
Aditya immediately turned around and started running towards the stairway leading downstairs. The stairs are once again dark, but there is some light from the flames burning inside.

He took deep breaths of this relatively normal air as he ran forward, but all of a sudden as he is getting down, he crashed into something and fell forward crashing into the corner of the staircase.

He felt like the world is spinning and he stood up and carefully looked forward, but there is nothing he could see there, but within a few seconds, he could hear a whistling sound in the air, and a large pink object flew at him out of nowhere.

He rolled to the side as he tried to dodge it and the object lodged into the wall.

He was shocked to see the cracks on the wall and gulped in nervousness as he looked at the place where this long pink thing came from and soon a scaly creature manifested itself out of nowhere.

It is Chameleon.

Aditya was stunned and frightened.

"What the fuck is a chameleon doing here?"

He muttered to himself and stood still in shock.

[You can figure out the answers later, but you better move. Chameleons' tongues are extremely lethal and at their current size and danger level, they can kill you with a single shot, and even if you survive, it would be hard for you to move after taking the hit. So, don't let your guard down.]

Aditya is extremely nervous as he looked at the massive chameleon in front of him. It is the size of a big goat and its scaly body along with those eyes, it looked crazily dangerous, the orange light coming from the flames upstairs is not helping either.

The danger level of this chameleon is 3, but this looked more dangerous than the level 4 earthworm he faced on the college campus.

While Aditya is thinking about what to do and how to face this thing, the chameleon pulled the tongue back and attacked him again. He ducked and the tongue once again got stuck in the wall.

He took the chance to use the dagger to slice the tongue. He expected it to be tough and it didn't disappoint him.

He barely managed to cut one-third of the tongue due to its toughness and thickness. The chameleon painfully pull the tongue back and shot it once again at him, in the process of dodging, Aditya went downstairs once again and the chameleon kept on following him.

The tongue didn't hit anything and the chameleon pulled it back as one animal and one person walked downstairs hurriedly.

Aditya finally reached the next floor and in this place, there is a large wide corridor and there are two doors the stairway is on the other side of the floor as usual and he started running towards it.

In the process, he looked at the two doors. One of them was wrecked and he figured that it is the door from which the chameleon came, but the other door is still completely intact which surprised him a bit. But when he went past that door…


Something hit the door hard enough to create protrusion out and Aditya was scared out of his wits.

He tripped and fell and the chameleon almost caught him with its tongue.




Two more impacts later, Aditya heard this weird sound and he looked to the metal to only feel shocked.

The metal door that looked like it could take on a hit from a truck corroded rapidly in front of his eyes and before he could even make sense of the situation, the door fell forward.


And a large snake came out of the room. The snake looked to be of a dark brown color and it is huge.

Aditya stood up and made a run for it as he is afraid to keep such a small distance between him and a snake of that size.

He is sure that he would die in a second if it bit him. The snake too started slithering its way towards him and it is a lot faster than the chameleon.

[There is no use, you need to fight back. It is only a level 3 creature, so you can deal with it.]

Aditya turned to take a peek. He is really not interested in directly combating another creature again, particularly not after what happened with the spiders.

He really didn't like the feeling of the threat to his life that loomed every second.

As he was thinking about what to do while running, he suddenly noticed that the snake stopped in its tracks and he looked at it in confusion.

To his surprise, the chameleon's tongue which was being constantly shot at hit the snake right below its head.

The snake was forced to stop and Aditya looked at its health bar which is almost emptied by one-third.

He decided that this is the best chance and immediately made his move.

The tongue got stuck in the snake's body and the chameleon is pulling it.

The snake itself is trying to move in the opposite direction which is making it extremely hurtful.

Aditya used the dagger to slash at the same place as the tongue hit to see if he would be able to sever the head directly. Of course, one slash couldn't do anything anyway.

The snake was stuck like that and it lost its health rapidly. This weakened the snake a bit and it stopped struggling to make it move towards the chameleon.

In fact, it slithered its way to the chameleon and it hissed angrily and painfully before Aditya could realize what is happening, the snake and the chameleon are fighting.

Aditya is completely surprised.

"What is happening?"

[Natural enemies. Snakes like to feast on chameleons. It is already the effect of the enhancement that it ignored the chameleon, but now that it is provoked, it is retaliating. You better take advantage of the situation.]