
"Dude, I don't know what you have seen in the comment section, and contact me now. But please, if you are just here to make fun of me, save me the trouble. I am pretty swamped with those mean comments already. I have money alright, but I don't have enough to give you the premium price like Miss Socialite is paying. I will pay fifty USD for a point at most and I can only buy five points. Whether you are in it or not, it is up to you."

Aditya looked at the reply and was stunned. He didn't know that there were so many people on this guy's ass for this money offering.

And when he thought of the fifty-dollar price, he suddenly felt a bit tempted. Fifty dollars is actually big money for him. If converted to rupees, one dollar is around seventy-three to seventy-rupees. Fifty dollars is around four thousand rupees which is double the pocket money he gets every month.

Five points will be two hundred and fifty and it is close to twenty thousand rupees, that is a large chunk. All the money he saved until now is around twelve thousand and he spent a good chunk of it on his repellents and for the preparation. And with his increased appetite, he is going to have to spend a lot more. He is sure that he wouldn't be able to keep up the eating pace with that much money.

He thought for a moment and asked.

"Ram, how important are these points?"

[What do you mean how important? It is the currency in the shop and there are many things you need the points for in the future.]

"In the future, but are you sure that I should start hoarding these points now?"

[Hoarding? That is of no use. It is indeed good to have more points, but not to the point that you just focus on them. It is like money, you can have as much as you want, but there is only so much you can buy after reaching a certain point.]

"Really? A person can have too much money? I never thought about it that."

Aditya muttered and then focused on the trade request.

"What do you do for a living? Fifty USD for a point is quite high you know."

"Of course, it is quite high. But that Miss Socialite is paying around a hundred for one and she bought more than a hundred points by now. My price is really not much compared to it. As for what I do for a living, I am the student of a famous chef. I roam around a lot and cook a lot of things."

"Really? Who is that chef?"

"I am not comfortable telling you about that. That would be completely reveal my identity. So, I am not going to share that. Do you want to trade or not?"

Aditya nodded slightly. This guy is also cautious. And when he heard the word chef, he really got a new idea.

"Of course, I want to trade, but I want to know what you can offer. You tell me this, do you travel often?"

"Yes, quite often. I am currently in Italy and I would be leaving for France in a few days. Why are you asking me this? Aren't you that dark horse that doesn't like chatting at all? I haven't seen you texting once in the chatroom and you are now all words? Just don't waste my time, if you don't want to trade."

"Don't get too impatient now, alright. I would make the trade. In fact, I can sell you fifteen points. But just answer my questions a bit. I am not exactly looking for money at the point though. I need something else."

"Tell me what do you want? Are you really sure you want to sell fifteen points? I am telling you this as free advice. I learned the hard way that points are too important. It is not worth it to sell them for short benefits."

"I know that. You don't have to worry about me. First thing is, for three points, I want a lot of Baking Soda. Around five kilograms."

"Five kilograms of Baking Soda? Are you insane?"

"No, I need that. And for the two points, I need some flour and some innards of the things you guys are ready to throw away in your kitchen. I need all of this one package, neatly bundled together along with one of those large cardboard boxes, you guys would have in your kitchen."

"I want to ask why, but I guess you wouldn't bother telling me, so I would spare myself the trouble. What else do you need for the other ten points you mentioned?"



"Yes, a lot of food. I mean a lot. You would understand after you reach a bit of a higher level, but currently, my appetite is making a hole in my pocket. I don't eat beef and veal, apart from that, I am good with pork, rabbit, chicken, duck, turkey, pigeon, or whatever you guys cook. I need a lot of food, if you are serving in a fancy restaurant with three-course meals and stuff, I need ten such meals. Do you understand what I am saying? I need all of them in takeout boxes placed in one large cardboard box.

And I need the same serving for a week. That will give you ten points. I think this is a much better option for you, compared to the dollars you are willing to give me.

Even though from the menu price range, you would be losing a bit of money, if you charge it from the raw materials point of view, you would be winning. And I don't care if it is fancy food or some diner food, as long as it is authentic to where you are and the taste is good along with the quantity, I am good.

But be sure, to pack it neatly and the food is authentic. I might die in one of these rounds and I would like to try as much food as possible. Luckily, I have the points and you can provide the food. I see this as a win-win. Do you agree to the arrangement?"

Aditya looked at the message eagerly. He doesn't have much use for that much money currently. He only needs it for the things he needs to buy, but if someone else is willing to buy that for him, he can save the trouble for himself.

At least, until he got his own personal space, he would have to give an explanation to his roommate every time he goes out. This could be a good cover for him.