Treasure room... --------------------------------------------------

"T-the intruder!!?"

there was two men who was standing near the table in the near end of the room, the both of them looked towards Elia who just opened the door without any knocks.

"but how!?. didn't our men went to capture you!?"

one of the guard was so shocked as he saw the girl standing at the doorway.

"your men?."

Elia snickered towards the man dumbfounded question.

"fufufu~I killed them of course~"


killed them?

as the both of the men heard Elia's casual answer, the both of them then quickly reached for their swords beside them.



a loud muffled sound then interrupted, making the both of them look towards the sound where it came from.

there they saw three knives with its blade stuck on the wood on the table in front of them.

"You should just stay still you know....or else....."

the knives then removed themselves from the table and levitated in front of the men.

"they are flying!!?"


"I can kill the both of you easily just as you know..."

the knives then circled the men and stopped with their blades pointed at them as if ready to strike on Elia's command.


the men then understood how they are in a disadvantage in their current position, so they stood straight up and faced Elia.

"good~, now then..... who is the boss?...."


the other man spoke and the other one just stared at the leader.

"so it's you huh...."

She then sent one of her knives towards the skull of the man who turned his head towards his leader.


the leader was splashed by the blood of his companion which caught him by suprise.

"what the!!?"

when he turned his head, his eyes went wide as he turned speechless about what he is seeing.

"see told you~"


Elia grinned and then walked inside towards the shelf where many objects are placed.

"now that I just noticed it.... This place is really maintained and clean... How long have you guys used this place?."

it shouldn't be like this if the bandits are using this as a temporary base.... this place seems proper as if those bandits really Iived here.

after looking at the shelf, Elia then walked towards the table that is in front of the man.

"say~ can you lead me towards your storage room~."



just as she was speaking to the man, she then heard of running footstep outside. she became a bit annoyed since she was talking with someone and got interrupted.


Elia clicked her tongue and sighed. She didn't turned around and she just waited for those footsteps to come close.

"Boss are you alright!?"


"wait what!?."


there were four men who arrived in front of the doorway. and what they saw inside was their boss with both of his hands up and a child who seems to be a girl that is not bothering to look at them.

"boss what are you doing?."

they then started to get inside. and when their foot entered the room. their boss then suddenly shouted to them.

"You Idiots! get back!."

"fools~it's already too late you know~."

the four knives then suddenly pointed themselves towards the doorway and began flying towards the men who was about to get near them.


the boss couldn't do anything but watch as his men were brutally killed by the girl. he was about to grab his sword oh his waist when the knives left him, but he couldn't even touch the hilt or the handle. The girl was looking at him with the grin still showing on her face, it was as if she was watching his every move.

"and now they are dead~"

"you are a devil."

"fufufu~I already heard the same similar thing from one your men~"

It was pretty redundant but she is just letting them say it. it doesn't bother her that much afterall.

"now now ~ where were we again?, Ahhh right~, Could you bring me to your storeroom for your valuable items?. I'm pretty sure that you guys of all people would have them here in this place somewhere~."

"and why would I bring you there?."


Elia tilted her head as one knife then stab the man on one of his legs.


The man shouted as he knelt down from the floor with blood appearing from the stab wound.

"the next one will be on your head fufufu~"


"now~ would you lead me~"


The man painfully stood up and slowly walked towards the door as he passed by Elia.

on the door, he took a look at his fallen men and groaned.

"hurry up now will you~"

Elia said as she casually move three of her knifes beside her while the other two following the man.


The man then led Elia throughout the house

towards the room where they store the looted gold coins and treasures from their victims.

once there, Elia and the man stopped infront of an door which made Elia hum as she saw it.

The room has a metal door with another steelbar door in front of it offering a protective layer against trespasser that would want to open the room.

(so this is the room huh..... quite protected isn't it?.)

If a trespasser wants to open this door then the best way to do it is by finding the key for it. The second option is to destroy the steelbar and the door which is very bothersome since both are metal and will require magic yo to open them a bit more quickly. And of course for the last option, Is to just break the wall of the room so that the person can enter.

Elia looked at the man and smiled.

"you have the keys right?."


the man didn't answer.

"do you want to get stabbed in the leg again?."

Elia lowered her gaze towards the man other leg that is still not stabbed by an dagger of hers.


The man flinched as Elia gazed at him. For sure, the girl in front of her will actually do it if he didn't speak.

"I-I have them. "

"hmmmm?. So you did have them, why are you not answering my question before then?."

Well that is because he is wondering to what will happen to him if he gave the keys.

or to be specific, he is terrified to know what will happen to him after he is not of use anymore for the girl.

"fuuuu..... nevermind, just open the door for me will you?."


The man took the keys from the pocket of his pants and was forced to open the steelbar and the metal door before him.


"good~now what about the lights~ It's dark you know~"

There were no other entry of light from the outside since the room has no window, If you want to have a light there then there must be a torch there that can be lighted up.

The man glanced then gave a little glance towards Elia before entering the room and lighting up the torches with an matchstick on his pocket.

After doing what the girl must have wanted him to do, he turned around walked back to the girl and faced her.

"w-what will happen to me?."

"to you?."

Elia tilted her head and looked at him.

"Fufufu~you will join your friends of course~."

