Chapter 13

As Kimimaro was gone to explore the village, Orochimaru was continuing her training of her latest apprentice. She couldn't let go of the feeling he was hiding something significant from her and without knowing the full extent of his abilities she may be covering things he already knows instead of advancing him with new knowledge. It was time she got a full picture of what he could do. Having her snakes bind him was just to help loosen his lips.

"You're holding back on me, Naruto-kun."

"Huh" he said intelligently. Granted, he was but how did she know that?

"If I'm going to train you properly I really need to know all you can do. Tai and kenjutsu I know and you'll be at a higher level by the time we attack the Akatsuki but I know ninjutsu is your strongest skill so what are you hiding?"

"Um… just a few things but they are my trump cards. Also, the Old Man's ANBU is always watching and I don't want him to know." Naruto said. Seemingly, she approved of the sentiment as she had her snakes release him. As she released him the ANBU appeared before them.

"You have no reason to fear my reporting your skills to the Sandaime. My orders were to protect you, not monitor you especially as your original techniques all fall under clan techniques until stated otherwise." The ANBU swiftly disappeared after that.

"See? Now, please, Naruto-kun what have you been holding back?"

"Well, first, I developed a Yin release technique but I only have one. It's an illusion."

"Please demonstrate it." she said and watched as he hesitated before following her orders. Four hand seals later and she saw a flash of light and then her world turned black. The only source of color was a red moon and Naruto's red hair. However, his hair was longer, flowing down to the ground and had become black at its ends. It kept growing until the ends became panthers, all coming from her. It surprised her when she felt actual pain from the bites and it took a considerable flare to end the illusion.

"I call that my [Hunters' Moon Technique]."

"Impressive. Similar to Tobirama's ]Bringer of Darkness]. But that isn't all, is it?"

"No. You should probably come by me, though. My control with this isn't where I'd like it to be." Orochimaru quirked an eyebrow but did as her student requested. He then promptly performed eight hand seals and slammed his hand on the ground. She couldn't hear his vocalization but didn't have to wait long for the jutsu to emerge. Forty feet from them, she saw something amazing. Unbelievable really. It rushed from the ground and spread to the sky. Even as far away as she was she could feel the heat. She could only stare at her apprentice. He'd, seemingly, done the impossible.

"H-how?" she asked and he bashfully scratched the back of his head. His natural affinities are Wind and Water, she knows that for a fact, Kabuto is the best at what he does.

"It's really just phases of matter. Once you understand that, the trick just becomes moulding the chakra. No big deal, really." The two senior ninja bearing witness to this couldn't have disagreed more vehemently. Itachi now understood why Naruto wanted to keep this secret. Orochimaru was simply beyond pleased. It seems she has something to learn from her student. She, of course, wasted no time relaying how delighted she was.

"If you were older Naruto-kun, I'd have you right here and now until you begged for mercy twice."

"I've never begged for anything a day in my life." He retorted.

"Twice." She didn't seem to care. "What do you call that, by the way?"

"It's my [Lava Style: Burning Geyser]."


It was another team training session for Team 7 and the clear blue sky did not reflect the mood of the team. The Uchiha had changed recently. He'd lost his spark. It was obvious to every member of the team. His drive all but gone, everything he did was by rote, his body moving through the motions. Sakura was no help, as her history of trying to befriend/ensnare/console the last Uchiha always ended in failure. He dismissed her out of hand if it wasn't about missions. Sasuke respected Kakashi, as much as Sasuke respected anyone but still could draw no comfort nor inspiration from the man. He was too remote, contrasting Sakura's extreme openness.

Sasuke was the acknowledged leader of their pack but he was faltering and Kiba, his partner, could do little to help either. He'd taken the secondary position so any challenge levied now would seem impotent, he'd given up being a true challenge early in their formation. Akamaru was concerned, if the team didn't function well his partner was at risk which meant he was at risk. He didn't fully understand why the Uchiha had lost his motivation but it negatively affected all.

He never liked the Uchiha, there was an omnipresent darkness in him. It had been focused and intense. While it's lost its intensity, the lack of focus makes it a possible contagion. Would he bring the rest of the team down as he believed his emotions were somehow deeper than anyone else's? Would he turn violent as his depression gave way to anger? Akamaru didn't know and the elders of his pack had very little to say on the matter.

