The girl who Survived. __________________________

in a village near to a forest emitted a strong bright color of orange accompanied by loud screams echoing through out the air.

in that village, the villagers were running for their lives, the men who were escaping or fighting was stabbed and some of them got pierced by an arrow,

the women and children were getting captured left and right, and to those who resisted are killed on the spot.


a man full of bruises roared as he stood still like an rock while holding a sword against a group of bandits in front of him.

the bandits took turns trying to kill him, but the man took them bravely head on.


"got you!!!"

while the man was fighting, he accidently lost his balance. the bandit seeing this quickly took this opportunity to land a slice, but before he even hit the man, a woman suddenly stepped in front and parried it with her sword.

"darling are you okay!?"

the woman shouted as she quickly assisted the man.

"y-yeah thanks...."

that woman was the wife of the man. she was originally staying behind him and only took action when her husband is in trouble just like now.

"f-father..... mother....."

and behind those two was their daughter.

the girl called out to her parent with a trembling voice. her legs and arms shivered in fear. and she can only watch everything in front of her because she can't do anything.

"I'm good now, protect her."


the woman stepped back and returned to side of her daughter.

she can't completely leave her daughter alone to fight beside her husband. just one wrong move and the bandits might try to use the advantage of that moment to kidnap her daughter and use her for hostage.

this is why the woman is only taking action when the moment arise. she is carefully watching every movement of both him her husband and the bandits while also keeping her daughter in check.

the fight continued and the family was pushed back towards the edge of the forest...

"this is bad...."


they are completely sorrounded. and there is no more space for them to step back.

the numbers of the bandits are increasing and the couple are already getting exhausted by the continuous exchange of blows.

"Escape!! and dont look back!"

The girl was stunned and shocked, what was his father meant by that, she want to speak back but she couldn't

"no need to wait for us dear, you can go ahead. me and your father will come follow you after this,"

This time the one who spoke was her mother who was standing beside the girl.

"b-but!!! ."

The child is hesitating to leave them behind, but the couple already made a decision to stay.

"go ahead now,.... please.... "


the mother then embraced her daughter while her face is tearing up. She knew that this may be the last time that she could be with her daughter.

"me and your father will always be with you, stay safe and escape..... I love you..... please take care... "


the mother gave a light kiss on her daughter's forehead and then pushed her daughter towards the direction of the forest. she quickly turned around to help her husband who is fighting for their lives.

the daughter couldn't say anything and turned around to the forest, she took a quick look towards her parents who is fighting for her. then she began running.

"Please come to me after you are done!!!! "

the daughter ran as fast as she could. she felt bitter about leaving her parents behind but there is nothing she can do.


Her tears are flowing non stop, she was crying so much that her sight is becoming blury, but she forcibly kept her legs moving.

"I don't..... want this..."

she ran and ran until the village was no longer visible from the trees, she didnt stop and continued even she felt exhausted.


after running so far away she stopped near a tree and fell on her knees.. with no strength left to continue running. she leaned besides a tree with her tears still spilling out.

and just like this.... the child slowly felt her consciousness drifting away....


(six months later...)

In the dark forest of Vanill where many monsters resides, A knife flew around below the shades of the trees.

the dagger continued flying until it finally hit a small animal that is moving around the forest.

"Hmmm... today's food is a rabbit again huh..."

A girl who have red eyes and a long black hair that is ponytailed appeared before the shadows and approach the stabbed rabbit.

"how many times did I already ate this....."

she wore a hunter outfit that is covered with a robe. and a small bag where she can put items that she needs to bring.

(well food is food..... I can't be choosy.....)

The girl's name is Elia Russfeld. she is a 10 year old girl who lost her parent due to the attack of bandits 6 months ago.

(just need to bear with it for now...)

Elia sighed and wrapped the rabbit with leaves and tied it with a thin rope.

after that, she looked at the sky with an expressionless look and then sighed.

(... Its already time to camp huh.....)

Noticing that it's already near sundown, she started to search for a good spot to camp. Moving during the night is dangerous that's why it's better to find a place that she can use for the night.

(wait I hear something....)

As she walked inside looking for a place to camp out, she heard some footstep coming from her right side, she immediately crouched and look where the sound came from,


She saw 4 goblins walking together. They were common inside the forest so she is used seeing them.

goblins are weak as an individual but the true danger or problem is when they move in groups, so caution is really needed when fighting them.

(is there anyone else around??)

Using the observation skill that she managed to aquire during her days surviving in this forest. She looked around to see if there is something else near her and the goblins.

(only them huh.... I should finish this quickly then....)

after checking and already analyzing her sorrounding.

She then lock her focus towards the goblin that was on the very back of the group. She held her flying knife and teleported behind it.


Aiming for the neck, she beheaded the goblin and the blood splashed Everywhere.

(next one...)

Throwing the knife that she had. She aimed for the head of the second goblin and throwed the knife without a second delay.


As the knife was about to hit the second goblin.

