Chapter 49

Naruto was making his way to the Hyuuga compound, traveling at a sedate pace. Contrary to Jiraiya's taunts, he hadn't rendered himself unconscious or exhausted his chakra network in his attempt at Yin-Yang release. And while there hadn't been a monumental breakthrough, if one were to ignore a stunningly few number of people could even use the release, Naruto concluded he was getting a grip on how it felt to call upon the two contrasting energies at once in near perfect balance.

The Uzumaki leader was happy with his progress but his face wouldn't show it. He couldn't articulate it but he had a sense Kurama was feeling apprehensive about something and while he wouldn't claim to be an authority on Kurama's personality, the fox was never shy about expressing his opinion. This got Naruto both curious and a little concerned.

'Kurama, are you ok?' he asked.

'I… I am conflicted," the bijuu shared.

'Anyway I can help?'

'No, as you are central to the conflict. There is a technique that utilizes Yin-Yang release. I have only ever seen two people use said technique and neither learned it but were able to do so innately."

'I'm guessing one of them was your old man?'

'Yes,' Kurama answered swiftly. Naruto didn't follow up immediately. He knew how much Kurama revered his father so even considering sharing a technique from him would be a pretty significant gesture.

'Well, I still have a ways to go with Yin-Yang release so how about you not worry about it until then? No need to cause yourself any unnecessary stress,' Naruto reasoned.

'You are closer than you realize,' Kurama said. He'd been with the boy his entire life, likely understand his chakra better than even Naruto himself. He was very near being able to reliable wield the most difficult of releases. It wasn't even a matter of when but how and that the boy thought of healing before the potential destructive capabilities confirmed what Kurama already knew, his container was a good person.

Whether or not he was the one his father spoke of, Kurama couldn't say. He even questioned if such a person would be allowed to exist, as the bijuu felt this world simply didn't want such a figure to come to the fore. However, if such a person did exist Kurama believed Naruto would be the likeliest candidate. One of his fondest memories was the boy, a mere 14 year old, demanding they be friends because no one should be alone. And with that Kurama decided he would try to help Naruto learn the pinnacle of ninjutsu, confident he wouldn't abuse the ability.

With one of his concerns put to rest Kurama cut the connection and allowed Naruto to focus. Naruto felt Kurama end the conversation, the sensation indescribable. He didn't mind that the fox never ended things like a person would. As soon as he was done he just stopped talking. It was blunt but why would a giant fox be anything but?

Naruto walked into the outdoor area he normally trained Hanabi. He heard before he saw her diligently striking a training post. It would take months for her to truly reprogram her instincts away from the Gentle Fist but she was a dedicated student and a pleasure to teach. He also saw her ninjato sitting beside her, a little charm tied to the handle. Some might admonish her but Naruto wouldn't. She wasn't a kunoichi yet, but a child training to be one. Also, if she were good enough to get away with it then why shouldn't she?

The Uzumaki was not alone in observing his student, Hiashi and Neji both in attendance. It was not surprising to see Hiashi there as he would pop in their sessions from time to time. Neji, however, had been unexpected. The two had crossed paths since Naruto revealed his heritage and the Hyuuga seemed to not know how to regard him. Naruto thought he should just visit that bun haired girl one night and get laid so he'd stop worrying about other people. It'd surprise no one that Jiraiya agreed with Naruto's assessment.

"Hiashi-san, Neji-san," Naruto greeted. Hanabi heard but knew to continue her warm up, pleasantries could wait.

"Naruto-san," Hiashi replied.

"Uzumaki-san," Neji said.

"You two planning on observing today?" Naruto asked in genuine curiosity. It'd be a really unfortunate lesson to sit in on.

"If you wouldn't mind," Hiashi answered and Neji merely nodded.

"Of course not. And it appears she is done warming up. Good morning, Hanabi-chan."

