This is the story of the Male Clone and a Female Android The love story begins here in the World of Hope.

One day in the city of U.S. there was man name Maniac he is an inventor of the project N.E.W.H.U.M.A.N and he planned to create a perfect new species called the Android and the Clone. Dr. Maniac is a head of the project N.E.W.H.U.M.A.N and he planned to help the world by using a clone and an android he will use the android to help humanity from their works and households and Dr. Maniac will use the clone as an army.

Dr. Maniac found a perfect host for his clone armies and the host name is Jango he is the General of the project N.E.W.H.U.M.A.N he is a wise, strong, fearless and loyal to the Republic. Dr. Maniac's daughter name Grace was the face host of androids and she is also the hand of the project N.E.W.H.U.M.A.N she is genius, beautiful, hot and respectful of the republic.

Dr. Maniac introduced his project N.E.W.H.U.M.A.N to all city in the world and all the president of the cities approved to his works and also support him to improve his project. Dr. Maniac begins his project N.E.W.H.U.M.A.N and begin to distribute the clones and androids from all over the world with no paid. The Androids is a better worker than the real human they all genius and respectful. The Clones are better soldier than the real human they strong and loyal.

After many Years ago the humanity became abuse to the clones and the androids they use them to their dirty works and crimes. Dr. Maniac mad at this situation he reset and program the clones and the androids that if the human will make them bad or evil they will kill their human owner immediately but the process is failed the machine was explode and general Jango and dr. Maniac's daughter Grace was died. Somewhere in the city of U.S. One Male Clone and One Female Android has been reset from their mind wake up and acting like a strange human.

The Male Clone name is Fives and The Female Android name is Elara. Fives is a sniper unit in the military camp and Elara is a maid in the family house. Fives found a great friend and also fatherly figure in the military and that is his human old man commander and his name was commander shepherd. Elara found a perfect human owner and that is the family Watson they are kind and animal lover they also respect Elara as their family member.

Fives tells his good friend shepherd about what happened to him and shepherd shocked about why Fives is no longer acting like a clone and he ask "what happened to you boy?" shepherd confused, "I don't know I just woke up and this is what happened to me now" fives says, fives also confused about what happened to him. Elara was still working in the house of Watson family but mrs. Watson notice that there is something happening to Elara. Mrs. Watson ask Elara to calculate there grocery but Elara tells mrs. Watson that there is something happening to her and mrs. Watson shocked that Elara is no longer acting like an android and mrs. Watson says "Elara is that really you?!" mrs. Watson confused, Elara replied "yes this is me mrs. Watson I don't know why is this happening to me" Elara confused too, mrs. Watson ask her to relax for a moment and tells her family that Elara is acting like a human. mr. Watson and Watson kids and also Watson pets shocked about the truth that their Android is acting like a human but instead of scared they all both happy and proud of what happened to their android.

to be continue.....