The Bandits base --------------------------------------

Elia walked in the forest following the path that she already marked from before.

she moved swiftly while also maintaining a good pace of walking...

she planned to get out of this forest before sunset. The reason for that is if she managed to get out before night, she may be able to get a good night rest where there is nothing that she needed to be alerted for. like the monsters who hunts at night.

there is few monster outside the forest, this is what she expecting. afterall, humans regularly do secure those area outside the forest.

she followed her path while also being cautious to what's around her. it's not safe to let her guard down since it might cost her life.

she walked for hours and took a break when she feel tired and after that, she will resume walking again.


"hmmmm? ."

As she continued walking, she then heard something that she doesn't usually hear during her stay in the forest.

she stopped moving and started to ponder about the sounds that she is hearing.

*clank* *clank*

(this sound..... it metal.....)

It was clashing non stop, and since it was a bit loud, it could be somewhere very near her..

(a trap perhaps?.)

it may be a trap made by some monster as their new method of catching prey thought Elia. and if it's really a trap then its wise to just avoid it and continue moving.

as she continued on pondering she heard another sound but this time it was not a metal, rather it was a voice of a girl.



Elia was startled after she heard the high pitch shout.

(a person?.... )

that's definitely a voice of a human, and it seems like it belongs to a female.

but why is a female out here in the forest.... this is what Elia is asking herself.

this is a forest of monster..... just who on their right mind will go to a place like this...

(going to place like this... such a foolish person it must be...)

she sighed but she then faced the direction where the sound possibly came from.

(I guess I will take a little detour for now....)

truth be told, Elia didn't really need to go to the source of the sound... but the fact that this may be the first time she is able to see a human again really makes her curious.

she then quickly dashed to the source of the sound then....

"Let me go!!!!!"

"shut up or we will kill you and your butler!.."

Elia saw a small girl with blonde hair and a old matured man that is being sorrounded by 6 men that is each holding a sword.

Elia then quickly hid in the shadow behind a tree as she looked more closely to the people standing on the path that looks like a road.

(that is....)

the small girl was being held by two men while also having a sword on her neck. and the other 4 have their sword pointed towards an old man.

(those guys... are they perhaps bandits.....)

their clothes were just ordinary clothes that have pieces of leather straps covering the chest, shoulder, Arms as well as their legs and their ankle...

(definitely looks like a bandit....)

Elia watched more as she was getting curious to wether she will need to help them or not....

"If you dont want to get your princess hurt then drop your weapon!"


as the old man knew that if he didnt listen to the orders of the bandits, not only he will lose his life but also the one that he has to protect.


the bandits displayed an evil grin on their face. Elia find this disgustingly creepy and

(gahhhh! they look ugly)

After the old man dropped his weapon, the bandits tied him and the small girl with a thick rope.

(so he got captured too huh....)

She looked at the girl who was dressed with a blue dress with frills and for the matured old man, he was wearing a black suit like a butler.

(hmmmm those two seems to be nobles....but what are they doing here in the first place?..)

Elia took a glance at the area and she saw 3 men with armor lying down on the ground.

(hmmm?.... )

those on the ground must be the soldiers of those nobles....

so basically, the sound of the metal she is hearing a while must be them fighting with their swords.


she returned her focus towards the bandits and started to think about what action she will do now.

she can approach them now but she rather want to collect more information. afterall, she noticed that the bandits are wearing matching garbs. so it also possible that they may be a part of a big group.....

while she was in thought, the bandits finally made their move. The girl and the bandit was pushed around as they left.

( are they going somewhere?.... I think they are bringing them to their base, maybe I should follow them... but first....)

Elia quickly teleported to the 3 men that are lying down on the ground and put her hands to their wrist to check for a pulse.

(They are dead...well, that's already obvious though haha.... .)

she then checked the armor of the 3 dead men looking for something. If there are soldiers then they should carry something important that she can use.

(I'm sorry mr soldier but I need to take something from you...)

she found some knifes and money from the 3 dead soldier, she took it and putted it in her bag.

(is this all? what about their swords?)

the only ones there were the sheath of their swords but the actual swords are gone.

(guess the bandit took them....hmmm?. )

wait, if the bandits took the sword then why didn't took all the items that the soldiers have? . what about the armor?. the things they still are holding like the money.....

(seems fishy.....)

after she was done looting the bodies, she began following the tracks of the bandits and managed to keep up with them.