"Good morning, Naruto," she said and ignored the brief tensing of her father's face. Naruto didn't require or ask her to call him sensei so she didn't and her father needed to accept it. "What are we doing today? I'm not going to have to fight those demonic gummy things again am I?"

Naruto laughed. To help her practice her new taijutsu style Naruto created a few of his [Water Style: Gummy Paladins] to fight her. Not really stronger than the average water clone but significantly more durable, Hanabi did not enjoy sparring the little golems. "Not today, Hanabi-chan. We're going to start you on getting used to fighting without one of your biggest assets." He watched as she thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"My Byakugan?"

"Yup. Not saying it'd ever happen but if you are in a situation where you need to rely on other sensory inputs it's best you have trained and prepared for such an event. Now, the rules are simple; once it starts I will only move, at most, five feet from my current position. You must find me and retrieve this scroll," he explained, pulling a red scroll from his pocket. "Once you do that we can move on to the next exercise. Any questions?"

"Just one, how are you going to suppress my Byakugan?"

"With genjutsu of course."

"Uh, I don't think you quite get how my eyes work, Naruto." Hanabi said. Naruto simply smiled while performing a sequence of hand signs and before the Hyuuga heiress realized it she was cloaked in perfect darkness. An infinite blackness that knew no start nor any end. What many don't know about Tobirama Senju's genjutsu is the psychological toll being trapped in pure, unending nothingness can do. If undisciplined or weak of mind, the insecurities poor repressed will come to the forefront. For others, it's an overwhelming sense of paranoia as their honed instincts tell them threats are all around them.

Hanabi had lost all sense of herself, the illusion making her feel apart of this unnatural night. Every sound made her twitch, unable to pinpoint the location. She knew she just had to walk straight ahead and then decided if her Sensei moved further back or to the side. But that first step was so difficult. Her body screamed to move meant instant death. Her only safety was to stay still. She felt her body shivering, a sense of terror and dread overcoming her.

Outside of the illusion Hiashi and Neji watched, neither able to pierce the illusion with their famed bloodline. Hiashi knew of this technique but had never seen it, had never wanted to. To think the art they were naturally defensive of could overcome them. The Nidaime was a truly fearsome man, and for Naruto to seemingly use the jutsu casually made Hiashi believe the boy was more formidable than he'd estimated.

"Uncle, what is this technique?"

"It's called [The Bringer of Darkness], an S-class forbidden jutsu created by Tobirama-sama."

"How do you think Uzumaki knows such a technique?"

"I could only speculate. Maybe Tsunade-sama showed him but I doubt she'd let him look at the forbidden scroll. It is also possible that Orochimaru knows the technique and taught him."

"Truly fate favors him," Neji replied. He kept his features and voice even but Hiashi could hear the traces of resentment and jealousy. His nephew had come along way, managing to stop hating the main branch over the last few years but even Hizashi's words could not reach him. His belief in fate and his confidence he could see its design were too central to his being.

Back in the illusion, Hanabi had gotten the resolve to march forward. Every step felt like a battle won, with the physical and mental exhaustion to go along with it. She'd taken five steps thus far. And a sixth. Slowly, she forced her body to stop twitching at every sound as if it were a grave threat. Seventh step. Next, she got her legs to stop shaking with nothing but the force of her will. With her eight step she walked into something solid and felt a hand on top of her head. Faster than she could react, the illusion was gone and her sensei's whiskered face was smiling down at her.

"You did very well, Hanabi-chan," he praised but the Hyuuga did not feel it was deserved. Naruto could see as much on her face. "You may not believe you did anything but it's true. On my very first mission outside of the village we were ambushed by some bandits. And I froze. All my instincts, all my training left me. Luckily, the Chunin leader handled them but had he not I was a liability.

I promised myself that day I'd never freeze like that again. But that doesn't mean I was never scared. Fear isn't to be ignored, however, it also cannot be allowed to paralyze us. You fought through your fear and achieved your goal. That is laudable so don't downplay it, ok?"

