Lab rats

Aditya looked around. There is a large corridor in front of him with rooms on either side.

He doesn't know what they are holding. But the whole setup looked a bit odd to him. The doors are all made of metal and the locks are digital. Of course, they are not working, and the doors are not exactly intact either.

Some of them have dents protruding out and some are completely wrecked.

He looked into one of the rooms and was stunned by the scene in front of him. The inside of the room looked like it was some kind of lab, there are some cages in which some lab mice are dead and rotten with a pungent smile.

But that was not his concern, his main concern at the moment is the mess created by a lot of broken cages for lab rats. He couldn't help but feel a bit chilly.

He turned around and looked at other rooms, but they are all the same. Every room seemed to be a lab.

He hurriedly opened the map to see if the building is labeled or not, but it is not.

There are even some houses labeled with the names of their owners, but this building was not. The map only showed the presence of the building and nothing else.

Aditya realized that he wouldn't be having a good time in this place and as soon as this thought came to his mind, he heard something outside. He came out of that room and in front of him, there are a few dozen rats coming at him from the other end of the corridor, it seems like they left this floor and went downstairs first, but as soon as he came here, they must have sensed his presence and are coming at him.

He looked at the rats and noticed that most of them are all of only danger level one.

He has half a mind to throw the baits out, but Ram who is floating beside him didn't want him to.

[Don't use your tricks prematurely. Hold on to them. They are only Level One creatures with barely any level two creatures, you can easily kill them by yourself.]

"But I believe I would be safer if I use them now."

[You are not going to die. Just take my advice and be more confident in yourself. Your increase in attributes is not just there for show. You better try to increase your combat ability now, or you wouldn't be able to fight these things in the future. Your tricks are bound to be useless sooner or later.]

Aditya took a deep breath and got ready. He knew that Ram is right. His tricks would soon be useless with high-level creatures. So, he might as well start using his strength from now on.

He took out the beak of the woodpecker and held it in another hand. Currently, the flesh that he cut off along with the beak was completely gone. With Ram's help, Aditya burned down the flesh and separated the beak, he tied up the lower end of the two parts of the beak and now had a good stabbing weapon in his hands.

He held the dagger and the beak as he waited for the rats to come at him.

The first rat that reached, received his kick straight in its head.

The kick landed straight on its head and flew to the other end of the corridor.

Even Aditya was surprised by his strength, he could see the rat spewing blood as it flew to the other side and fell in the middle of the rats.

He was really surprised by this, but he didn't let that stop him, in fact, he became excited and started kicking the rats one by one and when they are trying to gang upon him, he started stabbing them as he bent forward.

The rats didn't last more than one stab and died instantly.

Soon, Aditya started moving forward as he killed one rat after another. Even the Level 2 rats didn't last long and soon he reached the other end of the stairway. On the corner of the Map function, there is a small kill counter in the running and it showed 20 kills.

Besides it, there is the point count which showed 25 points. As happy as he was, he still couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about what he might encounter since this is the first adversity, he encountered.

He walked downstairs carefully and tried not to make any noise. It is dark and there is this weird feeling that he couldn't shake off as he walked downstairs.

But when he reached the corner of the stairway and was about to turn, something fell on his shoulder. It is damp and wet, as he touched it, he felt the sticky substance ad he involuntarily turned his head up.

As soon as he did that, Aditya almost lost all of his strength in his legs. There is a large spider slowly making its way down slowly as it hung with the help of a web.

He immediately stepped forward as if it sensed his movement, spider fell down and started crawling towards him.

Aditya swung the blade and managed to stab it on the shell, but the blade barely managed to enter as it was hard to penetrate the shell.

He pulled the blade back as he made his way downwards and entered the next floor.

He was tuned by what he saw. The rooms on the floor are filled with spiders and spider webs. The rooms are destroyed completely, the walls are knocked down. There are some cocoons here and there and he is sure that they are not other spiders. One of the cocoons is just being finished and he managed to see that it was a rat. The kind that he just killed upstairs.

He also managed to get a good look at the large spider that just attacked him.

Its danger level is 3.

Aditya looked around and noticed that the spiders also noticed his presence there and they all slowly started crawling towards him.