Chapter Three The Escape and The Hero

While the battle is raging from the previous chapter. Fives is still the strongest of the clones. while the clones are resting in the battle fives have been call to the main camp and then fives follow the order he go through the main camp and found the female general and his commander shepherd. The female general tell him that her name is General Garsa and she is the leader of all army of the republic of United States of America. Fives respect her as he respect his commander shepherd.

General Garsa tells Fives that she admire his skills and fighting style in combat. General Garsa gives fives the rank of sergeant. But Fives reject her offer and tells her that all he need is a freedom. Commander shepherd change the subject and tells that he is already hungry and offers them to eat. General Garsa confused for what did fives say but instead of doubting his action. General Garsa respect that fives rejected the offer.

While in the village where the family Watson lives Elara always do her job and act like there's nothing happened to her. Mrs. Watson ask Elara to buy a foods in the grocery store and Elara follows her order. While Elara buy foods in the grocery store she saw a TV news in the Appliance store. She saw that the war is starting in the other country and there clones are the heroes who save the world and destroy all the bad guys. Elara happy about the news and continue to buy in the grocery store.

While in the battlefield continue fives team and the other regions win the war. While the clones shout happily as they win the war. There is a missile accidentally fall to fives and the other clones position. Because of the missile many clones have been found missing including fives. While Military search for missing clones. Fives woke up and breath heavily he happy that he is still alive and he try to go back in the camp but there is a whispers in his ears and then he realize that this is his only choice to escape in the camp. Fives decided to escape the camp and go to the city.

While in the city. Elara finished buy all mrs. Watson's orders and she decided to go home. While Elara arranged her grocery in the car she hear that there is a female shouting. Elara lock her car and try to find where the scream came from and she finds that there is a woman fighting with group of man. Elara tells the man to stop what they do to her but the man laughs at her and tells her get out here pussy. The man grab the women's arm and keeps laughing.

Elara feels angry and punch the first man's ribs and the first man slowly fall to the ground and collapse. All the man get angry and attack Elara one by one but Elara didn't show weaknesses she brutally destroyed all the man. After she destroyed all the man Elara tells the woman if she alright the woman say thank you to Elara for saving her. Elara notice that she have been caught buy the people around her instead of scared all the human and android around her clapping and happy that Elara is a good android hero and there is a smiles in Elara's face.

to be continue...