The Rescue (2) --------------------------------------------------

Elia stood in front of the girl who only stared right back at her.


after she looked at the girl, she also looked towards the butler who was beside the girl ready to launched himself if anything happens.

but of course Elia doesn't have any plans on doing them harm so the butler doing that is pointless.

after she looked at them, she then looked at the other corner of the room, there are only some hay and some bones.. other than that, there was nothing else.

she then returned her gaze towards the two who are still being cautious of her.

"You are good to go now....."


the girl only looked at her and didn't say anything, making Elia feel a bit ackward....

"why are you only staring at me?."

"n-no I uhmmm!..."

Elia sighed and turned her back towards the girl

"well whatever..."

she then walked to the dead bodies and crouched beside one of them.

she then checked every pocket of that guard, taking all the valuable things that she could use or collect.

"uhnmm... what are you doing?."

"I'm looting them...."

"but why?."

"what do you mean why?..."

she took a side glance towards the girl who was asking her.

"no I mean..... nevermind..."


Elia then returned  to what she was doing.

(why am  I looting them huh.....)

as she is looting the dead bodies. she thought about the question that the girl asked her....

(Isn't just normal to scavenge for loots especially from the one the one that I just killed....)

Elia adapted to the life of being a scavenger inside the's in her nature to check and take anything that she may deem useful.

ranging from monsters to humans.... if they are dead but carrying something valuable, then she won't give any hesitation to take it.

that's her way of survival.....

well anyway..... she checked every corpse and just looted some coins..... they don't carry that much so there is not that many that she could really get from them....


after she is done looting all of them, she stood up and looked at a small metal badge that she is currently holding in her hand.

its a small badge that have a sword with a bandana forged into it.

she stared at it and couldn't help but wonder what it was.

each of the five corpse had them on their pockets... and all of the designs are the same, so she thought it must do something with their group.... maybe a proof that they are members of some bandit's group?....

(a sword with a bandana huh... but.... why a bandana though.....)



As she is getting a bit annoyed thinking about it, she released a sigh and put the badge inside her bag along with the knives that she used.

(I can think about it later, I should focus on my goal for now....)

she turned around and faced the two people that she saved.



just as she turned around, the girl made a funny weird sound that made Elia raised her eyebrows from curiousness.

"what's that?."

"u-uhmmm it's nothing!."

"hmmm.... well I'm done here so let's go back up already...."

Elia walked up towards the butler and the small girl who are standing side by side.

"Excuse me for a bit..."



as Elia said that, she then grabbed the both of them by their clothes and then Imagined the place where she hid before she entered this mansion.


"this will be quick...."

the three of them then disappeared from the room and then teleported outside the mansion near the area where Elia originally hid.

"we are outside now....."


the small girl quickly looked around her to check her sorrounding.

"w-what happened....h-how did we got out?..."

the small girl was bewildered as she tried to guess about what happened just now.

"is this teleportation magic?."


the butler then asked Elia who turned her head over him after hearing that.

"that's obvious right?....."



.....all of them went quiet.

Elia who thought that there is nothing more to say, then decided to continue with her plans.

"well anyway..... You two can go ahead already...."

after saying that, Elia was about to turn around but the small girl quickly grabbed her clothes so Elia stopped for a bit and glanced towards the small girl.


"u-uhmmm, where are you going?."

there is really no need to answer.... but seeing how to small girl is looking at her.... she couldn't but sigh and answer.

"going back to that mansion..."

"ehhhh!?, but why?."

well because Elia wants to loot more items.... for her, the mansion was like a chest full of valuable items. well that is if she remove those bandits first...

there may also be coins and some weapons too.... but of course she wants to get a bag to use as a storage first... her current bag will not be able to hold out for too long if she continued to put heavy stuff inside it.

"just some minor business....."

"But it's dangerous."

"is that so? doesn't seem dangerous to me....."

"but!!." are really stubborn.

Elia sighed and Looked towards the butler who was watching them behind.


As if sensing what Elia wanted to say, the butler then walked forward and then tried to convince his master to stop.

"Milady.... we should not bother our savior that much...."

"but it's really dangerous!!, what if those scary men capture her!?."

"I don't think that she will get caught that easily. besides, you have already saw how strong she is right? Milady?."


As if a bit convinced, The small girl slowly removed her hands from Elia and took a

step back.

"well then..... I will be going now..."


Elia then took a look towards the butler and the butler nodded as a way of seeing Elia off.

I'm off then...

Elia then teleported away leaving the small girl and the butler behind.


the scenery of the sorrounding gradually changed as Elia found herself standing in the hallway that has the lights opened unlike the last time she went here.


the next thing that Elia noticed was the loud sound of something stomping or to be more specific, It was the sound of footsteps.


The footsteps made a lot of noise making Elia assume that there was a group of people who is running together.


(they are welcoming me huh...)

the sound of the footsteps came from behind her and the sound kept increasing and increasing telling Diana that the sound of the footsteps were now approaching her.

