Chapter 08

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat at his desk, taking pulls from his pipe. He was distressed by the information he was given; both Jiraiya and Orochimaru had finally given him everything they'd known about the Akatsuki and all the information provided lead to one conclusion. He wasn't the conclusion he wanted. This was supposed to be different. Hadn't he done this enough? Given enough? Lost enough? Was he really supposed to work himself up for this one more time? Was this a divine punishment for not faithfully living up to his ideals? For his past misdeeds? He was supposed to give the new generation something better? Maybe he still could.

He tried to reason his way out of it, he tried to think of an alternative but stopped. That is what had gotten him into this mess, always looking for the soft option when sometimes problems required more. But there was so much to do and he'd have to risk the ire of the Daimyo but it was necessary. Two letters were sent, one to Daimyo justifying his need to stay in the chair a little longer. The other, to Rasa. The support of Suna would be most helpful but if he declined, Hiruzen would have to make due. The course was set, allowing this Akatsuki free reign to do whatever they wished would be foolish especially as he bore some responsibility for its rise. Orochimaru savored every poisonous word as she relayed how his refusal to neutralize Danzo led to another enemy with a grudge against Konoha. But this wasn't the time for guilt. He'd given himself and therefore his forces six months to get where they needed to be. After that, they were going to war with Akatsuki and Ame.

Even saying it, war, felt heavy. It was acknowledging you'd be sending some segment of your forces to their deaths, you had done so before the first order was given. But this organization with its unknown agenda, outside of collecting the bijuu, was too dangerous to allow to move through the shadows. He'd have to get Tsunade training more medical ninja, he wouldn't ignore the worth of that advice again. He'd have Jiraiya sure up his spy network, especially now that he didn't have to split his focus between Oto and the Akatsuki. Hiruzen wanted every bit of information they could get. So many plans, so much preparation. His village had gotten soft, too comfortable with the peace they'd enjoyed. In many ways, the village reflected his own decline. A decline thrown into sharp relief when he considers Orochimaru. She's had him beat every step of the way. He's been outplayed so thoroughly, it was over before he realized a game was afoot. But this last order, this is what she truly wanted. She put him in a corner and he had only one viable option. Jiraiya could train him eventually but she was right, their skills didn't compliment each other outside of a shared interest in fuinjutsu. He hoped he wasn't damning a boy he saw as a grandson, and one that used to see him as a surrogate grandfather. He hoped that not even Orochimaru's taint would be enough to darken his soul but this was necessary and shinobi endured so Naruto would have to endure this.

~~ Request for Apprenticeship by Orochimaru of the Sannin; named Apprentice Naruto Uzumaki approved by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Sandaime Hokage ~~


He wasn't in any extreme pain. Some discomfort but he could manage that. A part of him hated he wound up back here, once again taken down in two strikes by a vastly superior opponent but he was alive and had not been impaled, or shaven. He even has another legendary sword! So, all in all, a banner day for one Naruto Uzumaki. He's done a shinobi's work and deserves a shinobi's rest. The unwanted, uninvited and inconsiderate guess in his room doesn't share this opinion, he doesn't share it at all.

"How did you do it? I need to know."

"I heard you the first time, Uchiha-san. I'm sorry my convalescence has delayed my response time to your queries. How I did it is simple, neither he nor his partner took me the least be seriously and I was able to delay them long enough for the freaking Sannin to arrive. So, I guess the real answer is the same one you got from the start."

"Why would he care about you? What's so special about you?"

"I'm sure the 'no offense' part of that is implied. And in response, it doesn't matter. I don't have anything more to say on the matter so if you would please leave my room, I'd appreciate it."

Sasuke realized he was being a pest, the redhead wasn't in the hospital for fun. He could have come back another time or went to someone else but his need for revenge fueled the small bit of jealousy he felt for the Uzumaki. Itachi had told him he wasn't worth killing but this kid, same age as him is? Why, what made him worthy? In a moment of pique and childishness Sasuke did something that was beneath him and even he'd admit was jerk-ish, he grabbed Naruto by what should be the collar of his shirt as he was still wearing his face mask and demanded Naruto answer his unasked questions.