"Hai," she responded, feeling a little embarrassed by Naruto's sincerity. She saw he still had the scroll in his hand and reached for it, the Uzumaki giving it to her without protest. As she opened it she saw directions for how to perform a sealless [Replacement Jutsu].

"I want you to, slowly, start decreasing the number of signs needed to perform the Replacement Jutsu. I'm not going to lie, most jutsu are too complex to truly be done without hand signs and to attempt mid battle would likely take more time than just performing them. But for something like this or the [Shushin], going sealless is not only feasible but it could save your life." Hanabi took the scroll and promptly began practicing. Naruto walked back toward Hiashi and Neji.

"That was very clever, Naruto-san. Telling Hanabi you'd be testing one thing when you were really examining something else is something a seasoned teacher would do."

"Well, I've gotten a little practice with Konohamaru and his friends so I'm not entirely new to this."

"How did you come to learn the Nidaime's jutsu, Uzumaki-san?"

"In appreciation of the alliance between the Senju and the Uzumaki prior to the founding of the Hidden Villages, and Konoha and Uzushio afterward, Hashirama-sama and Tobirama-sama left scrolls of some of their jutsu in the care of the Uzumaki. Once my heritage was revealed and my inheritance given to me it was just a matter of finding them."

"Alliance? Uzushio?" Neji asked, confused.

"Yes, the Uzumaki weren't just a clan but cousins to the Senju. Hashirama-sama's wife, Mito, was an Uzumaki herself and a gifted practitioner of fuinjutsu," Hiashi informed his nephew.

"You have quite the pedigree, Uzumaki-san."

Naruto shrugged. Neji wasn't wrong and Naruto could recognize the advantages of being born to the parents he had but some of that was negated by them dying on the day he was born. Or maybe he was just crazy. The three continued to watched Hanabi train when Kurama spoke again.

'There's going to be a problem,' he said.


'You remember that thing we thought might happen but if it did it wouldn't be for years?'

'You mean your Yin half reforming not with you but outside of the seal and somewhere near or in Konoha?'

'Yes. You have ten seconds.'

Naruto created hundreds of shadow clones, one meant to find Tsunade and request she not send any ninja to where the other Kurama appeared. One to Jiraiya to ask him to do the same. Naruto himself spread his chakra around to sense where his father's Hiraishin markers were. Ten seconds passed quickly and he'd yet to explain anything to Hiashi, the man startled by seeing someone produce hundreds of something that could kill some Jounin if they tried to make five. Whatever Hiashi's question would have been would never be verbalized as he saw something he'd hope to never see again.

Collectively, Konoha froze in terror when the bane of their existence, the being they held responsible for the death of the Fourth Hokage appeared above them. All was quiet, eerily so as they soaked in the unfathomable fox. And then, as if a spell had been broken, collectively their wits returned just as Naruto's clones started to spread throughout. A moment of realization was shared. The Kyuubi had returned and chaos ensued.

For a few, the return of the Kyuubi didn't just refresh long repressed traumatic memories. No, they believed they were seeing proof of the death of Naruto. Only the appearance of a clone stopped Tsunade and Orochimaru from acting recklessly.

"I'm fine," the clone explained. "We thought this might happen but assumed we had years yet."

"What happened and how are you alive?" Tsunade asked in a near panic.

"My dad didn't seal the entire Kyuubi into me, only half. He took the other half with him but someone he was freed from the Shinigami's stomach. Dead people can't be Jinchuuriki and without the power of the Shinigami, the Kyuubi's other half was going to always returned. We had hoped it would simply return to the one in the seal but as you can see that hasn't happened."

"Why didn't you warn me?"

"I thought I'd be Hokage by the time it came back. The Sanbi still hasn't returned and it's been three years."

"That's no excuse. You should have warned me even if it never happened."

"I know and I'm sorry. The original is going to deal with it but you have to keep the other ninja away. If they attack the Kyuubi will as well."

