Chapter 19 – Three Great Beasts

Reinhard and Arturia were now in Astrea's mansion library. They were here because Arturia wanted to hear about the monster that endangered the civilians.

"So Milady, first those monsters were called Ma Beast. They were created by the Witch of Envy to destroy humans a long time ago. Amongst them, there exist 3 great beasts are often symbolized as the impossible to slay because of their unique strength." Explained Reinhard.

Arturia listened to Reinhard's explanation silently. She nodded her head occasionally but she was surprised when she heard Reinhard said the Witch of Envy. She noted in her mind that Witch of Envy, or rather witch in particular was important existence in this world.

"The first one is Hakugei (White Whale), it has the appearance of a white whale according to the report from the survivor. It is a big whale that could fly in the sky, it was said that the beast itself was around 50 meters in size. The expedition against this beast had ended up with failure a few times and until now there was no other expedition again."

"I see, that beast seems to be dangerous. What else did we know about this Hakugei, Sir Reinhard?"

"Unfortunately, we have no other information about Hakugei at the moment. But, there is a rumor that I heard from the other knights. It seems that Karsten's house had gathered a lot of mercenaries to take down Hakugei." Said Reinhard as he touched the tip of her sword with his left hand.

Arturia didn't miss that movement and realized that something happened. She then remembered what Reinhard told her a few days ago about his grandfather, that was why she kept quiet and tried to change the subject of their conversation.

"Then Sir Reinhard, please tell me about the next beast."

Reinhard looked at Arturia with a smile on his face, "Alright, then the next beast is called Oousagi (Great Rabbit). It has the appearance of a little white rabbit with a little horn on its forehead. Even though this beast is a rabbit, but this beast had destroyed a lot of cities and villages. This beast eats everything in its way, without leaving anything behind."

Arturia nodded her head again, but she was confused, "Why is this rabbit included as 3 great beasts?"

That was right, she didn't understand why a rabbit was dubbed as one of the 3 great beasts. If it was just a rabbit, then someone with enough strength will be able to kill it. She could understand about the big whale with 50 meters in size which … roamed on the sky. But, what was so special about this rabbit?

"I knew that you would ask that, Milady. This rabbit has a special ability. One, this rabbit was always hungry. Second, this rabbit could multiply instantly and infinitely. This ability was discovered a long time ago but it was confirmed when this beast attacked Karsten's territory. Karsten's house had managed to drive this beast away but they suffered an immense loss."

"So this rabbit is really dangerous. Is there any way to kill an enemy that could multiply instantly, Sir Reinhard?"

When she asked that question, Arturia felt dumb. She knew and she had the meant to kill that beast. But she was not confident to be able to pull it off. She glanced at her sword in her waist before she turned to look at the smiling Reinhard.

"I could, but I was not allowed to without any permission from the country. There is a law that restricts me, so I couldn't move freely."

Arturia looked at Reinhard seriously. Why did the country make a law to restrict Reinhard? Why did they even bother to restrict the Knight of their own country? There was only one answer for that. It was because Reinhard was too powerful.

Arturia remembered a story. In the story, there was once a King that had a weapon to destroy the world. The King was too powerful for one country to stop. He stood on the top of his throne, ordering his people to take over the surrounding country.

But, at the end of the story, that King died. The King who had the weapon to destroy the world died because he can't use the weapon. He was restricted to use it. That was why right now Arturia looked in the direction of the castle with a frown on her face.

"Who made that law?" Asked Arturia as she turned to look at Reinhard.

"The last royalty, also the other countries in this world, Milady. I guess that was what I got for being too strong." Reinhard said with a wry smile on his face. It was as if he blamed himself for the strength that he had.

That somehow made Arturia remember Saber. The King regretted being a King because she had lost a lot of things and gained nothing. Arturia won't become a King like that, that was her goal.

She looked at Reinhard with a serious face and said, "There is nothing wrong with being strong. If you are terrified with your strength, then just believe in mine."

Reinhard gave Arturia a sincere smile as he closed his eyes, "Thank you, Milady."

Arturia smiled back at him while nodding her head repeatedly, "It was nothing."

They paused talking to each other and looking at each other silently before Arturia put on a serious face and asked, "The third beast is?"

"Kurohebi (Black Serpent). I don't know much about this beast, but it has poison that was known as Black Water. This beast is the most dangerous one in my opinion because we have little information about this beast. This beast was last sighted in a certain forest, that is the extent of my knowledge about this beast."

"In your opinion, which one should we take first? The information about the five candidates must have been spread by the council towards the citizens."

Reinhard touched his chin with his right hand and looked down on the floor. He was thinking about which one was the best choice and ultimately he looked at Arturia and said.

"We must collect information first, Milady. Those three beasts are moving around all the time, we must know about their location first before deciding our target. Because of the law, I was not allowed to leave Lugnica without any permission too, so the beast that was located in Lugnica is our best choice."

Arturia agreed with him, and not only that, she had one more thing to add to Reinhard's answer.

"We need funds and people too. It seems we have a lot of things needed to be done in a short amount of time, Sir Reinhard. Let's do our best!"

"Indeed, let's do our best, Milady."


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