He was powerless to change things and could only be diligent in protecting his partner. It was all he could do. That and hope someone could reach the boy before he sunk in on himself completely or lashed out at others. Neither were ideal and both would be a waste of potential.

"C'mon, Akamaru, let's show Sasuke what's what!" Kiba said with forced enthusiasm. Akamaru heeded his call all the same. The spar would likely have the same results they always did but even if Kiba did win he'd take no pride in it and Sasuke would feel no shame. This team was going nowhere fast.


Of all the ways she had planned to spend her evening, having a civil discussion with Jiraiya was nowhere on the list. He claimed he'd come with important news concerning Naruto, so of course she prepared for another screed on how she was going to corrupt him and make him experiment on babies and kick puppies in her attempt to take over the world. She was in no mood and Naruto was kind enough to make dinner for everyone; including his fellow Uzumaki, Kimimaro, Mageela and Kabuto and she'd rather not miss that as it smelled divine. Now the two sat in her parlor, each in a lather chair staring at the other.

"Make it quick." she said, neutrally.

"The Kazekage is hinging his support with the Akatsuki on Naruto fighting Gaara in Suna. Sensei has agreed and we'll leave at month's end."

"Maybe Sensei should tell Rasa he'll help or I'll kill him myself."

"Oh, yes, the Orochimaru school of diplomacy. When in doubt, hold a sword to someone's throat." Jiraiya said dismissively.

"What's wrong with holding a sword to someone's throat? A lot gets accomplished by holding a sword to someone's throat."

"Well, as fun as this is let me inform the brat so we can come up with a plan."

"No. He'll be fine, Gaara holds no challenge for him currently."

"I wasn't asking." Orochimaru narrowed her eyes.

"You keep at this Jiraiya and you won't like the consequence."

"You think you can keep me from my godson? You overestimate yourself."

"Sensei managed it and you didn't even put up a fight. I'm confident I can achieve similar results, if you push me."

"To think I felt bad after Tsunade's little story. You're just a bottomless void. I'm more certain than ever you belong nowhere near Naruto."

"And yet he lives with me and is being trained by me because he trusts me."

"No, because you plotted and schemed to make it happen. You may be getting away with this now but it won't last forever."

"Leave, Jiraiya."

"Fine. I'll be back tomorrow to speak with Naruto." He said and made his way to the front door. She just rolled her eyes at the lifelong idiot. She joined the rest in the dining room where Naruto and Karin were just bringing out dinner. She was never one to enjoy group meals but she had to admit seeing everyone talking and laughing, especially at Mageela's retelling of her time with Kimimaro. It was much more relax than Oto, though she realized it's because she terrified everyone, giving the impression she was mercurial to the extreme. Good to keep a bunch of rogues in line, bad for dinner conversation.

She paid special attention to her newest student and how he seemed to draw everyone in. He wasn't put off by Tayuya's language, could get Karin to open up and even a stoic like Kimimaro was willing to engage. She knew he was something special but mostly she focused on his potential as a shinobi. It was comforting to know she had chosen correctly and it was time to start moving things along. As the others cleared the table, Naruto was headed to the library, Mageela underfoot, to do some studying but Orochimaru had different plans.

"Naruto-kun." she said.

"Yes, shishou?"

"We need to discuss another part of your regimen, namely recovery."


"Yes. While most experienced ninja know to rest and some even visit hot springs occasional to relax their muscles, most don't pay enough attention to post workout recovery. It limits their gains as they aren't taking care of their bodies. I won't let you make that same mistake so take a hot bath and then go to your bedroom. You'll be receiving a massage afterward to make sure there's no tension in your muscles." The redhead simply nodded and headed toward the bathroom nearest his bedroom.

After his soak, Naruto returned to his room to see it alight with candles and the smell of incense burning. He also saw a massage table and laid on hi, face down. He had not suspected the person to give him the massage to be Orochimaru herself as he tensed when he noticed her presence. This only caused her to laugh as she told him to relax. It was weird, outside of sparring Naruto wasn't accustomed to much in the way of physical contact so even ordinary acts to most people felt intimate to him so this was doubly so.

