
Aditya didn't get any reply for quite a while. The other party is clearly thinking.

At this exact moment. In Naples, Italy.

A young man in his early twenties is looking at the transparent holographic interface in a chef's outfit. He is inside a kitchen in a chef's outfit and is currently in the middle of prepping process.

He looked at the chatroom weirdly. He didn't expect such an absurd request. After all, not many people would choose food over money like this. After all, he knew how much fifty dollars is worth in Indian currency. He has been to India before.

He is sure that the other party would be able to do a lot more with the amount, apart from eating such a large quantity of food.

Then he paused and looked at the large pantry full of ingredients and remembered his teacher's words.

"Cook as much as you want, practice as much as you like, I will foot the bill as long as you don't waste the food. Remember, that the ingredients should never go to waste."

His teacher is kind of renowned in the cooking world and he is a bit old-fashioned. He didn't care much about what he learned in culinary school. He taught everything once again from the scratch and he also found out, what the experience of the teacher could mean in teaching the culinary arts.

But he has one rule that he didn't need to follow back in his college days. He should never ever, waste any food in the kitchen. Back in college, his father foot the bill for his practice and with that financial help, he didn't care how many ingredients he wasted in the pursuit of that excellence.

But after he started learning from his teacher, he was hit by the reality of the world.

He could only eat food as long as it doesn't go to waste. But there is only so much the restaurant staff and he himself could eat, so he didn't have as much practice as he wanted and apart from that, his allowance from his father was also cut. He is only living off of the salary his teacher is paying him for the work. It is the same as the waiter of the restaurant and he doesn't even get the tip. That is why he is so strapped on cash.

He thought of all these things and sent the text.

"I am okay with that. I am Andrew by the way. What is your name?"

"You can just call me Syam."

"We are trading and this might become long-term you know? Why don't you give me your real name?"

"It takes some time. Just wait for a while. If this cooperation indeed succeeds as you said, not just real name, I will give you my home address if necessary, until then, let's be some friendly strangers who want to make deals.

Anyway, one friendly piece of advice, if you are looking to improve attributes, go for the strength first. Endurance might sound tempting, but it takes a lot of time. Even if you start now, you wouldn't be able to gain much."

Aditya gave friendly advice, after that, he selected an agreement option in the trade section. It is the option on which the two people involved in the trade will draft the conditions of the agreement and the system will make sure that they uphold their end of the bargain.

They made two agreements and the first one is for the baking soda, flour, and innards of the animals and the second one is for the food and the ten points.

In the second agreement, Aditya will pay him ten points in total and every day for ten days, Andrew will send him the required portions of food.

Aditya felt like he got a real bargain. After all, there is no way he could eat authentic Italian cuisine within India, at least not with his current financial ability, but now he can. And this guy would be moving around the world, if he is not kidding, so he would be sending all kinds of food to him and he would be tasting the delicacies of the world at the comfort of his homeland.

This is a dream.

But what he doesn't know is, that he helped Andrew more than he helped himself. Even though Andrew could have just used the ingredients and lied that there was someone eating it and just threw it away, his teacher wouldn't know, but he would feel that on his conscience, but he cannot go and find a person with free food every day. He cannot just let anybody into the restaurant and he doesn't have time to go around and give food to people.

Now, someone is buying it at a premium price if he might add. This is the best-case scenario for him.

Soon, Aditya got the things for the first part of the agreement.

The baking soda and innards along with the flour packed in a large cardboard box. It went into the one empty inventory slot.

He went back to his room and started working on the baking soda poison bait for rodents. Generally, it would be good if something that attracts the rats is added to the mix, but Ram clearly stated to get something like the innards.

Essentially, every creature that is mutated by the game is a carnivore and they crave blood. Fresh innards are one of the most attractive things. Attractive enough to divert them from the main prey, the player himself for a moment.

Aditya took a small quantity of floor, a decent quantity of baking soda, and some innards which he smashed to the pulp with his bare hands and mixed them together to create one large ball. He threw it back into the cardboard box after covering the inside of it with some plastic bags.

He locked the door and sat down doing one ball after another until all the ingredients are used up and he had ten balls at hand.

He closed the box and placed it in the inventory.

He now has to wait for the other party to send the things from the second agreement. But needs to wait until lunchtime in Italy is over.

Which is almost three hours from that point and meanwhile, he decided to prepare his body for the next round.