She teleported behind the third one and sent a roundabout kick to the neck area of the goblin.

(so now it's down to one...)

Three goblins are already taken down so easily. The last one who was on the front stood in place, frozen as if seeing death and can't move.

(kill it...)

Sending the flying knife, she stabbed the head of the last goblin.

"I will leave them here...."

there is no need to for her to hide or bring the bodies with her, so It's just common for her to just leave it here.

some animals eat their remain anyway so there is no really need to nother about it....

Discarding the four corpses of the goblins she resumed to search for a place to set up camp...

Several minutes later, she found a good spot without any much monster around it.

(this place should be good right?...)

She went in the middle of the area and checked around to look for resources that she can use for camp.

(I should set up a campfire now....)

she arranged the stones that is scattered around the place and gathered some branches to form a campfire .


A flame appeared from her Index finger as she said the word, after that she lighted a wood that will be the source of flame for the campfire.

(magic sure is convenient....)

She then dismantled the rabbit while takings the other parts that she will use as food. She stabbed the parts of the rabbit that she will eat with a stick to hold the rabbit in place while cooking them with fire.

(next is the holder....)

She took some stone to hold the stick with meat in place. After the stone was fixed, she Placed the stick and sat on grass.

(and now I wait...)

Elia survive inside the Forest by using her magic and knowledge that she learned during her practice and reading inside the village. And the other parts that she isn't sure of, she just let her guts decide.

"now.... What should I do for tommorow..."

She took out a map inside her small bag as she waited for the disassembled rabbit to be cooked.

"maybe I should go out the forest now...."

it's been 6 months already since she left the raided village. Staying here should be over now. rather, she already thought that it's finally time to move out from this place....

"I wonder how long will it take for me to reach the capital."

The reason Elia didn't go to capital yet is because she was practicing and improving her skills inside the forest.

the skills that she improved while moving around the forest were mainly focused on stealth like observation and concealment.

the magic skills that she can use for now is fire, water, dark, and space magic.

she has a skill that allows her weapon to move around in the air while being contolled by her.

by using space magic she can freely teleport around the area but because the skill is not mastered completely yet, she can only teleport a few distance away from where she was.

her only weapon that she had is a knife that her father gave to her when he told her to Escape to the forest.

The knife has a sharp blade that is dyed in a purpled color. there is also a rune pattern engraved on the blade.

(is it cooked?...)

After a while of waiting and pondering, the rabbit is finally cooked, she put back the map inside her bag and grabbed the stick that is holding the rabbit unto her hands.

she then took a bite at it, but her expression is really showing that she is dissatisfied with it.

(as usual... I don't like the taste but it can't be helped....)

she started to eat with a forced look on her face. Her cooking was not great and the ingredients are hard to find, it was also risky because of the monster and she don't have any materials like pot or pan for cooking.

And as she kept eating the cooked rabbit meat, her face turned sour and her mouth frowned.

"I miss my mother's cooking... "

remembering the days that she spend happily with her family. The food that she always eat before is always delicious, The meat is tender and tasty. The soup aroma is pleasant and the Important one is that they were all together eating on the same table.

"this is painful...."

her chest then tightened as she recalled the past when the bandits attacked her village.

"Why did they have to stay.... it's not fair..... it hurts...."

Tears slowly came out of her eyes as she bite down her food. She ate while feeling sad and regret. Every chew of the food that she made. She remember the chain of events that happened clearly on her mind.

" If only I was more stronger, If only I had more power..... that wouldn't have happened...."

she whispered her words that is full of hatred and rage against the bandits while crying for being weak.

"I will be stronger..... I won't let myself be weak ever again....."

"I will kill them all..."

Any bandits that she will see. She will cut them down, she will behead them and leave their bodies to rot and be eaten by the animals.

"I won't show them mercy..., even if they begged and plead for their lives."

the tears didn't stop going out of her eyes as she held her chest that felt like its getting tighter. The feelings was mixed up. Anger, Sadness, Hatred, Rage, Regret, she holed them up inside together making it confusing on what she really feels.


she curled up and cried silently , she couldn't scream or shout it out. She was never in the safe place. Even now, there is monster lurking around letting her guard down will cost her life.

"I will kill them all..... I won't let those trash to live the easy life....."

crying and holding her feelings inside time went by and after a long time, it eventually made her sleepy and tired.

"I.... Will..... Send... Them..... All.... To.... Death....."

the girl fell asleep on the cold grass while using her bag as her pillow. Due to her concealment skill, the monsters that roam around the forest won't noticed her so she can sleep peacefully like this.

the next morning.

Elia slowly opened her eyes and look around if something is out of place.

"Its time to move huh..."

She got up from the ground and stretched her body, she fixed her items and started to move.

(I need to wash up....)

she went to the river to wash herself. After cleaning her body and dressing herself up, she began walking and followed the path in the forest.

(let's go....)

She was now heading towards the capital of Rengar.