"I'm going with the original," Orochimaru said. She was gone before the clone could argue against it. Tsunade ordered her ANBU to execute a village wide lockdown.

Kakashi moved through the streets, made all the more difficult by the pandemonium. The screams were deafening and the giant fox hadn't even done anything yet. Looking down at the village in mild confusion. That didn't matter. He knew a jinchuuriki couldn't survive the bijuu being extracted or otherwise leaving the seal. He cursed himself to failing once more but he had to find Naruto. It didn't know why but he needed to see his body with his own eyes.

"You shouldn't be going that way," Kakashi heard from an all too familiar voice.


"Clone but yea. I'm alive and can handle the fox. Going there won't do you any good."

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US!?," a villager yelled at the clone and more people turned to look at him. "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP? I HAVE A FAMILY. WE ALL DO! PLEASE!"

"Look, just get to the shelters. This isn't something I'm doing. I'm not attacking the village."


"All will be explained after the original me handles this. I won't let the village get wrecked." The clone saw the looks of skepticism but the ninja on the scene pushed them toward the shelters, while they wondered what to believe.

Hiruzen and Jiraiya both were hurtling toward the fox, Jiraiya holding off on summoning Gamabunta in case Naruto needed to do so. However, the Toad Sage's progress was stopped when he saw ninja attempting to attack clones of Naruto. Several yelling they had been right, the foxboy had simply bid his time to strike. None of them could touch the clones but they also couldn't attack without proving the deranged shinobi correct.


"Jiraiya-sama, he-"

"Shut the hell up. If the fox were out of the seal Naruto's clones wouldn't exist because he'd be dead or dying."

"Then how?"

"That's not your concern. Help people get to safety and await further instruction. And if I ever see you attack my godson again I'll kill you where you stand. GO!," he barked.


"No problem. You know if the original has a plan?"

"Get him out of the village and try to talk things out."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"Let's hope it does," the clone answered and Jiraiya returned to chasing toward the Kyuubi at top speed Somehow he managed to make it to the Kyuubi's location at the same time as his sensei, who was decked out in battle armor. Each watched as Naruto held out his fist toward the bijuu. Said chakra beast seemed to consider the offer, instead deciding to slam down his hand on top of Naruto. They paled, fearful the fox had killed him.

Elsewhere in the village Naruto was reassuring his sensei. Once she saw the Kyuubi she'd gotten her shoes on, fully intending to go find Naruto. The Sandaime had told her what would happen should the kyuubi ever escape the seal, Naruto would die. She was met at the door by her student, or a clone. He quickly explained what was happening and while it didn't exactly comfort her, at least she knew he wasn't dead. He walked her back to her couch and remained.

Most beings are not self-aware when they come into existence. Kurama was and while the experience was novel, it wouldn't recommend it. He'd returned, from the pit of the damned being trapped with that stupid Hokage. The man wasn't the worst company but he split the fox in half and that was just a dick move. Somehow, someone had undone the pact and they both left the Shinigama's stomach. He assumed that Minato bastard went to the pure land but he had to wait for his true return.

Upon it he was greeted with wave after wave of negative emotions. He almost missed not having to suffer through that. He hadn't even done anything yet. Gaining back all of his senses, it was overwhelming. He remembered this location as the place he was sealed after spearing his former containers. And then a red haired person appeared before him.

The boy had hair like Kushina and he could sense his other half within him. The boy was weird. He couldn't sense any hate within him. Kurama had only known one person truly free of hate. Even Ashura wasn't completely free of it. Get him drunk and ask about Indra and you'd bear witness to it.

Kurama had to test him to see if this was some trick. Without warning he tried to squash the boy. Before his hand could leave the ground he heard laughing in his ear.

"That wasn't very nice, Kurama," he said Truly not upset at the bijuu's show of force. "Would you mind going elsewhere so we can talk in private?" Kurama nodded and for the second time felt himself being teleported. "We're like ten miles outside of the village. So, what's up?"

