Chapter 21

"I think we should go after Shikamaru. He's so lazy he'll barely put up a fight." Ino suggested.

"But he's really smart, he might have traps set or any number of things." Chouji added.

"Nah, he's too lazy for that. Besides, we can overwhelm him fast and then head over to whoever is closest to Shikamaru. And then hide after that."

"Each team has a tracker, Ino-san. Hiding won't be easy and with two scrolls we'll be the targets." Hinata added.

"Then what should we do, Hinata?" asked Chouji.

"Stay here. Each team, at some point, is going to try to take a scroll from another team, hoping a member of Team Kurenai has tired them out so most of the work is done. If we all chase after a scroll, we'll all be depleted and then depleted further when we fight. If we let the two combat teams go after a scroll and then fight each other then they'll be weakened and we can swoop in. Or, they ignore each other and go after two Chunin each, the results are similar. We should be the last people they fight, the last team to fight."

"So, just wait? That's your plan."

"Yes, Ino-san, that is my plan."

"I like it." Choji said.


"I say we target Shino. My katon jutsu are a natural enemy to his insects and the sharingan will allow me to see them. Kiba you can track and Sakura can be long distance support if we need it."

"And after, assuming we beat Shino?" asked Kiba

"We rest if need be and then go after Naruto. I assume Team 9 is going after him first for revenge. Assuming they have a drawn out fight, it'll leave some weakened targets for us. We get the second scroll and then head to the clearing, playing defense with what we have."

"What if Team 9 is still fresh? They'll be hard to beat." Kiba added.

"It's a gamble but with the Nara's shadow jutsu there is a chance one of us would be captured and if we are we lose.


Team 9 was the first to take off, starting the timer on the exercise. Neji activated his Byakugan and ran toward the Uzumaki. He saw the chakra infused fuinjutsu and guided his team through the traps set in the wooded area. He avoided the chakraless traps as well. Team 9 were progressing well until Tenten stepped on a patch of earth that sunk, setting off a kunai trap. The projectiles flew toward the team at a rapid pace, each taking to the trees to avoid them. This set off another set of pressure traps as not just kunai but a powdery substance was released as well. Neji managed to avoid the powder but his teammates did not. However, neither Tenten nor Lee felt any differently so they continued on, at a much slower pace.

It frustrated them, having to take their time and check, thoroughly for even the slightest inconsistency. The care in which they were having to move was wearing on their patience, especially Lee as he preferred to charge ahead at obstacles. It only made his flames of youth burn hotter.

After fifteen minutes of entering the wood area the team made it toward another clearing and saw Naruto waiting for them. Neji relayed that the Uzumaki hadn't moved since the exercise started, as if he were waiting to face them head on. All of team 9 liked that and took their positions for their attack formation. Tenten began by throwing a barrage of kunai at Naruto. He responded by performing a series of hand seals and performed the [Wind Style: Wind Wall Jutsu] halting the kunai.

Neji and Lee were already in motion, assuming Naruto would have to move but even after the effects of the jutsu they continued on, prepared to attack. Naruto threw a raiton charged kunai toward Neji, who dodged it easily but the brief pause allowed Naruto time to perform another jutsu [Water Style: Gummy Swamp Jutsu] one of Naruto's first usable, original jutsu. He spits out a large glob of sticky goo, creating a trap. Lee's momentum carried him right into the jutsu, ending his forward charge.

Neji decided to continue onward, believing that between Tenten and he, the Hyuuga was in the best position to mount an offensive. After her experience in the Chunin Exams, Tenten was reluctant to face a Futon user, not having created counters yet. She watched Lee struggling to free himself and went to aid her boisterous teammate.

Neji finally closed the distance and began attacking, his Byakugan blazing intensely. He knew he couldn't kill the Uzumaki but if he could severely hurt him Neji would be satisfied, for now. Naruto was not unprepared for Neji's frontal attack, having retrieved two kunai from his holster. When it appeared Neji showed little concern for the knives, likely believing they'd never touch him, Naruto decided to fix that assumption by channeling super sonic chakra into them, extending their reach.

Neji saw the manipulation and easily deduced he'd was at great risk if he kept being overly aggressive. He calmed himself but continued the pressure, simply more focused and controlled. The chakra infused knives managed a few nicks but nothing deep to draw much blood and Neji was thankful for his training with Tenten as the small cuts did nothing to deter him.