"Who's that!!!!?."

"A child!!!?"

"what is a child doing in here!!!."

It didn't take long when a group of men holding a sword and some crossbows arrive behind her.

Elia turned around and took a look of them before showing them a smile which will be the last that they will ever see.

"surprising isn't it?~,but well I won't explain the reason why I'm here though fufufu~"

She then took out five knives from her back and tossed them up into the air.


"what the hell!!!!?"

all of the bandit's was suprised as they saw the Knives that Elia threw started flying all around her.

"Fufufu~let's start then~"

without further ado, the knives then started flying towards the head of the men and it went fast like a speeding dart, leaving some of the targeted men unable to make a move to either run or avoid it.




the men who was stabbed but not yet killed screamed and shouted from the pain of the blade.

Elia watched them with a smile on her face as if she was just observing a bunch of plaything.

(you guys can scream all you want but no one will save you~)

blood and flesh spilled all over the floor and walls and accompanying that is the echoed sound of men screaming throughout the hallway.


she just stood there and let her knives do the work of killing them one by one.



as the the number of dead people increased. Elia then heard another wave of footsteps running towards her.

(the reinforcement are here already huh....)

she already half expected this, so she turned around and walked towards the sound as if planning to greet them ahead.

the knives will automatically return for just a little more moment since the first wave of bandit's is almost completely wiped out.

(hmmmm~ I think I got a little bit distracted from my main goal....)

her orignal plan was to loot this place.....and killing the bandits who will encounter her is just an extra.

(now that I think about it~ I think I kind of forgot the layout of this place ~)

she got preoccupied with some other information so she forgot some of the parts of this mansion based on the blueprint.

she then saw another door up ahead, but on the hallway near that door, the bandits were already there running towards her.

she then stopped walking and looked straight to them.... In that moment, the knives then started to dance all around her.

"A Gir-!!!! "

one of the man was about to say something but a knife immediately went to him and struck his mouth sending him to his death.

"who's next?"


seeing one of their companions got stab in front of them, all of the men then suddenly slowed down and stopped running.


one of the men, turned his head towards Elia and started sprinting to her.

"Kill her!!!!."

following the man, the rest of the group also followed through from behind. all of them charged with their blade ready to slash Elia.

"fufufu~ just like the first group huh~.... very well~...."

Elia then smiled and then teleported behind them.


as the group of men was about to react and speak.

Elia pointed her finger towards them and chanted a short word with a cold voice.

"pierce them...."

As she said that, small dark violet balls suddenly shoot out from her finger and started going towards the target that she is aiming at.

"" "!!!!" ""

It didn't take long for Elia to deal with almost of all them. They were all killed by the bullets that she made with her magic.



after a short moment, Elia then walked forward towards the dead bodies that she just killed.

"fufufu~such easy targets ~ now then...."

she turned her head over to the man who was still alive and currently on his knees trembling.

"Hey..... can you bring me towards the room where you store your valuable materials...."

"w-what d-do you mean?."

"the storage room..... you guys should have that in a place like this right?."

"I don't know!"

the man shook his head as if not wanting to talk to Elia.

"huh, are you even joking me...."

Elia then started emitting bloodlust unconsciously.

"eeek!!!I don't really know! I'm just new here, the boss and some other guys should knows that."

"The boss?."

so there was a boss here.....

Elia then started pondering before nodding and setting her gaze towards the man.

"guide me to his room or office or whatever place he is then."


"move it or I'll kill you right now..."


the man forced himself to stand up and follow Elia's order in fear for his life.

(the boss huh..... I wonder what valuable items I can get from him.)

She made an evil smile which made the man feel shiver or fear as he got a glanced of it.

Elia followed the man who she just threatened and they quickly made their way upstairs towards the room of the bandit's leader.

"Hey you!!, what are you doi-"

one spotted them and called out to them but before he even complete his sentence, he was then met by an knife to his face.


the man who was guiding Elia couldn't help but to watch the man and the other men get killed by the little girl behind.

"a-a demon."

"hah? . what did you just say?."


she then pretended as if nothing happened.


after a while of walking and killing everyone that she encountered. the two of them had finally reached their destination.

the man stopped walking and looked towards Elia with fear.

"is this it?."


"is your leader here?."

"I-I don't know."

"hah??,what you mean by that?."

"s-sorry please spare me!!!"


Elia was about to say something but she stopped.

(hmmmm?, it seems there are people here....)

she used her skill to detect presense inside the room and there she discovered two.

(I guess I should head inside then....)

she then turned her head towards the man who was waiting standing besides her.

"you can go now...."




after hearing Elia, the man quickly started running away from her to seek safety. but it didn't take long for a knife to chase after him and stab him like everybody else.


Elia smirked and waited for her knife to return to her.

"I don't really show mercy to my enemies..... Especially when it comes to bandits."

once the knife then returned to Elia's side, she then decided to put her hand towards the handle of the door and open it.