"You are so casual with me? Have you and my other side truly formed such a bond?"

"If you'd simply bumped fists with me you'd have the answer to that and a lot of other questions. Instead, you try to squish me. Not cool."

"Neither is ripping me in half."

"True. Dad could have been a tad more humane in your treatment but I'm not him. So, what's the plan, big guy?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your plan. I can't release your other half without dying so I'm sorry but reunification will have to wait. And I wouldn't recommend staying in the Land of Fire but I do know somewhere I can take you. That fake Madara is still out there, though I wouldn't worry too much as he's living on borrowed time."

"You did not mention me entering your seal."

"I didn't. Honestly didn't think you would want to for any reason I could give. Also thought it'd set you off and I'd rather you remain calm."

Kurama smiled at that, "That was a wise decision. If you channel my chakra, I would like to sync with my other half." Naruto leapt off Kurama and complied, creating the full chakra cloak. Orochimaru, Jiraiya, the Sandaime, Kakashi and a team of ANBU arriving just as Naruto activated the form. Even the non-sensors could feel the overwhelming presence of Naruto's chakra. Those that were sensors would describe it as endless, as if they'd been dropped into an ocean with no sense of surface nor bottom.

The Bijuu and the container met fists and in a flash Kurama received his Yang half's memories and impressions. Once he'd absorbed the information he looked at the Uzumaki, as if considering him for the first time. Could he be the one his old man had spoken about? Should he help just in case he was? The debate felt moot, his Yang half's impression so strong, his belief in his friend so sincere the Yin half couldn't argue with it. He knew what he was going to do but he would make the boy earn it.

"My other half has accepted you and I will as well. But you must earn my cooperation in the same manner you earned his, without his help."

"I accept!" Naruto shouted. He deactivated the cloak and walked over to the gathered ninja, assuming Jiraiya told them not to attack. "Hey, you all need to leave."

"Naruto-kun, we will do no such thing," the Sandaime stated, firmly.

"I don't have time for this. I've already beaten the Kyuubi once and I was weaker then. Besides, this one doesn't want to kill me but it's going to be a massive fight regardless of what we do."

"Alright, the kid's got it handled so let's go back and run damage control," Jiraiya ordered but no one moved, which annoyed him. "Listen, not a damn one of you can fight the Kyuubi and you'd only get in the way."

"Minato died sealing the Kyuubi, Jiraiya!" The Sandaime yelled.

"Minato isn't Naruto," Jiraiya responded. "We'd only be in the way."

"Are you sure you can win?" Orochimaru asked Naruto, finally speaking.

"Yes. It's just a spar anyway, no one's life is on the line if you all stay out of it." She accepted his reassurance, not knowing him to be arrogant or to overestimate himself. She also wouldn't deny there was a thrill in seeing her lover best a bijuu by himself.

"I won't leave because I want to see this. Besides, if you win I might do that thing I know you want but are too shy to ask for."

Naruto couldn't fight the faint blush that colored his cheeks as he muttered a quiet 'awesome' at the prospect. Once that moment passed he decided to propose a solution. "Create a barrier. It'll help contain the damage and you can stay and watch but you have to give us plenty of room."

"Naruto-kun," the Sandaime started to say.

"Just, for once, trust me." The Sandaime didn't have the heart to continue his protest, even if every fiber of his being felt this was a mistake. He simply nodded and got into position. Kakashi put his hand on Naruto's shoulder in silent encouragement before doing the same. "As for you ANBU, I'm not joking about not being in this barrier. If you get hurt that's on you and if I find you I'll teleport you somewhere you don't want to be." As Naruto said that, it dawned on several people that the red-head had teleported the Kyuubi and must have known how to use the Hiraishin. They all wondered if that's why the young man was so confident.