He eventually got the timing and attack/counter patterns of the Uzumaki and laid a trap. Attacking in such a way that Naruto left his chest open for a palm strike. Neji took full advantage of the opening, his chakra infused palm speeding toward Naruto, ill intent rolling off Neji. Neji struck but was unhappy as he saw Naruto replace himself with a log. He almost missed the sealing array on the log but caught it in enough time to perform a [Kaiten]. If it were a normal exploding tag, the [Kaiten] would have offered the necessary protection. But it wasn't, it was a flash bang array. Neji's initial [Kaiten] saved him from the wood splinters and even the glaring flash but the sphere of chakra did not prevent the high pitched sound from reaching his ears. This caused him to falter and fall to the ground, the sonic assault distablizing him. Neji felt a hand grab him from underground and a moment later his body went rigid, he was unable to move. Naruto emerged from the ground, ready to end it but had to move away from Neji as Lee was on the attack once more.

Seeing Neji hurt, Lee decided to race toward his teammate and it was fortunate he did as it allowed him to interrupt Naruto before he could detain Neji. In a blur he was in front of Naruto, aiming a punch toward the smaller Chunin. Naruto dodged the punch and slapped it away. Lee responded with a kick, aimed at Naruto's midsection. Naruto met the kick with the bottom of his foot and then used chakra to stick to Lee's leg.

Taken off guard, Lee didn't fight Naruto when he forced his leg down to the ground and then into the ground as Lee felt his foot sink. Before he could begin to understand what just happened, which was really just basic earth manipulation, Naruto hit Lee in the chin with a jab. The raiton chakra augmenting his speed allowed Naruto to multiple the force of the jab and Lee was knocked out.

Putting a kunai to Lee's throat and using the incapacitated boy as a shield, the recently promoted Chunin spoke, "Drop all of your weapons, admit defeat or I'll slit his throat." he said in an even tone.

Tenten looked upon her teammates, Neji couldn't move and Lee was at the bastard's mercy. She hung her head in shame. They'd lost. It was fast, it was efficient and they had barely been given a chance. It only caused their dislike of Naruto to increase as Team 9 felt he had embarrassed them again, and with minimal effort. Tenten dropped her scrolls just as Lee was waking up. He was ready to fight but they reminded him of the rules and that they couldn't continue to attack Naruto. Naruto undid the paralysis seal and Neji shot up, suffering a lingering headache. He disregarded his weapons, just as Tenten had, shaking in disgust, anger and shame. The trio left back into the wooded area along the way coming up with another plan.


Team 7 wasted no time taking off toward Shino when Team 9 departed. Kiba was taking the lead as he was tracking Shino by scent. Sakura was behind him and Sasuke took the rear, making sure to avoid any of Shino's Kikaichu that he may have left behind. As they got closer to Shino's location, Kiba tripped a wire which triggered a series of pepper bombs being unleashed from above. The instant the pepper concoction spread Kiba had a coughing and weezing fit, hard enough to throw Akamaru off of him. The bombs acted as an irritant to not only Kiba's sense of smell but to Sasuke's eyes.

The Uchiha didn't quite close them fast enough which caused a burning sensation, one that the other members of Team 7 were experiencing as well. Immediately they cleansed their eyes with their water canteens and prepared to continue on, Kiba went to retrieve Akamaru, who seemed stunned from being tossed. When Kiba picked up Akamaru, the dog dissolved into a mass of Kikaichu and latched onto Kiba. The Inuzuka attempted to get the insects off him by rolling around and even hitting himself but it was for not as soon he was drained and passed out from chakra loss.

Sasuke heard a gasp and turned around to see Shino had Sakura, a sai pointed toward her midsection. With his sharingan activated he saw it was the real one, not a clone. He was frustrated his team had been so easily defeated by tricks. He didn't force Shino to make his ultimatum, throwing down his weapons and saw the Aburame nod in approval. A insect clone brought a subdued Akamaru out from behind Sasuke and Shino left via shunshin. Sasuke picked up Kiba and Sakura carried Akamaru as Team 7 departed from the area never realizing they had some extra passengers with them.


Hinata watched both teams struggle and ultimately fail, each diminished in their scuffles. She realized this would be the perfect opportunity to neutralize her competition before going for the scrolls. She had the beginnings of a plan but a crucial element depended on Ino. The Yamanaka had improved since the exams but this wasn't an easy task.

