Chapter Two Open Minded

While the family Watson happy about what happened to Elara but in fives life is different. In fives life is terrible because he is a soldier and only commander shepherd is the only one who understand him. Shepherd is confused to what happened to his friend fives. He ask last thing to him and he say "son do you feel pain?", and fives say "I feel pain in my head*, shepherd shocked and he say *maybe that is your inhibitor chip boy*, fives ask *what is an inhibitor chip sir?*, shepherd say *inhibitor chip is a Mmmmm i don't know what that means boy heheh I'm sorry*, fives say *maybe is time to find out what is that means sir*.

While in the in the project N.E.W.H.U.M.A.N. laboratory. Dr. Maniac wakes up and shout the name of his daughter "Grace where are you?!!!!!!" Dr. Maniac looks everywhere to find his daughter but in the sad life Dr. Maniac found his daughter die in the explosion along with general jango and the others. Dr. Maniac shout "I will curse you humanity until the time will come I will destroy all of your kind by my creation and by my intelligence all of you will die!!!!!!!" Dr. Maniac cries while holding his daughter's corpse until the ambulance arrives and all the medical personnel. They help all the injuries including Dr. Maniac and they find the others.

While in the house of family Watson. The children of Watson family play with Elara outside along with their pets and Mr.and Mrs. Watson happy about what happened to Elara. But Elara feels something bad and inside her mind is fives. While in the military camp fives feels the same way as Elara does and inside fives mind is Elara. Elara shocked about what is happening to her and Watson children brought her inside the house and ask her if she is okay and Elara replied "i am okay don't worry", Mr. and Mrs. Watson ask her what happened to her and Elara says "inside in my mind I see a man", but the family Watson is a dirty minded people and they say "maybe that is your future husband Elara hahahahaha", they laughs and so happy. But Elara is still confused and shy she don't know who is that man. While in the military camp shepherd ask fives if he is okay and fives reply "yes I'm fine and I saw a beautiful woman, shepherd says "a beautiful woman?! what the fuck is that fives?!", fives says "well I don't know I'm just...I'm just curious you know".

While in the military camp fives asking shepherd about the woman he saw in his mind and fives says, "I don't know, who she is but I'm sure she is beautiful", shepherd laughs and he says to fives "hahahahaha boy you are really different from other clones hahahahaha" shepherd laughs harder. But Fives is still confused and begin to have a little feelings for Elara. While in the midnight of the house of family Watson Elara is thinking about Fives. While in the military camp Fives also thinking about Elara.

In the morning come all Family Watson including Elara wakes up and back to there work and bonding time. While in the military camp fives is preparing for his duty. While in the house of family Watson Mrs. Watson ask Elara if she fall in love to the man that she saw yesterday and Elara says "I don't know who is he I hope he is a good guy", Mrs. Watson smiles and tells Elara "I hope he is true and I hope he is your future husband Elara heheh", and Elara smiles and her love rating is increased. While in the military camp fives tells commander shepherd that he want to leave in the military camp and to find the woman he saw in his mind shepherd says that outside in the camp is more cruel than inside the camp and shepherd also says that if you leave the camp they will find you again.

While in the military camp fives and the other clones are preparing for the battle and there head leader is commander shepherd. The battle starts and all the clones are landing in the battlefield and the enemies are landing too. While the war is starting there is an old Female General Notice that Fives is one of the strongest clone fighting in the combat and he defeat hundreds of enemies by his own strategy in the fight. While the general curious about Fives she ask commander Shepherd what is the name of that clone and commander shepherd tell her that clones name is fives.

to be continue...