Naruto walked away from the onlookers and waited for them to get into position. In under a minute a barrier was erected, one Naruto recognized as the [Four Crimson Ray Formation], something Tobirama-sama had left in his jutsu scroll. He didn't have time to be impressed as Kurama took advantage and quickly charged and fired a chakra blast, one just short of a bijuu bomb. Naruto simply looked at the fast moving energy beam and smirked. He continued to wait until he deemed the time right.

'[Hiraishin no Jutsu Version Three]' he thought as he activated the technique and swapped places with Kurama. The Yin-Kyuubi having no choice but to absorb his own attack, the powerful blast managing to topple the great fox. Naruto was not stationary, on the move as soon as he switched with Kurama. When he was within range he sped through hand signs performing the [Water Style: Great Flood Jutsu]. A massive amount of water emerged, all rushing toward a still off balanced Kurama.

The fox, annoyed at being subjected to his own attack, lashed out with one of his might tails, splitting the surge of water down the middle. His vision no longer obstructed he watched as Naruto continued chaining hand signs. On instinct the strongest of the bijuu rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding a two separate spiked glaciers posed to impale him. Naruto smiled, he expected his [Ice Style: Frozen Torrent] to hit the fox but it appeared his time inactive hadn't left him rusty.

Kurama rushed toward Naruto, his every step shook the very earth. Mid stride, he ran his paw against the ground, overturning rock and uprooting trees as he swung the limb toward his opponent. Naruto dashed forward, dodging the debris while creating two shadow clones. Once that was done the original activated his [Lightning Style: Red Lightning Armor] and closed the distance faster than Kurama anticipated. Naruto delivered a swift kick to the fox's snout.

Kurama grimaced upon impact, swatting Naruto out of the air in retaliation. The Uzumaki flew back, impacting the ground with tremendous force, a crater forming as a testament to Kurama's strength. Naruto was fine, the lightning armor able to absorb blunt force, those the rapid change in elevation was disorienting. Not wanting to allow the Uzumaki a chance to attack, the bijuu intended to pounce but was impeded by a series of steel chains wrapping themselves around him. He felt the cold steel wrap around his body, tightening with such force it was almost pulled completely to the ground. But he struggled mightily, bracing under the pull of the jutsu.

The clone that performed the [Steel Style: Bindings of the Underworld] wasn't done and soon Kurama felt an intense shock. He refused to take his eyes off the original so he missed the red lightning dragons traveling through the steel chains. Enduring the [Lightning Style: Ground Dragon Flash] and getting annoyed at being pushed by a welp, Kurama released a chakra shockwave, stopping Naruto's forward progress.

A tail strong enough to level mountains crashed toward the clone, carving a trench into the earth. The clone managed to evade the lethal appendage, replacing himself with a log. The original dropped the lightning cloak as he surveyed the land. For such a short fight, the devastation was just short of awe inspiring. If they were on Uzushio he'd drag it out to give Kurama some more time to be free but maintaining a barrier can burn through one's reserves faster than they'd expect and if Kakashi were maintaining one side then he may be nearing his limit.

He watched as the fox arose to his full height. It really was awesome. No man-made monument or structure could compare. Naruto considered how things would have been if people hadn't reflexively feared or envied the bijuu. If they were looked upon with wonder, instead. 'Maybe one day,' he thought as he prepared himself to finish this.

"It's time to end this, Kurama!," he shouted and the fox cracked a grin as he charged. Naruto met his charge, his pace increasing as his third clone dispelled causing Naruto to slip into Sage Mode. He performed a sequence of hand signs Kurama knew well and hated dearly. Ox → Horse → Boar → Snake

"[Wood Style: Wood Golem Jutsu]," Naruto called out for effect.

Kurama stopped his charge, choosing to charge a bijuu bomb instead. He truly hated all things Mokuton. However, his progress was halted when he felt himself once again teleported. This time he appeared in the sky and saw a clone on a clay bird giving him a cheeky grin. No time to even swat at the thing as the golem grabbed the proud fox and slammed him on his back.

