Frist Day

"Bro, I know that Engineering drives people crazy, but the classes didn't even start yet and it seems like you have already gone crazy? Are you okay?"

The young man standing behind Aditya spoke while he is rubbing his eyes with the other hand.

Aditya suddenly realized that all this while he has been talking to Ram, he looked like he was talking to himself. He felt like an idiot and his face blushed in shame.

The young man looked at Aditya not answering and said.

"Bro, are you okay?"

Aditya came out of his stupor and said.

"Haha, I am fine. I am just too excited about the first day. I am Aditya by the way."

"I am Suraj."

The young man said and they shook hands. Suraj sat on Aditya's bed which is the closest to the table and said.

"You are up early and you even showered already. It seems like you are early to bed and early to rise good kid." Suraj said with a smile while he looked at Aditya up and down.

Aditya chuckled awkwardly and looked at Suraj. He is not a tall person may be around five foot seven inches and his body is on the chubby side. He is not exactly fat, but not slim either. He has a round head with curly hair.

"I met you yesterday actually. But you were in a hurry and ran off." Suraj continued speaking not minding Aditya's silence.

"Oh, I forgot to bring some things, so I went to the town to buy them."

Suraj looked at the shopping bags that were not completely unpacked and said.

"It seems like you are extremely averse to the mosquitoes. But luckily, because of you, we got a good sleep. When we came back from dinner, mosquitoes are going wild, we even got a glimpse of how the friends next door are doing and from the looks of it, they might not have had a wink of sleep."

Aditya suddenly beamed by the compliment and imagined a certain She-Devil's face who thought that he wouldn't be able to make friends with his obsession.

He became more comfortable with Suraj and they made small talk.

Soon, the remaining two also woke up. One of them is Sanjay and as soon as Aditya looked at him, he felt lost. He didn't want to speak for a moment. He doesn't know the reason why. But he is sure that it is not because of Sanjay's ridiculously handsome face and it is definitely not because of his six-foot height and he is pretty damn sure that it is not because he is jealous of that ripped body.

He is sure of that.

Maybe it is because Aditya could see the deep-rooted insecurities of Sanjay behind this handsome prince charming look he had.

'That must be it. I am just that perceptive. I am just feeling for his insecurities and I am definitely not jealous.'

After convincing himself with those thoughts, he shifted his attention to the last person in the room. Venkat. This time, Aditya felt a little better. Because this Venkat doesn't have any 'insecurities' that Sanjay had.

He is a thin frail guy with glasses. He would be the first target for bullies in any place. He just looks like someone easy to push around.

After some initial introductions, Aditya found out that Suraj is from the same class as his. Section B in mechanical Engineering.

Sanjay who is a bit silent and the nerdy guy Venkat are from the Section A of Mechanical engineering.

"Haha, finally someone from the Section-B. I thought I would never find someone else from the same class from this area of the Dorm. All the neighboring dorms are filled with people for Section A or Section C." Suraj said with a smile.

The small talk went for a while before one by one everyone went to get ready for school. After that, they went to the Dorm Canteen to have breakfast and went to the college for the first day with excitement.

For a moment, Aditya felt relieved that he could put the thoughts of that stupid game aside.

They reached the Mechanical Engineering Block in the college and went to their classroom.

They sat on the last bench and immediately Suraj started looking for someone eagerly.

"Who are you looking for?" Aditya asked curiously. But he didn't receive any answer. Slowly almost all the seats were filled and he observed as Suraj's face went pale in despair.

He immediately ran out of the classroom and came back after five minutes. He is down in the dumps as if some of his relatives are dead.

"What happened?" Aditya asked carefully.

"Gone. All my hopes are gone. My college life is gone…" He muttered endlessly and Aditya couldn't help but frown.

Suraj turned to Aditya and said.

"Bro, all the beautiful girls are in Section A. The three beauties of Mechanical engineering of our batch are in section A. God is unfair." He almost fell into Aditya's hands.

Aditya moved to the far end of the bench and patted him on his shoulders

"If you really came for girls, why did you pick Mechanical engineering. Everyone knows this branch is with few girls, the probability of having beautiful girls here is almost zero."

Aditya wiped his fake tears and invisible snot and explained with bright eyes.

"That is where commoners like you are wrong. You need to learn from wise people like me. The probability of the beautiful girls is zero, but the boys here are desperate and disgusting, if I turn on my charm and look better than any of you, I will be having a high probability of making them fall in love with me."

Aditya was dumbfounded by the twisted logic.

"Bro, don't you realize something?"

"What is it?" Suraj asked in confusion.

"You look the most desperate and disgusting of all."

Suraj was dumbfounded and didn't even know what to say about that. But Aditya continued.

"You can look on the bright side though."

"What is it?"

"Your forearm strength will increase in the next four years."


Aditya gave him one more look and said.

"With the level of your desperation, I highly doubt that you would be able to get close to a woman and speak with her without getting slapped. So, it can be said you might remain a virgin for the rest of your life. So, these four years would be a perfect practice time for you. Good luck."


The lecturer soon came. Since it is the first day, there was not much. Until the afternoon, classes went on and after lunch, they organized a department tour for all the freshmen.

Suraj and Aditya met with Sanjay and Venkat in the College Cafeteria.

They also saw the so-called three beauties walking in while speaking with Sanjay.

Suraj widened his eyes in shock and when Sanjay and Venkat came to their table, he ran to Sanjay and held him while shaking.

"Dude, you have looks, you have height and you have the luck. Give me some of your luck will you? Please, please."

The three of them looked at the Suraj with an embarrassed expression. The so-called three beauties looked at them and chuckled. All three of them wanted to hide under the table for a moment.

They finished the lunch in that embarrassing situation and went back to the department building where all three sections are assembled.

The Head of the department came down and started the assembly. It could be said that Mechanical engineering occupied the largest space in the college.

There are four strips of buildings solely dedicated to the workshops and laboratories.

One strip has the fluid mechanics and Hydraulics lab along with the Internal Combustion and Heat transfer laboratory.

The second strip has a Machine shop and a Carpentry workshop.

The third strip has Welding, Sheet Metal Smithy, and the Foundry.

The fourth strip of the building has the Metrology, CAD lab, and other stuff.

As they went through the trip, Aditya keenly observed various places within these laboratories.

One spot has a large heap of wooden products that haven't been cleared for a long time in the Carpentry workshop. When he looked around he could have sworn that he saw some termites there.

While shifting between the blocks, he saw the small patch of trees that have a lot of ants and other insects.

There is a path they took behind the cafeteria which is right next to the mechanical engineering department and he saw some rats moving from one place to another.

While the rest of the students are in awe of the large-scale machinery, various operations that are being conducted in different labs, he is looking at the insects and rats that are present in different spots. The frown on his face only went deeper and deeper as he looked at the scene.

No one, bothered to notice him in this whole area so he has escaped the fate of being labeled as another weirdo on the first day. But there is another person who hasn't escaped fate. Suraj, who is constantly stealing a glance at the three beautiful maidens was already being called a pervert and some other names.