"Change in plans, both teams failed to obtain a scroll and are weakened. I say we take out the teams and then go after the scrolls ourselves. I'll take Uzumaki-kun while you both go after Shikamaru."

"Why Shikamaru? And why would you go after Naruto alone?" Asked Ino.

"Because Shikamaru-kun likely can't hold both of you and given his general laziness won't want an extended fight. Shino-kun is prepared had an easier fight than Uzumaki-kun and will fight harder than Shikamaru-kun. I'll go alone because my skills match up to his and since he's already tired it'll be easy to defeat him." Hinata lied, believably.

"What's the plan?" Asked Choji.

"Team 7 and 9 are on their way back, Shino-kun has hidden some of his Kikaichu on Team 7, likely to attack Team 9 though I have no idea how he'll direct them. When they do, I'll neutralize Team 9 while Ino will neutralize Sasuke-san with her jutsu. Knockout Sakura and then I'll do the same to Sasuke-san's body."

"Sounds like a good idea." Ino said with a smile and Choji agreed. Hinata waited for the two teams to get closer before giving them the signal but once she did the team moved silently until Hinata signaled they should stop. Team 10 watched the other teams watch each other warily but the respective leaders deduced neither managed to retrieve a scroll. The question was, who would go where next? If they were both going to the Nara, they'd have a fight on their hands anyway. If one time was going to wait while the other made a second attempt, they might as well try to take the other team out. Team 7 was a person down, and with Lee having been recently knocked out he wasn't at full capacity but Team 9 had a distinct advantage.

The stare down was intense, as Sasuke and Neji thought about what to do but each seemed to conclude a negotiation was needed as both approached each other. Hinata activated her Byakugan to see what was being said amongst the two. She was not surprised when Sasuke agreed to allow Neji and company to go after the Nara in exchange for holding hostilities. Hinata smiled when the Kikaichu, unnoticed by either slowly attached themselves to Neji. He felt the drain immediately and assumed it was the work of Sasuke. Hinata wasted no time and launched two poison senbon from her wrists, each one hitting Tenten and Lee. Since the paralytic was fast acting, both were down in seconds.

Neji attempted to attack Sasuke but the constant drain of his chakra slowed him down and Sasuke easily slipped the finger jab, choosing to create some distance but even he started to feel drained. It was happening faster than he could understand. His vision was starting to darken, consciousness fading fast. The last thing he saw was Neji hitting the ground before he followed suit. Hinata, taking full advantage of her fortunate circumstance fired another senbon at Sakura, hitting the distracted girl and knocking her out.

"What the hell, Hinata, that was not the plan!" Ino yelled, indignantly.

"Somehow, Shino-kun planted his Kikaichu on Sasuke-san and set them up to attack Neji and Sasuke-san both. It might not be safe to get close to them, Ino-san. Besides, now, all you have to do is get the scroll from Shikamaru-san. Good luck." The heiress said before darting off toward her target, unsealing a metallic compound bow and a quiver of arrows as she made her way through the path Team 9 took.

She stopped to line up her shot. Naruto was sitting down, relaxed but not unaware. She pointed her bow, nocking her arrow. She held her breath for a moment and released it slowly just as she released the projectile. It tore through the sky, weaving carefully between the trees headed toward her intended target. At the last moment he rolled out of the way and the arrow struck a tree behind him. Hinata was already on the move and released three more arrows. He created an earth wall to intercept them. The Hyuuga Heiress stayed in her new position, relieved she'd avoided any traps and couldn't use the arrow trajectories to guess her position.

She knew his facility with shadow clones and wondered why he hadn't made any yet as it would be an ideal way to find her location. She didn't have much time to consider as she watched him blur through hand signs and slam his hand on the ground before a sealing array appeared followed by chakra smoke.

"Onii-chan?" the sleepy panther asked. Hinata fought down the urge to go cuddle with the cute summons.

"Hai. I need your help, can you track the scent on these arrows?"

"Hai." the cub answered and appeared to have obtained her scent. Hinata braced herself, moving too early or too late would put her in a bad position. What she was not prepared for was for the panther to merge with a shadow and disappear from her sight. Without delay, she decided movement was needed and narrowly avoided the swipe of a panther claw because of it. The panther cub was less cute now.

