Chapter 52

"Kirabi?" Yugito called, attempting to get her fellow jinchuuriki's attention. He seemed… not distracted but lost or in a state of disbelief. They were currently in the Land of Rivers, as Bee insisted they come support Raikage-sama's planned ambush. It was unusual for him to be so serious.

"Yo, yo, where's big bro's main man to carry out the master plan?" He inquired.

She couldn't answer that as Dodai should have been here, along with the hundred other ninja assigned. But there were also no signs of combat, the scene looked undisturbed. Pristine. Almost perfect. She looked at Kirabi in shock as the real meaning of his question sank in.

"You think Konoha and/or Suna intercepted Dodai's ambush and cleaned up to this extent?"

"Mr. 9-0 applied the pressure and let the pipe burst; treated our best like they were light work. Mighty 8 senses his bro, the Uzumaki's a pro."

Yugito scowled at some of her comrades seemingly being wiped out by one boy without a trace. It made everything Ay-sama said about him seem true, Konoha had prepped a secret weapon with a grudge against Kumo. It also suggested the attack on Konoha failed or the Uzumaki would have been otherwise occupied. They had tipped their hand and were now fully exposed.

"Do we try to catch him?" Yugito asked. Bee didn't answer immediately as he mulled over their options. Crossing into the Land of Wind would be seen as an act of war and while they had all but declared as much against Konoha, they had not with Suna. However, if his brother learned the ambush failed and Dodai was killed he would react with pure emotion; namely rage. He didn't know if his brother could best two of the Sannin and Hatake Kakashi but he knew he couldn't handle all three of the and Konoha's jinchuuriki.

It wasn't even about which was the smart move, there were none. But deciding the least bad option. A sense of dread originated in his stomach and spread ever so slowly throughout his body. Bee feared today may be a watershed, that something irrevocable may happen. If that were the case then he needed to be by his brother's side because whatever his faults that was still his family.

"We creep on the low but push hard in case big bro blows." Yugito nodded and the pair departed without further delay.


Ay noticed Shi subtly stiffen, a sigh his senor nin had become alerted to something concerning. The second of his escort duo was no coward so for something to worry him, even slightly, was worth paying attention to. A low-level drone pulled away the Kazekage's sister, the Snake Sannin following behind her. He felt the need to at least mention this as if this were a hit, he'd let them know they'd hidden it poorly. Onoki was simply quicker.

"My my, the two allied nations' escorts seem to be departing. One might assume something nefarious, Kazekage-dono."

"I assure you I wish none here any harm."

"And you, Tsunade-hime? You allow the Snake free reign, should we ready for battle?"

"If you aren't always ready for battle, Onoki-dono, I'd suggest you retire." Any follow up response by Onoki was cut off by the snicker of the Mizukage and the return of the Kazekage's sister and Orochimaru, the Snake Sannin smiling from ear to ear. The wind mistress approached Gaara, whispering something Ay could not hear and watched the child Kage nod. The girl departed briefly but returned with a guest in tow… Uzumaki Naruto.

It was Ay's turn to stiffen. The attack on Konoha was scheduled for today and he was sure the brat hadn't be allowed out of the village since his return. Either Shinno crossed him or something went wrong. Honestly, Ay just wanted the delusional man to cause a lot of structural damage so he hoped the fool managed that. No, what truly concerned him was the contingent of one hundred jonin shinobi he had stationed in the Land of Rivers led by his attendant, Dodai.

The boy didn't have a scratch on him and while that could be explained as far as wounds, even his clothes were pristine. Ay gritted his teeth. It was highly unlikely he managed to avoid his ninja, more than likely Minato's bastard killed them and then strolled into Suna as if nothing had occurred. Ay took the briefest moment to acknowledge the sacrifice of his ninja and the loss of his loyal companion. Dodai would be dearly missed.

Ay was afforded this show of reverence, even if hidden because all eyes drifted to the red-haired shinobi. They watched as Gaara stood up and greeted his fellow container as a friend and an equal, a handshake and a half hug followed by words of welcome. Naruto greeted the rest of the Kage, begging their forgiveness for the intrusion. With no additional seating, Kankuro offered his place and left the viewing area.

Ay finally took a good look at the young man, not having seen any updated pictures of him besides what Rasa provided. Jiraiya had been maddeningly efficient in neutralizing all of Ay's intelligence agents, killing each one until Ay simply stopped sending them. The Toad Sannin hadn't lost a step and it frustrated the Raikage greatly.

Decent height for his age, toned but nothing too impressive. The boy had too much of his mother in him looking very little like his rival in speed. But what Ay noticed, and detested the most, was the boy's ease. All five Kage and this child that has never seen true war stands amongst them as an unspoken equal. The very thought made the Raikage's blood boil. Then Ay remembered Dodai. He was too seasoned to believe his man wasn't dead, killed by a mere child who now stands in the same room as Ay as if he's done nothing. Or as if Ay could do nothing to him. Arrogant. Gallingly arrogant.

Ay barely pays attention to the rest of the exams, children slap boxing holds no interest. He needed an outlet for his rage and grief. He needed to take action but his current circumstances demanded he temper his natural inclinations. The exams ended and the boy Kage gave a speech before closing out the ceremonies. Ay was ushered into what passed for quality accommodations in Suna. The sand rat had requested the Kage and their parties attend a banquet before they departed, starting two hours after the end of the exams. He needed to think, he needed to plan.