The villagers never beat Naruto. Never chased in, there were no mobs to duck on his birthday. As such, he developed a sense that even they thought physical violence was a bridge too far. That wasn't the case, it's just that attempts of physical violence resulted in immediate execution and that was one of the few things HIruzen was intractable on. Because of this, Naruto developed a rule, more subconscious than anything. If they never touched him, never vandalized his stuff he'd just ignore them. He might dislike them but he would ignore them. But no one puts their hands on him without response. He would meet violence with violence and not apologize for it. He didn't even bother to make Sasuke release his shirt, it wouldn't matter and three hand signs performed faster than an eye blink he demonstrated why as his once languid hair were now crimson spikes long enough to impale the wall adjacent from his bed. However, there was no Uchiha stuck to the wall.

"Mah, mah, Naruto-kun, that was a tad strong, wasn't it?" Kakashi said holding his wide eyed student, quickly coming to terms with how close to death he'd been. He wanted to glare at the redhead but the look in the Uzumaki's eyes dared him to.

"He shouldn't have put his hands on me." Naruto said, ending his jutsu and his hair returning to its natural state.

"Hai, he should not have but surely the penalty for such an offense isn't death? Just break a leg next time." Kakashi replied with an eye smile and Naruto nodded. Sasuke grew concerned as he wasn't sure if either party was joking or not.


"Aww, please no yelling, Tsunade-obachan."

"Then tell me why there are two holes in the wall that weren't there when I left?"

"Sasuke and Naruto had a bit of a misunderstand, Tsunade-sama. I take full responsibility and will be disciplining my student for his outbursts." Kakashi said, pulling Sasuke away. He didn't want to be around an angry Tsunade. As the members of Team 7 departed, Tsunade ran a quick diagnostic over Naruto and was satisfied with his recovery but wouldn't let him leave. She was amazed when he didn't complain just asked if there was a soft light available so he could read, which she had the support staff provide and left him to his devices.


He was on his knees gasping for air. His training session hadn't gone well. His timing was off. His balance was shot. He used to move with grace, now he plods. He has to fight his instincts, them telling him to use a hand that is no longer there. The phantom pains are still there and in his dreams he remembers the sensation. It haunts him be he conscious or not. In moments so much had been taken from him. Word had come that the Daimyo ordered the end of the Cage Bird Seal, the branch family was going to be free and had the option to form their own clan in restitution to the generations of oppression. Neji should be happy but he can't stop himself from thinking their freedom was bought with his arm and he doesn't know if it was worth the price. He's free but he is also less. He once was a servant but he was strong, capable. More than capable, prodigious. His potential limitless, so he imagined, but now he's broken. So while his fellow branch members cheer and the main family speak empty words about relocation, Neji trains. He trains and trains and trains. And she watches.

He can feel her eyes on him. Every moment, every twitch. Nothing escapes her gaze, her eyes sharper than most give her credit for. He hates her eyes, eyes that presume to watch him in such close detail. Picking apart his every flaw, laying him completely bare to her judgment. How dare someone weak possess such eyes? Eyes that look through him when he informed her of her fate? Eyes that deem him lesser. Eyes of the entitled, of the blessed, the chosen that can't bear the burden of luxury? Minimal expectation and she falters, always seeking to break from tradition when tradition keeps the Hyuuga strong. She's a failure. And he hates her. He'd have his father if not for her. His father would be free if not for her. She takes and takes and takes from him. Her lack of talent as great as his genius; the two an inverse. Both cannot rise, what harms one benefits the other. She was strengthened by his injury. Was the Uzumaki her agent? Sent to avenge her loss because she was too weak to do it herself. It must be, why else would he be so brutal to a complete stranger? She set this in motion. She watches him now to see her master work, to see the fruits of her labor; his struggle.

'That bitch!' "STOP WATCHING ME!". His breathing has become even more ragged. He can't take it anymore.

"Even injured you are still quiet the genius, nii-san." she said evenly.

"What does that mean? Are you mocking me?"

"Why would I mock you? We are family."

"The end of the seal does not make us family. You and I can never be family. So enjoy your momentary victory because it won't last."

"I take no pleasure in your disability. Watching you struggle holds no entertainment for me. I'm not what you say I am."

"You are, it was decided by fate."

"Then fate was always going to take your arm and if I found it amusing that too would be fate. You should have no feelings on the matter, correct? It is all predestined." Neji does not speak, he cannot craft a retort and Hinata takes that as her cue to leave. She did not lie. Seeing Neji hurt held no pleasure for her. What pleasure could you take of watching someone live on in injury when you sincerely wished them dead?