Hinata decided active engagement, up close and personal would be better than the hit and run tactics she'd utilized. She sped towards Naruto and took a swing at him with her bow, which he ducked. She followed up with a round house. Naruto responded by dropping straight to the ground. Hinata had to jump in the air to avoid the panther again, twisting to not leave herself vulnerable. She was outflanked and knew it but wasn't going to give up.

Hinata, having sealed her bow and arrows, sped toward Naruto again. She didn't fight in the traditional Hyuuga manner, adopting sweeping motions instead of the jabs and thrusts the Gentle Fist is known for. She would often have to aim a strike at the cub to keep her honest but spent most of her time pressing Naruto. She went for a palm thrust, which he stopped and caught with both hands; one at the wrist and one at her elbow. Hinata was not deterred as she bent her middle and ring fingers down to pull at a trigger, unleashing more senbon from her hidden launcher. Naruto avoided them, barely, but decided he'd been on the defensive long enough.

He let Hinata close the distance again but before she got into attack range she was ensconced in his chakra infused hair while the cub jumped on her back.

"You give?" he asked and the heiress nodded. Naruto undid the jutsu, face still neutral. "So, you're an archer?" Hinata nodded again. "That. Is. So. Cool. DATTEBAYO! How long have you been training? What can you do? How far can you shoot? What do your arrows do?" Hinata would be a bit taken back by his abrupt change if she hadn't watched him for so long, under orders.

"Let's see; since I was nine. I'm pretty accurate and can take shots most would think impossible due to obstructions. Fifty-three meters. They are arrows, Uzumaki-kun, they just do what arrows do."

"What about fuinjutsu? Maybe some seals to add some additional features like flash bang or explosions or knockout gas or gloves."

"Gloves?" Hinata asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yea, like boxing gloves to act as a bludgeon."

"That doesn't sound very practical, Uzumaki-kun."

Naruto laughed before agreeing. "I guess it doesn't. Sorry, my imagination gets away from me sometimes." Hinata giggles in response.

"That's fine, almost none has shown as much enthusiasm for my interests as you just have. Thank you."

Naruto rubs the back of his head bashfully, "It's nothing. 'Sides, it's really cool. I was not expecting arrows. I do think some specialty arrows would really take things up a notch. Also, have you ever considered a senbon launcher that was chakra powered or had a seamless triggering mechanism?"

"I have enough to know they don't exist."

"Whaa? They should." Naruto said and he took out an empty scroll, a brush and some ink and started writing and doodling feariously. Hinata sat beside the Uzumaki and watched him work as he'd write down plans and cross them out only to write out some more. After several moments, it seemed he'd come to a stopping point. "If you'd like, Hinata-san, I could experiment some and see what comes of it?"

"I'd like that."

"Awesome, 'ttebayo. What would you want your arrows to do?" Naruto asked and Hinata contemplated for a moment. His initial suggestions, excluding the boxing glove arrow, were good but surely she could come up with some herself. The two sat and chatted, trading ideas for the rest of the time until Kurenai showed up to signal time had elapsed, an hour later. Apparently, Ino and Choji were not able to get a scroll either.

The Jounin put their heads together, each having witnessed some part of the exercise. Gai was the most displeased with his team, seeing they allowed a personal issue to overwhelm their thinking. He also saw that his team was too linear and inflexible. The powdery substance that was on them, they they dismissed was a pheromone that caused Kikaichu to become aggressive. Shibi used a similar tactic with his teammates, allowing them to bait enemies so he could attack them from far away. His team just assumed it did nothing or forgot about it entirely. Not good, especially if they would be fighting Ame ninja. If he couldn't change or curb that he wouldn't allow them to participate in the Ame assault. Kakashi was neither pleased nor displeased. His team operated as a unit, Sasuke had a sound plan but was simply out maneuvered by the Aburame. He'd drill them on their tactics more as they've witnessed what a superior plan can net.

Asuma was satisfied with most of his team's performance. Hinata was acting as a leader and had a good plan, she even knew when to change things to take advantage of the situation. The plan to have Choji and Ino take on Shikamaru together was solid but Choji's reluctance cost them in the end, giving Shikamaru enough time to detain Ino, forcing Choji to submit. Shikamaru used a loophole in the rules and kept both members there longers so they couldn't go after Shino nor Naruto. Gai said Hinata put up a good fight against Naruto but being tagged team by his summons left her at a disadvantage she couldn't overcome. That was understandable, training with a Sannin was bound to net some positive results even if he hadn't been ahead of them to begin with. However, turning the last hour into a date was not what he expected of Hinata.

