The Rescue (1)....... --------------------------------------------------

(A small girl POV)

A small girl with blue eyes and blonde hair sat on the floor as she leaned on the corner of a wall inside a dim dark cage or cell.

she blankly stared in front of her with an pale look on her face.

(how did this happened...)

the small girl couldn't help but wonder about why did this happened to her.

she was supposed to go to the capital of Ragnar along with her trusted butler and some accompanying guards.

that was the plan but she and her butler were captured by the bandits who ambushed them on the way.

The soldiers who were supposed to be their guards on their journey were killed or either fled off from the danger.

when she and her butler were captured, they were then led to a old looking mansion filled with many bandits walking around.

they were brought underground and they were thrown into this cell or prison.


hours passed and she sat still, holding her knees while trembling.

in this spacious dark space, she hugged herself while continuously asking herself why she ended up like this.

her eyes are full of tears. she cried about what will possibly happen to her from now on.

its scary.... its terrifying.... it's a fear of not knowing the future for her.....

she cried silently at the corner of the cell. and as she cried, a wrinkled hand then pat her on the head softly and gently.

"it will be okay Milady....."


a calm voice that the girl is already familiar with.

the one who tried to reassure her was her butler who was thrown here together with her.


she couldn't not bring herself to stop crying.... there is really nothing she could do.... no..... what could even a small girl like her could even accomplish in this situation....

it's hopeless..... it's disappointing....but it is what is it..... she is powerless.....

"Don't worry Milady..... the goddess will not leave us alone like this....."

as she heard the word goddess.... she stopped moving for a moment.... but she then turned her head slightly towards her butler after that....

"the goddess?..... I don't believe that she will even save did she even helped us before..... how can I even believe that there is a goddess.... "


this time, the one who went silent was the butler.....

"during all this time.... when did she even helped me?....."


this time, she turned around and faced her butler who was sitting behind her.


"yes Milady?."

"are we going to be slaves?."


the girl already knew that this is one of the reason of how a person becomes a slave. she already read it inside a book so she already knew the answer. at this point, she is only asking for no special reasons.


her butler didn't say anything but only stared at her.

the girl then sighed and looked outside the cell where there are five guards standing and talking to each other.

some of then sat on a wooden chair while the others sat on top of the boxes that is near the wall.

passing her gaze from the guards, she looked towards the door that is further back behind the group of guards.

(it's really over isn't it.....)

she then returned her gaze towards her front before looking down and hugging her knees tightly.

she bit her lips and close her eyes before whispering something that's like a last hopeless belief.

"I don't care if it's a God or whatever... if someone can save us... please..."



hearing the unknown sudden voice, the girl quickly opened her eyes and at the same time, the candles inside of the room started to lose their lights by one by one.

"what the!!!?"

the bandit's were shocked by the sudden events. they didn't stood up but only watch the lights turn off one by one.

"huh..... I didn't expect you bandits to be a slowpoke....."

a sweet light voice echoed through the room, and once heard, the Five bandits then stood up all together and put their hands on their waist where their sword is hanging.

"who's there!!!!?"

"show yourself!!!."

there was only one candle remaining, but that same candle only gives a faint light, so the room at this current moment is very dark and dim....

the bandits stood near the light so they could group up.... but at the same time, all of them are trembling.

not only them but also the small girl and the butler who was sitting inside the cell.

(this feeling.....)

the girl widened her eyes and continued watching the group of guards in front of her....

this is not something that she could feel usually..... but..... she already have a vague sense of what this feeling is.....

it's fear.....

"stop hiding you co!!-"

as the man was about to finish his sentence, a knife then flew straight into his mouth and pierced him.



the man followed by the momentum of the knife, fell backwards with his head leading his body towards the ground.

the eyes of the guards and also the girl followed the body of the man as he quickly fell backwards.


the girl screamed and pulled herself back to the corner as she was completely shocked and terrified about what just happened.


seeing her master scared, the butler quickly come near towards the girl and hugged her to calm her down even while he himself is also terrified.

"guess we are down to four huh.....I wonder who's next?....."

the guards quickly shifted their gaze towards the sorrounding but it was too dark and the source of the voice is too random to specify to where it came from.

"damn it!!!"

"face us you sneaky little *****"

at this point, the guards are just comparable to sitting ducks who are just waiting to be targeted by a hunter.

"let's remove two more~."

as the voice said that, the two guards who spoke just now got their heads flying at the air at the same time.

blood from the body and the head quickly splattered from their body and it sprinkled to the remaining guards and towards the ground.

as the butler saw this. he could not help but watch and not remove his eyes towards the scene.

at the same time, the girl also has her gaze towards the scene while trembling non-stop.

it was clearly a massacre. there is no trace of pity nor mercy from the act of killing.

a demon..... no maybe a devil.....