"what!? Gah!"

A knife behind him flew straight towards him and stabbed his heart from his back and another one trough his skull.

"now that's one things out of my sight~Let's see the treasure shall we~."

Elia walked over the fallen corpse of the man and entered the room.

"hohoho~would you take a look at this."

Before Elia was the sight of boxes and bag Sacks full of treasures around the room.

there was also silvers, bronze and gold coins on the floor and of course inside the containers too.

"Guess I won't need a bag..... they already have containers and sacks after all.... but..."

Although they all have a container.... the amount of treasure that Elia can only bring with her is only limited.

she can't possibly carry this all by herself... She is only a small girl afterall.. she doesn't have any vehicle that she can use to bring this number of Treasure around.

having realized the problem that she is facing now, she sighed to herself and frowned.

"Maybe I should just leave it here and comeback for it.....but if I do that then.... some people or maybe bandits will steal it from me..."

After taking some time ponder about it, Elia then grabbed a few sacks of treasure and put them beside the boxes.

Elia put her hand on top of it and chanted.


the sorrounding around her slowly changed as she found herself back to the location of where she parted ways with the girl.

"ehh you're back?."


A light soft tone of voice came from behind her which made her to quickly turned around and look.


There are two people there... one was a small girl wearing a blue dress and the other one was middle aged butler sitting on a tree bark.

"y-you?....and the butler too?. the two of you are still here?."

those two were the people the Elia saved a while ago.

(why are they here?.)

From what she remembered, she was already sure that those people will go ahead and escape since she already helped them get out of that place.

But now.... She is plainly confused to why the both of them are still here.

"Milady insisted that we should wait for you to return."

"wait for me?, but why?."

"it seems she was very worried."

worried?.... Elia took a look at the small girl who then nodded back.

"well there's no need to be worried..."

"seems like it. by the way, what are those boxes and bags?"

The butler and the small girl looked towards the containers.

"those?..... well those are loots...."


the small girl asked.

"yeah..... well I'm gonna leave them here for now and go back towards the mansion?."

"but why are you going back?."

"because there are still some loots there that I will need to bring out."


As Elia and the small girl talked to each other, The butler was only looking towards the looted containers and pondered.

He put his hand on his chin and lowered his gaze.

"are you planning to carry all of this alone?."

He was thinking about how will Elia bring those looted stuffs with her. She did brought those containers outside but what will she do after that.

(hmmm?... Is it perhaps.)

The Butler then got curious about something and then asked Elia about it.

"Don't you have space magic? why won't you use your dimensionsional storage and store it?"

If she did that then there would be no need for her to actually move them around like this.

"How do you use that?"

Elia asked back....Actually there was once a book that she was using before to learn the spells that she is using today.

She learned the things that she read from there but.....she didn't manage to read the whole book halfway....

She lost it afterall when she was battling a monster in the forest....To be specific, it got burned when an monster throwed a fireball towards her and accidentally hit the bag that she is carrying where the book was also placed.

it was a blunder that Elia made and regretted.

well because of this... she lost an bag before and returned to the village to scavenge and find another bag, which is the one that she is currently using now.

"My apologies, I'm not familiar with the ways of spells since I don't have any mana to be able to use them. I only know that the dimension spell is only applicable to those who have space magic and that include teleportation and the inventory....."

the butler gave an apologetic bow to Elia. It's true that he doesn't know how to use magic so there's no way he is able to teach Elia on how that works.

"I see, it would be very convenient if I can learn that spell....guess I will need to find a way to learn that."

"but, If we are talking about dimensional bag...I guess this could work."

The butler took out a small pouch from his pocket and from that pouch he took out another pouch which is larger than the first one and presented it to Elia.

"this is?"

"A magic bag, a convenient item for those who don't have any magical attribute to space magic or to magic itself, Although, magic items like these are very expensive for a normal commoner."

hmmmm...Elia couldn't help but hum as she listened to the butler.

The butler then walked over to Elia and presented his hand that is holding the bag towards Elia.

Elia tilted her head in confusion.

"this is?."

"You can take it..."

"huh you are giving it to me?.that one is expensive right? is it okay to give it to me?."

"well it seems that you needed it... and besides, you are the one who saved us afterall, you can consider this as our gratitude."


"Even Milady will agree with it if you ask her."



Elia was a bit shy to accept it from the people she saved but in the end, she still agree to have it for herself.

something this convenient is very useful for her afterall.... This is also a good opportunity for her to get one so she wouldn't definitely want to waste it.

"if you say so then okay...."

Elia took the bag from the hand of the butler and looked to him and then towards the small girl and looked to the side while lightly scratching her cheeks with her finger.

"well thank you...."

"unnn it's okay~."

she then looked towards the container and then realized something.

since she have some gold coins now, how about if she give some to the two of them.

but seeing the small noble girl looking at her with an warm smile.... it seems like paying them back with the gold coins shouldn't be me necessary...

she sighed to herself and turned to the butler....

"uhmmm.... can you please tell me how to use this bag?...."

Elia politely asked the butler.


and with that, Elia then was taught by the butler on how to use it... after she learned and applied it to loots that she got from mansion, she then returned to the mansion to take the remaining loots before returning once again to the two people who are waiting for her outside.