"[Sage Art: Gracious Deity Gates]," Naruto called from atop his wood construction. Nine gates appeared, crashing through the top of the barrier, each pinning a tail down to the ground. Now that the tails were controlled and Kurama was on his back he could finish this. With but a thought the golem loomed over Kurama and began to mercilessly tickle the mass of chakra. Kurama fought it for as long as he could be sooner than he'd like he began to laugh.

"Ahahahaha, stop it!," he demanded. His voice deep and raspy.

"You gotta give before I'll stop."

"Hahaha, fine, hahaha, I give. You win, hahaha." As soon as Kurama conceded Naruto stopped his assault, and removed the Deity Gates and dispelled the wood golem. Kurama returned to his feet, now towering over the boy that had just bested him. He could see Naruto smiling, not that he won but out of enjoyment. The Kyuubi held his fist out, certain this wouldn't be a mistake. Naruto reciprocated. The Uzumaki didn't fight the sensation of being engulfed by the red, bubbling chakra. He allowed it to enter his system and once he was all absorbed he stood still.

It didn't take long to feel both halves of Kurama become one. Naruto smiled once more, his friend was whole again and got to play for a bit. It wasn't much, certainly less than the fox deserved but he hoped it was something. He felt Kurama's agreement. As he looked around, he witnessed his clone already repairing much of the damage done. The biggest problem being the two ice constructs he created.

'Looks like the Land of Fire is about to get a new lake,' Naruto thought. The Uzumaki started walking toward the village In moments the barrier was done and he was surrounded by the eight onlookers. Jiraiya grabbed his godson and put him into a headlock.

"See, Sensei? I only train the best and it is only the methods of the Gallant Jiraiya that would allow one to stand up to the Kyuubi!" the Toad Sage exclaimed, holding up a peace sign with his free hand.

"Yes, Jiraiya-kun, I'm sure you showed him to secrets of the Mokuton," the Sandaime observed wryly causing Jiraiya to deflate just a little. His concentration dipping, Naruto slipped out of the hold and pushed the larger man off him.

"What the hell, man? Trying to make me look uncool, dattebayo!"

"Don't be so vain, brat. Your beloved sensei has just been attacked. A good student would defend my honor."

"What honor, you shitty pervert? Stop bragging about stuff all the time and people wouldn't cut you down, 'ttebayo." The ANBU in attendance watched in disbelief as the teenager that just defeated the Kyuubi, using the Mokuton no less, bickered with one of the Sannin like school children.

"You know, Naruto-kun," Kakashi interrupted, "any chance you had at that spar went down the drain after what I just witnessed."

"C'mon, Kakashi-nii, don't be like that. We can keep it strictly taijutsu if you want," Naruto offered. Jiraiya's vehement head shake informed Kakashi that was still a bad idea.

"Mah, mah, what about a thrilling game of rock, paper, scissors?"

"Why are all the men in my life lame?" Naruto cried in mock distress.

"Kukukuku, it's ok, Naruto-kun," the Snake Sannin comforted, having slide right beside the red haired shinobi. He favored her with a face splitting grin. The Sandaime watched as the two slipped into an easy rapport. The very sight of it turned something in him sour. He thought back to Naruto's last words to him, 'Just for once, trust me.' Had that been a large part of his problem? How many people had counseled him, warned him, done all they could to deter him from continually trying to entrap his former student? Had he lost the ability to trust in the judgment of others? Had he truly become that arrogant?

Consumed with his thoughts, the Sandaime didn't notice they had arrived at the village's gates. Scores of Konoha shinobi and civilians were present. The long time Hokage watched as Naruto dodged a punch from Tsunade, retaliating with a hug and quiet words shared only between the two. He heard the last of the Senju inform Naruto several of the Hyuuga were able to see and narrate the fight. She encouraged him to address the crowd, the panic having subsided. Naruto looked unsure, a sign of his lack of faith in the villagers but Tsunade's resolve broke through. He watched as the boy, no, young man took tentative steps towards the mass of people, all eyes on him.