"you monster!!!!!!!."

one of the guards shouted as he saw how his three companions were killed in front of him.

and as the man said that, a cheerful and light giggle sounded from the room.

"fufufu~, me?, a monster?. I'm very far from that you know."

as the voice said this. sound of footsteps then appeared. and since the sound of footstep could be identified, the people who were alive faced towards the direction of the door.

and there a small figure appeared from the shadow and walked towards the faint light.

as the small girl saw the figure, her eyes couldn't help but widened again while her mouth opened as if not believing about what she is now seeing.

"calling a girl a monster is very rude you know~."

the figure was also a small girl, she had a black hair and red eyes. her clothes where slightly tattered but it stil cover her body nonetheless.

as the girl saw this, she couldn't help but be amazed on how beautiful the other girl is.

"well then, now that I showed myself. what would you do now?."

the red eyed girl smiled towards the guards..... but her smile was not that of innocent smile.

even though the girl is smiling, all of them could tell about how scary that smile is...

the small girl, also got goosebumps as she sees the girl's smile.

the eyes of the girl locked on towards the guards and the expression of the girl is just like a snake who was just playing with its prey before killing or eating it.

one of the guards then gulped, but he then handled his grip on his sword tightly before taking a step forward to dash towards the girl who was no doubt a dangerous person.


and just like, the man then started sprinting towards the red eyed girl while shouting.


the red eyed girl then looked at the man who was running towards her.


her smiled didn't disappeared from her face and she just stood there without doing anything as if she was just letting the man get closer to her.

(what are you doingl?.)

the small girl who was watching the girl couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

why is the girl just standing there?. the man is holding a sword and he is aiming for the girl.

The small girl tightened her fist as she could not get about what the red eyed girl is thinking inside her head.

"what are you even doing~."

as the red eyed girl said that, there was a black shadow that was moving behind her.

the girl inside the cell noticed it. the shadow was small and it was like the size of the red eyed girl's head. the man got closer, the shadow then moved and went straight towards the skull of the approaching man.

as the man got stabbed on the head while he was running, he was then blown back from the front because impact of the knife, he then fell to the ground head first with a loud thud.

"fufufu~, to charge straight at me with so many openings. that's a dumb move right?."

the red eyed giggled as she walked forward to the remaining guard who was still standing near the cell. 

"you devil!."

"hmmmmm~ is that so?...."

the red eyed girl stopped walking and then smiled towards the guard who was trembling tremendously as he hold his sword pointed towards her.

"shut up you devil!."

"you bandits really just say whatever junk there is on your mind huh."


"...yeah yeah.... enough blabbering."

as the man shouted, a knive then stabbed his kneed from behind.

"arghhh!!!. what the hell!!!."

there is no one behind him, but how did this knife appeared from behind.

the bandit tried to think but he couldn't get the answer.

"suprised aren't you?~."

the girl continued walking towards the man who was now kneeling on the ground.

"how did you do this!!?"

"fufufu~ its simple~."


behind the red eyed girl, 4 shadows then circled around her.

as the girl inside the cell looked more closely, she could clearly see what those shadows are.


it was clearly the shape of a knife. but the thing that makes the girl confused is how those knives are flying around the red eyed girl like that.

"see~ very simple~well anyway enough playing around, I will get to the main point already."


(playing around, how is this even called as playing around?, this is just a complete massacre.)

the girl wanted to interject but there is no way that she will say this out loud.

"give me the keys and I will let you go~."


"didn't I already said clearly?. do I need to repeat what I've just said."

the cold voice of the red eyed girl then brought fear again towards the people who was still alive inside the room.

"HIII!!!!!!, h-here!!!"

the guard then quickly reached out towards his pockets and pulled out a key.

he then threw it on the ground in front of the red eyed girl.

"T-there!!! You said that you will let me go right!!!"

the red eyed girl looked at the key and then back towards the man who was kneeling.


as the girl said that, the man then quickly stood up and ran towards the door while he dragged his leg that was bleeding from the wound.

the man quickly passed by over the red eyed girl as his current thoughts is only focusing to get out of this place already.

as the man ran by, The red eyed girl grinned and murmured something.


the man was about to lay his finger towards the handle of the door, 4 knives then stabbed him from behind.


"I said I will let you go.... but not alive though fufufu~...."

the man fell and the red eyed girl bend down to get the key that was on the ground before her.

After she got the key, the red eyed girl approached the cell and opened the lock before staring at the small girl who was staring right back at her.