forget the basics of living in this world. Knowledge is important, but there was no point in that if you can't use that knowledge."

Mai nodded and smiled,

[It's good that you understand that, Master.]

Xia Dongyi nodded.

After resting for a while to calm down the excess of excitement that was getting in her head, and learning her situation more clearly, Xia Dongyi moved her sight to Mai, who was hovering in the air with a deep mysterious expression on her face.

"Mai, show me [Inventory]"

[Master, all you need to do is just think, not to call me every time like that.]

Xia Dongyi felt weird, 'Where is the cute Mai, who used to cry whenever I felt a little disappointed... it's only a day and she changed so much...'

But she stayed quiet and internally called, '[Inventory]'

A blue screen popped in front of her eyes,

[1. 1X Rank 3 Beast Core.

2. 1X Burned Killer Rabbit's fur.

3. 1X Killer Rabbit's meat.

4. 2 Liters of Killer Rabbit's blood.


There were many slots on the screen but after changing the mode to the simple line format, Xia Dongyi got this view.

'I see, so this is how everything was stored...huh this means I don't have to worry about dismantling at all...'

Xia Dongyi then mentally thought about Rank 3 beast core and a small finger-sized blue orb with an uneven pattern made of different colors mixed together, but it looked beautiful, that sufficed to say.

"Who could say that this little orb cost 1000 Spirit Stones...really, past me should have started hunting beasts too...' Xia Dongyi muttered and then stood from the tree she was leaning on and started running straight, to look for the next target.

After 5 hours of continuous struggles, Xia Dongyi looked at Inventory,

[1. 10X Rank 3 Beast Core.

2. 17X Rank 2 Beast Cores.

3. 15X Rank 1 Beast Cores.

4. 10X Beasts Leather

5. 2 Ton Beasts meat.

6. 40 Liters of Beast's blood.


All the things were organized in a manner that they all stacked together as she hunted many beasts that the lines reached 100s but with a wave of Mai's hand, it become like this.

Right now, Xia Dongyi was sweating and panting hard. Her whole body was drenched in sweat and there were many marks of blood appearing on her dress from several places. There were some slashes mark on her dress too but not too much.

Xia Dongyi leaned against a tree and extended her hand. A jade bottle appeared in her hand, she opened the cork and took two pills out of the bottle.

'Spirit Nourishing Pill'

Xia Dongyi put both of the pills in her mouth and the pills instantly melted and a refreshing feeling enveloped her whole body. Her Dantian got nourished from the surge of energy that came from the pills.

Xia Dongyi then closed her eyes and refined the energy in her body. It was soon done.

She then opened her eyes and began looking around.

"I am deep in the outer part of the mountain...well, let's just eat now..."

Saying that Xia Dongyi leaped onto a dead tree not far from her position and break its branches. Done with that, she returned to her previous position and arranged the branches.

Xia Dongyi made a simple flame and throw it on the branches, letting them ignite.

She then took a blob of meat from the Inventory and started to cook it directly under the flame. The meat was that of [Killer Rabbit], they were mostly hunted due to their meat. The meat was fresh and aromatic.

An aroma filled the forest all around her. Mai who was hovering in the air looked at Xia Dongyi with a shocked and unbeliever expression, along with two other pairs of eyes.

Why was she cooking deep in the forest surrounded by beasts on every corner?!

This thought hovered in their mind. Who in their right mind would cook such aromatic meat. It was like inviting beasts to a party of carnage.

[Master?! ARE YOU A FOOL?!]

Mai screamed at the top of her lungs. Her expression was that of disbelieve.

Xia Dongyi tilted her head with a confused expression before her sight wander to the forest than at the meat that was slowly cooking. A thoughtful look appeared on her before horror started to crept on her face.

"Damn it!!"

Xia Dongyi quickly started to put the fire and quickly stored the meat in the inventory and without even saying a single thing, she started running to the left.

Remaining there was just letting herself be fed to the beasts.

After running for continuously half an hour, Xia Dongyi stopped and began looking around. Seeing no beast in her sight, she released a relaxed sigh.

"That was foolish of me..."

Xia Dongyi muttered under her breath and leaned against the tree.

Mai suddenly appeared in front of her eyes and looked at her with a baffled expression.

[Master, did you place your brain on rest today?]

Mai asked with an exaggerated expression.

Xia Dongyi quickly averted her eyes with a bright blush on her face.

'Damn it! How could I forget things like that?!'