(Its a good thing that they walked slowly...)

She Continued following them while having a safe distance from them. She also crouched as she moved to avoid detection from the bandits.

(hmmm is that the destination?...)

after a while of following them, the bandits finally arrived to their base. It was big house that looks abandoned.

(let's hide here....)

Elia stayed hidden inside a bush waiting for the best timing to move.

(let see..... How many bandits are in there?)

She proceeded to take a good look around the area, after seeing some bandits moving around and observing what they are doing. She decided that later will be the best time to strike.

(Let's start tonight... )

the bandits are humans so Elia is sure that they will be most inactive during night and the darkness can also help her move and sneak around.

(okay its decided....)

and just like that, the time passed by as she waited. Now its finally time to start.


It was already midnight. Elia started to make her move towards the gate of the big house.

she moved very quiet, avoiding the branches on the ground to not unnecessary noises.

(hmmmm.... What now....)

once she finally arrived near the gate, the two guards near the gates looks like they were tired from watching the gates for intruders. They also seem sleepy so seeing this was a great thing for Elia.

(this will be easy....)

the other bandits might be sleeping already since its already midnight. This is why Elia chose this time to attack.

(it's time...)

Elia teleported in between of the two guard while holding a knife with her right hand.

"Whaa!?... what is a gi-ugggh"

Elia quickly killed the first guard by slicing his neck. She won't give them any chances to fight back nor speak.


when the second guard was about to shout, she quickly teleported behind him and sliced his neck while putting her hand to his mouth to not make him expose her.

"sorry but I can't let you warn the others..."

the two guards fell to the ground. Elia wanted to search the bodies for some items but she didnt want to waste her time.

Elia teleported back to where she was hiding while bringing the two dead bodies that she killed.

"this is the first time I killed a human...."

she looked at her hands that was covered in blood after that she looked again towards the teleported bodies.

"good thing I can teleport them...."

she can teleport anything as long as she approved it to bring with her. all she needed is to put her hands to the object or person and by doing that she can now teleport it with her.

"well atleast it made it easier..."

she knew that dragging the two corpses will be heavy so she decided to teleport it.

"anyway I have to be quick..... if someone went outside and saw these two bodies, I will surely have a hard time..."

she teleported back to gate and used her observation skill if there are people near her.


after her skills didnt detect any people near her. she then continued to sneak towards the window of the house.

"How will I enter?... "

she whispered to herself as she peeked through the window trying to check what's inside.

(let see....)

the room was dark and it seems that there are no people inside the room.

(all clear huh...)

she teleported inside and used her concealment to reduce her presence. then on the table she saw a blue print of the house.

(hmmmm.... am I a bit lucky.....)

knowing the layout of the house will help her move easily.

(now now.....where could that girl be?)

the house has five rooms below, three rooms above and a basement.

She took another look at the blue print. After picking where should she start, she decided to go to the basement.

(something telling me that they will be hiding them there...)

she quietly went out from the room and sneaked at the dark hallway, as she went further, she noticed an opened door ahead. she then took a peek on what inside.

(are those.... The bandits?...)

what she saw is three men sleeping inside. Seeing none of them are awake, she entered the room and slowly approached the sleeping men.

(I wonder they are dreaming about..... Well Whatever it is... They won't wake up again....)

using this opportunity to her advantage she stabbed each of them with her knife through their skull. She didn't want them to wake up after all.

(and now that's goodnight....)

She don't have anythings else to do here so she can leave now, it will be a matter of time until the others find out that they were dead.

(hmmmm.... Are those knives??....)

As she was about to leave the room, she saw two knives that was placed on the table near her.

(I will take them then...)

She took them and put them inside her small bag. She went outside and closed the door behind her.

(6 knives huh....not bad)

she has a total of six knives now. three from the soldier, two from the bandits and one from her father.

(let's continue....)

she resumed her walk towards the basement while being on guard.

(here right?...)

She stopped at the door, she opened it and saw a stairs leading below. The ceiling and the walls was full of spiderwebs and dusk. It was also dark so she needs to watch her step.

(This place as creepy as heck...)

She entered while being careful, after going down the stairs, she saw another door. she used observation again to look what is inside.

(this seem to be a prison rather than a basement....)

she saw a cell with people that are tied up. she didnt count how many are there. she then proceeded counting the guards. there were five of them.

(what will I do now?...)

she then pondered for a while on how she will enter the room.