Chapter 26 – Preparation for The Expedition

The day had passed quickly, and it was now the day of departure. Rom had introduced 2 of his former friend in arms to Arturia on the same day. They were both men in their thirties, but they had experience in protecting someone.

One of them had short black hair, and his name was Frederick. While the other had long brown hair, his name was Ryan. They were having a sword on their waist and now they were mounting their ground dragon in front of Karsten's Mansion with Arturia and Reinhard.

Arturia was riding Stallion while wearing her battle dress with her armor on. She stroked Stallion's neck with a smile on her face. Reinhard also riding his own Ground Dragon, it was a normal one with brown color.

Subaru was nowhere to be seen as he had headed towards Anastasia's army that was led by Julius to take care of the Witch Cult in Mathers territory.

"It was the time, Milady." Reinhard said from Arturia's side.

Arturia raised her head and saw an army of mercenaries that was consisted of Human and Beastman appear from the distance.

A lot of carts that were pulled by Ground Dragon were approaching the mansion. The carts were filled with weapons and armor for the expedition.

"It seems so, Sir Reinhard. Somehow, it looked like we are going to war."

"Going to the expedition against Hakugei is the same as going to war, Milady. Such is the terrifying strength of Three Great Beasts." Said Reinhard as he looked at the group that was approaching the mansion.

Arturia nodded her head and turned towards Frederick and Ryan.

"Both of you can go now. Find Subaru and protect him for me."

"Leave it to us, young lady! You and Subaru was boss's friend, so you are our friend too." Said Ryan as he put his right hand over his chest.

"That's right." Added Frederick as he nodded his head.

"Thank you, I will be counting on both of you. Don't forget to defend yourself too."

""Ou!"" Both of them answered at the same time and controlled their Ground Dragon to turn away.

"Then we will go, young lady. I hope we can meet again after this." Said Ryan as he raised his right hand and waved it slightly.

Arturia raised her right hand and waved back at Ryan, "Yes, let's meet again."

Both Ryan and Frederick's Ground Dragon ran after that.

Arturia turned back to Reinhard and said, "All of us are going to go back safely, right Sir Reinhard?"

Reinhard didn't answer Arturia's question immediately. Instead, he looked at the group that was arrived in front of Karsten Mansion before he turned his focus at Arturia.

"I don't know."

Arturia went silent as Reinhard said that. She looked towards the group and said.

"Then we just need to make sure that they can go back safely."

"Yes, that's correct."

As they were talking with each other, Crusch approached them while riding a Ground Dragon that had golden armor. She was wearing full plate armor with a red cape donning the armor. Her green hair was tied in a ponytail and there was a sword on her waist.

"Greetings, Arturia-sama." Crusch looked at Arturia and observed her from toes to her head.

She narrowed her gaze at Arturia and asked, "Are you sure you are going to fight in that dress? I had a spare armor in my mansion if you wanted to use it."

Arturia smiled at Crusch who appeared to be worried about her safety and shook her head.

"I am fine with this. These are my battle outfits which I had used many times. I am more comfortable with these outfits and able to move freely. Not only that, I had my armor on top of my dress which protect all my vital organs."

Arturia pointed at the armor on her chest and showed her gloves to Crusch.

"I won't force you if you said so. But please take care of yourself." Said Crusch as she smiled at Arturia. "Oh right, I was about to tell you about our strategy. Mind to follow me, Arturia-sama?"

"I don't mind, please lead the way, Crusch-sama."

"Well then, this way please."

Crusch turned away and controlled her Ground Dragon to a makeshift tent that was located a little bit away from the mansion.

Arturia followed her with Reinhard.


There were a few individuals inside the tent. From Crusch's side, there were she herself, Felix, and then Wilhelm. From Arturia's side, there were Arturia herself and Reinhard. Then there was a beastman who had a wolf head and a muscular body.

"It seems that everyone is here, let's start the strategy meeting by introducing ourselves. As you've known, I am Crusch Karsten. The ones behind me are my Knight Felix and my butler Wilhelm."

Crusch introduced herself and her follower then turned to look at Arturia.

Arturia understood her gesture and said, "My name is Arturia Pendragon, the one behind me is my Knight, Reinhard van Astrea."

"Hou, the sword saint himself. It's nice to meet you." Said the wolf-headed mercenary. "My name is Ricardo Welkin, the head of a mercenary group called Fang of Iron."

Crusch nodded herself and said, "Then let's begin the meeting of our expedition against Hakugei. I had some ideas in my mind, but they need cooperation from the mercenary group. I am confident to take the Hakugei to the ground."

Arturia listened to Crusch idea. Even when it was Arturia who proposed the cooperation, Crusch was the one who hired the mercenaries and the supply. So, Arturia just listened to her idea for now before inputting her idea later.

"Let's hear it." Said Ricardo.

Arturia nodded her head slightly, "Please tell us about your idea. I have some in my mind too, but it was too risky."

Crusch nodded her head and tell Arturia and Ricardo her plan. She planned to bring the Hakugei to the ground after attacking it from a distance away using magic. Wilhelm will have a rather risky task as he was going to go on top of the Hakugei and deal damage directly on its body.

Arturia frowned when she heard Crusch's idea. If the creature was walking on the ground, that idea would be good. But, the creature that they targeted this time was flying in the sky.

"That's too risky. I can't agree with your idea." Said Arturia as she looked at Crusch.

"Then, let's hear your idea, Arturia-sama." Crusch looked at Arturia and glanced at Reinhard for a second.

Crusch had guessed Arturia's plan. She thought that Arturia wanted to ask Reinhard to take the beast himself, and she was confident that Reinhard was Arturia's plan all this time.

But, how wrong she was. Arturia put her left hand on top of the handle of Caliburn and smiled.

"I can bring the Hakugei to the ground. I will do it by myself, at that time please attack the beast at the same time while maintaining our distance. I don't know how tough the skin or bones of Hakugei are, but at least we need to take its vision."

"Woah, you serious?" Asked Ricardo.

Arturia nodded her head, "If what Sir Reinhard told me about Hakugei was true, then I can at least make Hakugei unable to fly. At that time, we can attack him without fearing its most fearsome ability, and that is his ability to fly."

The tent went silent for a while, until Crusch nodded her head, "We will be counting on you, Arturia-sama."


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