
That evening.

Aditya is back in the dorm room. The room is currently full of the mosquito repellant's scent. As soon as he arrived, he immediately took the can and sprayed it everywhere.

Then he washed up and shared his snacks with his new roommates.

At this moment, he is looking at the best entertainment he could have without any technology whatsoever.

Suraj is sitting beside Sanjay and kept on nagging him.

The thing is, this handsome guy with so many 'insecurities' got the numbers of the three beauties on the very first day.

Even though he is saying that he just exchanged numbers with many classmates, all of them just happened to be girls and it turned out that Aditya's speculation of this guy having some drawbacks is true. He is not really that confident with girls and from the looks of things, he might end up being a simp.

'What is the point of being handsome if you become a simp and let others walk all over you. Tch, tch.'

He thought to himself and he once again reminded himself that it is not because he is jealous of the young man's looks and what privileges it could bring him.

"Bro, just introduce me. I will call you Big bro from now on.

If that is not enough, I will do your laundry for a week."


"I will do the laundry for a week and do all your assignments for a week too."


"Two weeks?" Suraj kept on increasing his offer as he looked at his roommate, completely ignoring the weird looks he is getting from others. The remaining three are wondering just what made this guy desperate enough to sell his services like this.

That evening went uneventful.

They just laughed at the chubby little guy's actions.

After they ate dinner, Aditya stood in the corridor and acted as if he is speaking on the phone while he talked to Ram.

"Old man, give me some advice regarding this Attribute Improvement Package."

[What advice do you want?]

"What do you want me to use it, it has already been a day since the countdown began. There are a little less than four days left. What can I do with this Attribute Improvement Package that I got as a reward?"

[This package can improve any of your three physical attributes. Your three attributes are just average, so you should decide on how you want to act in the next round. Do you want to fight back with brute force? Go for strength. If You want to have a tactical battle or escape, think of using it on agility or endurance.]

"I can't use it on intelligence? I might be able to think of a plan if I am a little smart."

[It is not possible. The attribute packages for intelligence and wisdom are a little different and you don't have enough authority yet.]

Aditya looked at his stats once again. He is pretty average in everything he has. He is not exceptional in anything to look for it to grow. It could be said he cannot be specialized in anything now.

But if he looked at it in a different way, he can be good at anything he wants now.

He opened the chat again and looked at all the messages once again. But he didn't send any message at all. He is just looking at everything carefully.

"Old man, you cannot say any information that I am not supposed to know at my level, right?"


"But what if I managed to figure it out and ask you to confirm whether it is correct or not."

Ram stayed silent for a moment and said.

[I cannot answer this question without the permission of the Game manager.]

Ram went back to that old expression and Aditya went back to deep thought.

"Okay, would you be able to confirm if something is wrong? I don't want you to confirm whether it is right. Just say it is wrong if it is wrong."

Ram once again stayed silent and then said.

[I can confirm all the wrong things.]

"Then, the appearance of mosquitoes is related to my aversion towards them."


"The appearance of mosquitoes is a coincidence."

[I cannot answer this without the game manager's permission.] Aditya's eyes brightened and he continued asking.

"The appearance of the type of pests is not related to the environment the player is in."

[you are wrong.]

"The appearance of the type of pests is related to the environment the players is in."

[I cannot answer this question without the permission of the game manager.]

Aditya beamed once again and said.

"The second round will also begin in the location I was in. Just like how I was in the market."

[I cannot answer that question without the permission of the game manager.]

Aditya kept on asking different questions. And finally, he got some information.

There is a high possibility that the location of the second round will depend on the location he was in, even though he got the repeated answer, it can only be that it is not completely wrong since Ram could say it is wrong. But since it is not wrong, it is either partially right or completely right.

With the first experience he had and with all the experiences he collected through the messages, he might be true.

And there is a possibility that the insects or the enemies that come at him will be selected from the location. The vegetable market is one of the places the mosquitoes go around, he doesn't know why the flies, ants, or other bugs are not selected, but from what he read in the messages, every place the player was in, there is bound to have more than one creature that could be treated as an enemy, but only one was selected.

It might be the result of it being the first round.

One thing he confirmed himself and also from the messages is that he can use the surrounding objects to get rid of these creatures or whatever objective of that round might be.

Now, all he has to do is think of a proper location where the enemies would be something he knows and the location should also hold things that would help him deal with these enemies, if he can think of it, he can also use the attribute improvement package that should be able to help him in that one particular scenario.

He went back in and started noting down some things in the notebook. Since today nothing noteworthy happened in the classes, his three roommates are looking at him weirdly.

He noticed their weird looks and said with a smile.

"It is my journal. I forgot mine at home, but I cannot go by without writing. So…" The three of them nodded in understanding and went back to enjoying the desperate Suraj's performance of pleasing Sanjay with all his might.

He went back to do his own work.

Then he thought of something else and started writing down on different pages of the notes.

'Private Place.'

Those two words were written on a separate page with a heading saying. 'Things to get'.

He needs this private place as he is bound to get caught if he kept on doing this in his dorm room.

But getting a private place is not exactly easy.

Then he proceeded to write 'Suitable weapon.'

He turned to another page and wrote about the possible locations. The first thing that came to his mind is obviously the small puddle that is the home to the mosquitoes. If he went there directly, at the time of the game, he is sure that the Mosquitoes will be the enemies.

But when he noticed the sheer number of them, he didn't think he could handle them. He doesn't know exactly what the ratio of the real-life insects and the insects in the game would be.

He then wrote down the termites in the carpentry lab, the rats behind the cafeteria.

These three are the plausible locations that he is sure what the enemies would be, then he thought of the patch of trees, the location he doesn't what holds in.

He then thought of the possible weapons he could use in the scenes. But there is not much he knows about those locations, so he was stopped halfway.

He went to dinner with his roommates and went back to sleep. He wanted to use the Attribute package but hesitated. He didn't have any information on it, the only way to get it is through the player's chat, but no one mentioned it yet.

He made small talk with the rest of the students and went to sleep.

The next day they went to college as usual and Suraj got a new obsession for today.

"Aditya, what clubs are you joining?"

Aditya is still thinking about the location of the next round and stuff and asked.

"Why are you asking now? I think we still have a lot of time to join the club right?"

"What do you mean by a lot of time? We only have a week and we need to get ready fast. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to get into the proper club as they all have limited seats."

"I haven't thought about what to enter. Have you?"

"I did. I am thinking of Theatre Club, Cultural Committee or the music club."

"Why? Are you interested in performing?"

"No, that is where most girls would be."