Orochimaru paid attention to his initial discomfort, part of the reason she chose to do this was to get him used to her touch so she wouldn't have to later. Also, it was a chance to make him start seeing her as an object of affection and not just a teacher as he had clearly labeled Kurenai. She started at his legs and methodically worked her way up. He did have a great deal of tension in his muscles and knots to work out so it wasn't completely manipulative. 60/40 she'd wager. By the time she'd gotten to his back he'd relaxed completely, no doubt in part to the incense which were made of a little something extra. It'd also, most likely, give him an interesting dream tonight.

He was asleep before she finished, leaving her to place him in bed. She watched as he slept peacefully. Truly, he was beautiful in her eyes. Not just aesthetically, though she reasoned he'd be quite attractive when he matured instead of just boyishly cute now but it was his potential and drive she saw. It was similar to Jiraiya, when they were kids she'd seen his potential that was just begging to be unleashed. If he had not been a jealous, petty boy she'd have continued to be interested in him. Naruto would be greater still and hold none of Jiraiya's inferiorities. He broke the rules of ninjutsu and apparently had been working on his Lava release for almost two years, all in secret. Ice release as well, after seeing it in action during a mission.

'Phases of matter' she remembers him saying. Simple in conception not execution but he was right. If you can make water vapor, and viscous liquids then ice should be possible. If you can make earth, mud and stone then lava should be possible. She, like others, assumed only bloodlines could truly wield the sub-elements but she was wrong. Because no one was there to tell him he couldn't, Naruto truly believes chakra is limitless potential, energy to be manipulated and he'll go farther than any before him. That, she believed, was his beauty. Until she was around him, exposed to him.

He has a lightness to him, one that shouldn't be there; he's within his rights to hate much of the village or simply deem life unfair and not care about anything but he doesn't. She's seen him genuinely enjoy others. She was drawn to it even if it'd be something she'd seek to quash, bend or otherwise eliminate from others. But with him? She'd protect it as she sees that quality and his potential as intrinsically linked. His belief in chakra mirrors his belief in himself and his innate optimism. Not naivete but true optimism that he can improve things if he doesn't give up. It's intoxicating.

So much so she has to remind herself not to rush things. He's still too young so she must be patient and she will but one day Naruto Uzumaki will be hers and hers alone. Even if she has to burn the rest of the world to make it happen. Not Jiraiya, not Hiruzen, no one will stop her. She gives Naruto a small kiss on the cheek and departs, knowing more is in store once he gets old enough. She just has to wait.


A dark forest illuminated by the waxing crescent. The foliage is familiar, the dewey scents are as well. His only question is how he got here. Well, and where he got these clothes. Over a mesh lined black shirt was some red armor he'd never seen before. Over that he was wearing a black haori with red and blue flames at the bottom. He can't see it but a red Uzumaki swirl lies at the center of his back. His sword is strapped to his back and he has his kunai holsters strapped to each leg. His black pants, strapped with crimson tape at the ankles and his black shinobi sandals finish the look.

He has no more time to think about his clothing as a tidal wave comes toward him, uprooting the trees in its way. He wastes no time performing a series of hand seals and immediately unleashes a strong blast of wind; one powerful enough to cleave the tidal wave in two, splitting so none of the water hits him. In the distance he sees a figure running toward him with great speed. As the figure gets closer, he sees the glow of raiton chakra contained in some type of blade. Finally, he can make out the figure; it's Tobirama Senju and he's wielding the Raijin no Ken.

Naruto sprinted toward the Hokage with great speed himself, able to perform the full shukuchi without any ill effects. Tobirama readied himself, bringing his lightning blade over head, preparing to delivery a powerful strike. Naruto draws his blade, smooth and without mistake, coating it with his super sonic chakra. The two blades meet in the middle and neither give way to the other. Naruto placed his left hand on the hilt, now gripping with both as Tobirama is much stronger than him but that will be to his benefit. Naruto spun, allow Tobirama's forward momentum to carry him forward while tries to horizontally slash his back but the Senju was more than ready for that and swiftly blocked the strike with his own blade. Naruto jumped back to give himself some space and the two combatants eyed each other.