Kurenai was downright smug. Her boys kicked ass and took names. She didn't even bother to hide it. They may not have been the strongest Genin team but they were the best. Shikamaru and Shino were great at meticulous planning, leading their enemies to the conclusions they wanted and their abilities had been tested to the max by Naruto. Why? Because he is a natural at counterplanning. If Shikamaru and Shino were elegant and precise, Naruto was like his namesake; a true maelstrom that would upend anything with a split second decision they couldn't account for. They influenced each other and helped each other grow. And since no one got a scroll she got to pocket $15,000 ryo. It was good to be Team 8.


'What is Naruto Uzumaki to you?' Hiruzen repeated the question Koharu just asked him. It was an odd question and it felt like a setup. What was Naruto to him? The obvious ones were Minato's son and jinchuuriki. Talented Chunin? Source of regret? Former surrogate grandchild? Once hope for the future? He didn't know what Koharu wanted with this question and it seemed his face gave away his confusion.

"While you were thinking did you list clan heir?" she asked neutrally.


"And let's say Anko's mission would have been a complete success, let's say they even got married what would have happened?"

"He would free of Orochimaru."

"Damnit, Hiruzen, think. Don't obsess, don't react, think." And think he did as he was clearly missing a crucial piece of the puzzle until it hit him light a raiton jutsu. "Clan heir, as in clan business."

"As in you planting a matriarch in the clan you pilfered funds from. Do you realize how bad that could have been if it were ever found out you were even planning on doing such a thing?" Koharu questioned.

"I overlooked it entirely. I've really lost my edge, haven't I?"

"Age will do that. I overlooked it as well, Tsunade pointed it out for me so at least I know she has the wits to sit in the chair. Hiruzen, she's back. She's not going anywhere. If she had some grandiose plan maybe you could have unearthed it ten years ago but you won't now. All you're doing is making mistakes, mistakes that could damage the position of Hokage long after you leave it." Hiruzen could only hang his head in shame, she was right about all of it.

"She has reason to hate me. And those reasons gave her the justification to become a monster. What if Naruto decides he gets to be a monster as well?"

"They are different people. And if you don't want him to become a monster don't give him reason to act as one. Besides, I've read Inoichi's reports. He'd leave before he'd take revenge. Our hunternin would be most at risk. He has a team, he's making friends. Someone like him, he never needed much to tie him to the village."

Hiruzen didn't bother to respond, hoping his former teammate was right.


After nearly being set up by the Sandaime, Anko needed to be alone and the one place she could insure she'd be isolated was the Forest of Death. It felt good to cut loose when no one was watching, to mindlessly destroy things or just speed through the dense forest. It felt like home because it was a place that had no association with her former sensei. There was no taint. No one to judge, to glare at her in suspicion. She was free. So, as she making sport out of some R.O.U.S. she was not pleased to see the one person she didn't want to see standing above, because she always stood above, her.

Was this it? Her sensei was finally going to end her? Why did she wait? To just make her suffer through years of ostracization? Why-

"Stop asking yourself so many questions when you don't have enough information to build any conclusions. You're just making yourself anxious and tense. If I were here to attack you, and I'm not, you've already given me an advantage."

"What do you want?"

"To remove your seal." Orochimaru said plainly.

"That's not funny!" Anko shouted.

"I'm not joking. If you aren't going to use it there's no point to it being there. Do you want it gone or not?"

"Of course I do. What do you want in exchange? Why do this now?"

"Nothing, I want nothing from you. As for why now? It's not important."

"It's important to me. You aren't altruistic, you don't just do things for people out of the goodness of your heart."

"I'm losing my patience with you, Anko-chan. Do you want the seal removed or do you not?"

"I do."

"Good. Now, try not to scream too loudly." Orochimaru said before she blurred in front of Anko. The next thing Anko knew she was indeed screaming quite loudly until she blacked out from the pain. Orochimaru caught her first apprentice with a frown on her face, hoping Anko would be able to handle the effects of removing the seal.