"Nearly seventeen years ago a tragedy befell the village. Many were lost, even more scarred physically and mentally by the event. What many didn't know was that day was supposed to be a happy one… the start of a family. It wouldn't happen. When a female Jinchuuriki gives birth her seal weakens. A man claiming to be Madara Uchiha took advantage of that time and not even ten minutes into the world he took me hostage.

Forcing my father to protect me, this self-proclaimed Madara abducted by mother and released the Kyuubi upon the village. He then controlled the Kyuubi and made him attack. The rest most of you know. The Fourth battled the Kyuubi and in his final act he sealed half of the chakra beast into himself and half into his son… me." Naruto ignored the gasps heard throughout the crowd.

"The sealing jutsu my father used trapped him and his half of the Kyuubi within the stomach of the Shinigami. Somehow he was released from his eternal prison and allowed to go to the Pure Land. However, a dead person cannot contain a bijuu and the Yin half of the Kyuubi was released into the world. I didn't know how long it would take to reform, the Kyuubi had never been so injured he had to disperse. It was much, much faster than I anticipated.

As the Hyuuga clan told you, I'm sure, the free half of the Kyuubi agreed to enter the seal and I now contain the entirety of the fox. Knowing he did not attack of his own volition may not change how any of you view him. You may not be able to forgive his deeds. I won't fault you as, truthfully, I haven't forgiving many of you either," Naruto said. Much of the attendants looked down in shame, remembering how they ostracized the foxboy. How so many looked upon him in fear or disdain, wishing he'd simply stop existing. It shamed them to think this was the son of their great hero, a man many would openly venerate in front of the boy they would make a pariah.

"But I don't hate you. And even when I was at my lowest, my opinion about the village at its most negative I never wanted to harm you; I simply wanted to be free of your antipathy. For better or worse, Konoha is my home. My family, my teammates and my sensei are here. My duty is to protect this village and I will do so to the best of my abilities. Maybe in time we can become something more and truly embody the Will of Fire the Hokage of the past and present extolled. I think I'd like that."

Having said his piece, Naruto took Orochimaru by the hand and teleported away. He didn't hear Tsunade, Hiruzen and Jiraiya all confirming the parts of his story they could. He wouldn't have cared. The people either believed him or they didn't. He just wanted to be alone. In an instant they arrived at her door and Naruto felt her tense. He turned toward her and she looked concerned. He couldn't fathom why.

"Orochi-chan, what's wrong?"

"I'm not surprised after what's happened it slipped your mind. The room Kabuto was trying to gain access to, I was going to show it to you and explain everything."

"If you don't want-"

"I need to. You deserve to know. Just, however you respond, know nothing I did was to hurt you." The Snake Sannin felt a pair of warm lips meet her own as her cheeks were cupped. It was a short kiss. More tender than what they normally shared but the feeling of reassurance it sparked was welcomed.

"Whatever it is, it'll be ok," Naruto said. She nodded and led him to her office. She removed a book from a shelf against the back wall. The Way of Tea, Naruto realized and smiled. It was one of Anko's favorites. Orochi opened the book and placed her hand on a hidden seal, opening a secret door. Naruto continued to follow her down the stone corridor, and the stairwell until they reached the bottom. She used activated another seal to open yet another door and sitting at a table was someone in a hooded robe.

"I guess it's about that time," the decidedly masculine voice said.

Orochimaru didn't respond to him, addressing Naruto instead. "Naruto-kun, this is Obito Uchiha but you'd know him by a different name; Madara." Orochimaru didn't know what to expect but if she were forced to guess at a response, laughter was not one of them.

"All that training I did to kill you and my girlfriend, apparently, kicked your ass, dattebayo!" he said, pointing at the Uchiha. Even Obito had to laugh at that.