Without a word to the two reengaged but there were few sword clashes, their dance performed in near perfect silence. He was the better technical swordsman but technique can be overwhelmed by physical superiority and experience, something the Nidaime had in spades. This was leaving Naruto on the defensive more than he would like but it couldn't be avoided. He knew he had to be patient, to find a true opening and exploit it for all its worth. It took a few moments but he finally saw it, a hole in Tobirama's offense. Naruto promptly charged forward with a thrust of his blade, the speed surprising the former Hokage and just as Naruto was about score a blow Tobirama vanished.

'Hiraishin' the redhead thought and swiftly turned to wear he believed the follow up attack would come, bringing his sword down. He was met with a clang but it was not Tobirama's Raijin that stopped his blade but a tri pointed kunai. Blue eyes met blue eyes as Naruto stood in front of one of his long time idols and his father, Minato Namikaze.

Without preamble the Yondaime went for a leg sweep and Naruto jumped back, it was a mistake as the Yondaime kicked him whilst he was in midair causing the smaller Uzumaki to fly back and roll until he got back to his feet. Minato launched three of his signature kunai and Naruto knew he'd be overwhelmed if they got near him so he tried something, an experiment he hadn't perfected yet. He coated his blade with his super sonic chakra flow and swung his blade, creating blades that flew through the air. He managed to sever the shiki of two of the kunai but missed the one, his control over the technique failing at some point. The kunai landed beside him and he jumped forward, turning to face the opposite direction, hoping he predicted right. He didn't.

He tried to swing his blade where he thought his father might flash to but he guessed wrong and was punched in the stomach for his trouble. The hit was hard enough to make him drop his blade and Naruto shunshin'd away but another tri tip kunai was in hot pursuit. Naruto landed on a tree branch, one of the few not taken out by the Nidaime's water jutsu. To his dismay as soon as he landed he heard a thud. On instinct he sent a great deal of chakra to his left hand, turning toward his right. Rasengan met rasengan as father and son battled for dominance. Minato eventually released his and grabbed Naruto's wrist with the same hand. Before he could think Naruto was no longer on a tree but hanging over a cliff.

He looked up to his father, who was dangling him and the man smiled before releasing Naruto's wrist and letting him fall. It was darker, he could see nothing but black as not even the moonlight penetrated. His fall felt never ending until he landed on something soft. He was on a bed and in a room with sporadic spots of candle light. The scent was familiar but he couldn't quite recall what it was but he was very comfortable. He decided to close his eyes, the two former Hokage had pushed him hard and he needed to rest.

"Kukuku" he heard the familiar laugh and shot up; turning to see his new sensei, in a dark red kimono. Her nail polished matched the color of the kimono and he could see a faint trace of lipstick. Her hair was pulled back in a loose bun and the candle light accented the complexion of her skin nicely. She was, in short, beautiful; desirable in a way Naruto hadn't thought another person could be. Her sauntering over to him, pace deliberately slow didn't help matters as he saw the sway in her hips and the slip bounce of her breasts. He was feeling things he couldn't put words to. Like some long lost knowledge he couldn't quite remember, an impression he should be doing something to… with her.

When she finally made it to the bed and claim his lips, the picture became a little clearly. Acting on instinct he returned the kiss, mimicking her motions. His hands around her waist but decidedly unhappy with their lack of activity. As if they had a will of their own, they started to undo her purple obi and he felt her smile. Taking that as a cue to continue he slipped his hands in her now loosened kimono. Each making the slow climb toward her breasts. He was enjoying the feel of his skin, slightly cool to the touch and wanted to savor it.

Before he could reach his intended goals, she broke off the kiss and push him back so he was lying flat on the bed. She then mounted him, smiling as she started to slowly drop the kimono from her shoulders. So entranced he could only stare at her eyes until he realized she was topless. Daring to break eye contact his vision drifted down, once again noticing her red lips and then her slender neck. Just as he was about to lay eyes on her naked breasts he felt a thud. And then another. And another.

"Wake up, onii-chan!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" Naruto near shouted, confusion and irritation warring within him.

"Good. It's time for training."

"Ok, I'll start getting ready." he said before noticing a certain stiffness which caused him to blush, "After I take a cold shower."