Chapter Four The happy and The suffer

The continue of the previous event. in The military camp Commander Shepherd and General Garsa still searching for the clone survivors. While in the peaceful forest fives run away as long as he can. While fives keeps running he saw a high way and he realize maybe this is the way to go into the city and escape the military life. Fives continue running in the right direction.

While in the city. Elara take the bag of the woman she save and give it to her again. The woman smiles and say thank you to her. Elara happy that she is not just an android worker but she is also a savior. The people around her keeps clapping while she go back to her car and and say thank you to the people who supports her. While Elara starting the car and go there is a man that notice Elara was an android but she didn't act like an android behavior.

While in the forest. Fives continue to run far far away as he can. Fives hear a sound from the very far place and he follows it. While Fives follow the sound he saw a bunch of goats running in the street. The goats running towards fives and fives run faster as he can but the goats are more faster than him. The goats hit fives in the back and fives falls in to the deep place and get unconcious. The goats keeps running but fives didn't notice that he already in the sound that he follow earlier. The sound that he have been followed was a sound from a small village.

While in the city. Elara get back to home and the family Watson saw her and the kids hugs her and says " you are our hero Elara " the kids says. Mr. Watson and Mrs.Watson tell Elara that she is now a famous and they all proud of her. Elara happy and hugs the whole family Watson including the pets. They all proud and happy about how Elara act like a human and not an android. Elara says thank you to the family Watson because they always there for her and support her. Mr. Watson helps Elara to put all her grocery inside the house and Mrs. Watson personally says thank you to her. Elara feels happy and feeling loved by the family that adopt her and choose her to be there android.

While in the forest. Fives wakes up and stand up slowly continue to walk as long as he can and keep following the sound. He didn't notice that he is already in the village. Fives keeps walking and walking until he stop and hold in the handle of a truck and says "almost there beautiful girl I'm coming for you and I will now know the answer" fives says. Fives decided to go inside the back of the truck and getting rest while the driver of the truck didn't notice that there was a man in his truck. The man of the truck start the the truck goes to the city while fives is relaxing in there.

While in the city. Mr. Watson and Mrs. Watson watch a news about the war in the other place and Elara also watch the news. Elara's care program has been increase and Elara keep watching the news about what happened in the war. She saw that war was so cruel because there are so many clones die because of the explosion of the bomb. Elara also saw that there are so many missing clones including fives.

to be continue.....