
Aditya looked at the spiders nervously. They are just too many of them around him. He didn't even understand how the spiders managed to destroy the whole floor and brought it to such a state that it almost looked like it is a single room altogether.

As he was thinking, he suddenly felt like death is looming over him and rolled to the side, a spider suddenly fell from the ceiling and it landed at the spot Aditya was at before.

The fangs of the spider dug into the hard floor and Aditya looked at something amazing. The place where the fangs stuck started melting with smoke coming out of it.

[The venom seems to act as some kind of corrosive substance. You better stay vigilant.]

Ram advised from the side.

Aditya looked around to find the door leading to another stairway, he couldn't understand why someone would build the stairways in such a way in a lab building.

He wanted to run in that direction, but as soon as he moved, he tripped and fell with a face first. He looked at his legs which are currently locked into a web and he felt a tugging force as he was pulled by the large spider that he encountered in the stairway.

Aditya sat up and resisted the force of the pull as he tried to cut the web with his dagger. But to his dismay, he cannot even cut it because the web is too sticky for some reason.

The small spiders in the surroundings are all coming towards him and Aditya is becoming desperate.

The strength he gained from all the attribute increments is not exactly working because the web is too elastic, completely unlike that of a normal spider.

The web is like a semi-solid rubber that is making it impossible for him to get rid of, in fact, the second hand he used directly stuck into it.

He noticed that the small spiders of danger level 1 and the bigger spiders of danger level 2 are already making their way towards him.

He remembered what happened to the floor where the spider fangs and venom even corroded the floor, he is definitely not willing to take that bite.

But as he struggled more and more, the spiders started shooting webs around him. At this moment, he couldn't even use the tricks he stored up because the box that is holding all of them is also sealed currently.

He cannot take them out.

He gritted his teeth and started taking deep breaths as he thought of ways to get out of the situation and finally looked at the dagger in his hands. He had an idea.

He immediately gave up struggling and stabbed the dagger into the web at his feet as he waited for the spiders to come near him.

He is soon surrounded by around fifteen spiders and even the Danger level 3 spider is one of them. The rest are too far away to reach him in time, so he decided to use it.


He muttered calmly and the dagger started a flame. The web that is making him so useless a moment ago, caught the flames and they started spreading all over.

The flames started burning all the web that is surrounding him along with the spiders within the range of four feet and for some reason, he is not feeling the heat of the flames coming out of the dagger and the flames caused by the webs burned by the flame.

He finally managed to free himself and hurriedly stood up.

He turned around to look and the whole room has caught flames. It spread rapidly as the webs are too flammable.

The spiders started burning.

The spiders that are within the range of the dagger died on the spot, no matter whether they are of danger level 1 or danger level 2.

But for some reason, the level 3 spider managed to escape with some severe injuries, and its top catching fire as it danced around to get rid of it, but in the process, it is only helping the flame spread fiercely across the room and even to the places where the flame was previously not present.

Within a few minutes, the only spot that was without flames is actually the place where the dagger is initially used. Due to the intensity of the flames that come out of the dagger, the webs in that place are already gone completely and there is a small crater in that spot. It is hot, but it is definitely better than burning himself with the webs.

He stood there and looked around, not knowing what to do.

[What are you looking at? Go and attack that Level 3 spider, this is the only time you would be able to deal with it, without any sort of resistance.]

Aditya tried his best to not mind the stench of these spiders burning and gritted his teeth as he ran in the flames towards that large spider.

It is still dancing aimlessly and he stabbed one of its legs making it lose balance. He dodged to the side and slashed another leg, he even took the beak and stabbed it from the rear.

Of course, he also needs to take care of himself from the flames in the surroundings. He could feel the heat and he could also feel the smoke making it hard for him to breathe.

But soon he finished off the spider with some struggle and decided to get out of the room, but to his surprise, Ram stopped him.

[Go back and take the fangs of the spider]


[The venom of those spiders would be useful. By now, the fangs and the ducts would be full of the secreted venom, you tear them down and store them inside your inventory. You have two slots anyway, you can use it on some highly dangerous creatures.]

Aditya wanted to get out of here, but he knew it is useless to argue with him and just went back as he started cutting off the fangs as he stored them inside the inventory.